I played day z, it really wasnt that great. the idea is great, the execution tho is not. and so far war z looks really buggy but still better then war z. hopefully they fix everything before launch.
geez, tom really hated this game. I find it to be fun and most of the complaints he pointed out really were not a issue for me. I think tom is a little cynical.
I want a monster hunter game on the 360 and ps3, full HD graphics and supports play station network and Xbox live and split screen co op. Capcom, make it happen and you will receive my moneh.
@mdboomer I don't think you understand what a quick time event is sir..... those were combos that were just being displayed as they were being pressed to show what inputs were being used in said combo. just like in a fighting game when in practice mode. it's just recapping what buttons where pressed. it makes remembering combos easier. also the parts where the game slows down are just for dramatic affect. a quick time event is a narrative scene that can only be progressed by pressing a button or motion that is being prompted. served.
@Greyfeld @cursealoud people like you are the reason why so many games get dumb ed down and simplified. alot of us like complicated systems because it gives us freedom to experiment and a sense of satisfaction when such systems are mastered.
FreedomPrime's comments