@Rackjaw if you don't like fighting games that's fine, but don't comment on a genre tat you clearly are not educated on. Tekken is great and doesn't need to innovate. Fighting games rely on adding new characters that drastically play different from each other. The balance between each character is what makes every fighting game unique and worth playing. also, the fighting system for each game itself could be considered innovative. Like how MVC introduced advancing guard to the vs series, or cross combo, burst from guilty gear, tagging in for chain combos, x factor and many other systems that drastically change each fighter. you just mad cause you don't understand hows these games work and you hate losing to people who are clearly better then you.
a @pal_080 also, building your own PC has been around for quite some time now. I strongly feel that it has to do a lot with the lack of new console hardware and advancements. that's why I switched. i was sick of playing dated looking games that ran at 30fps.
@pal_080 true, opinions are not fact, but he really did make tom stutter a few times. his opinion on the steam box those in my eyes was spot on. challenging tom about the vita was priceless. I should have not used the word clowns. he didn't make them look like clowns he was just a far better debater then they were and clearly had a advantage from all that crack he was smoking.
you guys might not want to invite davis on the show again because he really made you two look like clowns. I do love you guys, but that man owned you two on almost every topic.
last time I was on steam there was over 2 million people on steam, that's pretty huge. granted alot of them here idle, but there were still connected none the less. PC gaming in my opinion is growing, maybe because of the lack of new console hardware, maybe because of steam and it's awesomeness but my point is that PC gaming is growing.
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