I'd like to be excited about this, but two things keep that from happening: 1.) Face 2.) Book I have yet to see a game on Facebook that you can actually play for more than a couple of minutes at a time (without buying energy, that is), or that doesn't spam you again and again and again to spend real money, or that try to force you to add dozens of people to your friends list just to meet some in-game requirement. Plus, most of them seem to follow the same template of building and maintaining something, which more often than not revolves around a lot of time spent waiting for minutes, hours, or even days. Not exactly compelling gameplay, unless spending real money to complete every in-game task interests you.
@mjc0961 @fenix0003 @sortajan It doesn't always work, though. I posted a reply in another topc with paragraph breaks much like you mentioned, and, when I posted it, it all ended up as one paragraph anyway.
Everything he said could also be applied to Facebook games. Shallow games with the option to skip the gameplay itself for a "small" fee. As a gamer, I REFUSE to pay real money for something that I could just as easily earn by ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME. Else, why even play the game?
Well duh! Maybe it's because most FPS games follow the same cookie cutter formula, and because there's so many of them out there like this. Seems ironic that it's a TimeSplitters dev that's saying this, since TS was one of, if not THE, most original and entertaining FPS games ever made, not to mention the fact that it's was loaded with features and tons of replay value, AND (let's not forget this) A FRIGGIN MULTIPLAYER MAP EDITOR!!! But, of course, they're not gonna make another one any time soon. Not enough money in it for them, it seems. Never mind how much the fans want it. Never mind the sheer potential it holds. No, let's just continue on our straight line path into oblivion. If people wonder why the industry is in the sorry state it is today, it's because of idiots like this.
In my opinion, Angry Birds isn't a bad game. It's just that it's the latest in a long line of similar games. What makes it stand out is the fact that it's packaged and marketed for mainstream appeal.
You know what, Nintendo? You don't even have to release it here (since it's already in English). Just get rid of the region lock, and all will be good. We already know it can be done. In fact, it HAS been done: with MODS!! But mods are "bad", right? So maybe you could release an official update that'd do the job. Yeah, that sounds good. Am I dreaming? Yes. But dreams can come true.
Nintendo, for the love of all that is holy, can you not see what you're doing by not releasing this here in the US? Can you not see how many people want this game, and are EXTREMELY put-off by your continued insistence on denying NA games of this caliber? I know this has been said before, but it bears repeating (a LOT): Why can we get literally dozens of shovelware games, no problem, but anything of this level of quality, we're denied? Again and again, NOA shuts us out. Wake up! The Wii is literally DYING for games like these (or a lack thereof).
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