@M3o5nster @splinter10 Depends on the person, how they act, dress, personality and how they present themselves as a whole. Getting a hot girlfriend doesn't take as much work as most people think, the real problem is finding a Hot girl that is actually interesting with a good personality. Now that's challenging.
@Trahnyr012 based on the rumored specs, my current PC is far more powerful then the "next generation" not to mention we have steam, and hundreds of games that will never be on consoles. instead of being a tool, why don't you just play games on all platforms like a real gamer and not some biased IL-informed brat.
@M3o5nster @FreedomPrime @707107 I choose not own a house because I have no need for one. as far as education why? My girlfriend has a 4 year plus 3 years of grad and i make more then she does. Not to mention video games is a passion of mine and i get to work with them everyday. also, owning a PC, a ps3 and a 360 is not a huge investment like a house sir lol.
@707107 @FreedomPrime Your statement is confusing me sir, in what was my statement aggressive? I believe it was appropriate considering he was claiming that I was acting like the world revolved around myself. Toast does sound great tho.
I should admit that I do have an advantage that most people don;t, I get 25% off everything at my store. the one hobby I do have that is really expensive is my warhammer addiction. I just dropped $900 on a new necron force. which is about 3,000 points worth of models. :( I need help.
@Coco_pierrot @FreedomPrime I play guitar, have been for 8 years. I have a dean dimebag darrel ML, a jackson RR3. and a vypr 75watt amp. I also play warhammer 40k tabletop game. I have a 4,000 point space wolves army. i also play magic the gathering. so yes, I do have a lot of hobbies. also I do have a girlfriend of 4 years as well. I do not have children tho and that makes collection a lot easier.
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