I'd like to see them go more than a few months from a game's release before hyping up the next one. Last year, they announced BO3 back in April. After that, there was little mention of AW. Shows just how much they think of their product, and the teams that make them.
To me, this just seems like another way to get people to pay more for a finished product. I mean, they're already nickel and diming us to death with DLC, so now they want to do it with the games by breaking more of them down into bite-sized chunks and charging more for each one overall? Not to say that they're all greedy enough to want to do it, thankfully, but it still makes a gamer worry just hearing about it.
I'm a consumer, EA, and I'm not 'enjoying and embracing' microtransactions at all. In fact, I tend to avoid them like the plague. Frankly, I'm sickened by the way they're being used and abused these days. When a game offers you the ability to skip over portions of the game just by paying a fee, then why bother playing at all? I know they're a business, and businesses need to make money to survive, but a little artistic integrity wouldn't hurt.
So the graphics will be better than they are now? That's great, really, but how does this affect gameplay exactly? I don't consider social integration much of an advancement, since we pretty much have that now with the current gen, so EA (and other developers), how about coming up with some examples of REAL gameplay innovations, hm?
More taxes. Great. Just means more money for them to spend (waste) on whatever they feel like (themselves, for instance.) I know the article says it's for helping Connecticut families, but we all know where it'll really end up.
Rebooting the series sounds like an interesting idea on paper, but considering what they've done with the series recently, I'd be afraid of what the new games would be like.
My suggestion: continue from where RE:Remake started, as far as the upgrades it received, and work on doing the same with 2, 3, and Code Veronica.
Guns have been around long before video games, and violence has been around much longer that that. It's human nature to be violent, it's just that some people have more self control and common sense than others.
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