Frizby3's forum posts
This is the crux off it, people are still holding onto the belief that the PS3 is somehow capable of the gfx that were essentially CGI movies. Sony's misrepresentation was so grand that it's almost mythical, and it's difficult for some to shake it off. Tell a lie so big, so unbelievable and incredible - that people will have no choice but believe it. But believe this - you will not see those gfx, not on a 360 - and much less so on a PS3. Also it's important to not mistake art direction with technical prowess. Style, efficient use of assets, trickery and workarounds are what primarily makes a game pleasing to the eye. FrizBut ps3 exclusives look better than 360 exclusives... ff13 and killzone 2 for example.
But it's really just a matter of "Will they really look like that",if Sony can prove this at this years E3 then you'll know.
15:30, Apr 18th 2007 by Neil Long
Gameseek leads the way as PS3 price continues to tumble at retail.
The online retailer is currently selling Sony's new console at an unprecedented £387.87, and, Gamestation, and WH Smith have also all been selling the console for under £400. Similarly Tesco and Amazon continue to offer several eye-catching deal software deals on the barely one-month old console."PS3 performed well pre-launch and the first week of release, but since then sales have dropped considerably," said Gameseek boss Stephen Staley. "I am sure the deal will help matters. I personally believe the cuts are down to overstocking from launch. Credit goes to Sony for supplying for all of the demand, however this has left most retailers with alot of stock and with the consoles costing around £400 you can imagine, its not healthy for any business to have alot of PS3 consoles gathering dust in a warehouse."
Gameseek has even resorted to selling at a loss to boost PS3 demand. "We are obviously selling the console at a loss to try and attract new customers to our site. We are sure the PS3 is going to be big business for us over the next eight years so to get a good foothold in this market is essential," added Staley.
Maybe your correct and 360 is stronger than PS3 ...
 Or maybe devlopers building 3 split programs running off 1 pool of RAM with AA being handled with 10mb buffer find it hard to convert that program to 6 SPE + 1 PowerPC core, 2 pools of RAM and no 10 mb buffer to handle AA ...
 I mean PS3 is hard to devlop for in the first placves -- its 5x harder to devlop for when your starting with a build that focuses on the weaknesses of PS3 ...
 While PS3 exclusives like LAIR would require new engines and a complete re-do of the way it runs becasue it focuses on streaming - a PS3 strength and a 360 weakness + bottleneck ....
 Wait until all / most multiplats are made on PS3 then ported to 360 -- both versions will be the same then ... ( its easier to merge then split up code and allocation ... )
The problem with all this is of course the idea that multiplats will be made on PS3 and ported to 360. Once again it comes down to cost of development. A software house would roll out a new game a week if it was physically possible.Â
The PS3's inherent difficulty blows out delivery time frames to far beyond that of the 360. For each single PS3 game, a developer can potentially complete 2 projects on a 360. The sad truth is that PS3 will forever be second fiddle to the bustling support the 360 enjoys. I predict the shrinking of multiplatform support onto the PS3 -or- forever second rate ports. Beleive it or not.
The only reason PS3 exclusives look reasonable is because there is no equivalent to compare them against.Â
Hypothetically if Motorstorm was also available on 360, it potentially would have better textures, or perhaps run at 60fps vs the PS3's 30fps. Have AA, or enhanced lighting.
All this nonsense about PS3 being more powerful is disheartening in how people can be so easily misled by marketing hoopla.  And what's worse, keep on believing it disappointment after disappointment.
I'll repeat what has most likely been highlighted many times before...the 360 has 3 PPC cores vs PS3's single core. The PS3 has the 7 SPU's - but the proof is in the pudding that their DPS like architecture does not align itself to game program logic. There are many comprehensive studies to that effect that have been published - look and you'll find. There is a difference between game logic and the logic for decoding streaming data.
But putting aside the CPU differnces - the PS3's graphics processor is not in the same league as the 360's...and I imagine this is where the BIG shortcoming is. If it cannot render the pixels and special effects as quickly - of course it's not going to match the faster GPU. Those claiming that the CELL can assist the GPU to overcome it's deficiencies may as well put away that argument. CPU assisted geometry culling can just as well be applied to the 360, PC, etc. also boosting those equivalently. But again, the 80-20 rule comes in....developers will be always be reluctant to divert the majority of their budget on achieving minor results - this is what we are witnessing today with lousy PS3 game versions.
Stick a state of the art gfx card in an average single core PC platform vs a DUAL core processing monster but with a budget GPU - and tell me which will be a better gaming machine....
Further to this is the embarrassingly idiotic PS3 memory architecture - essentially gimping itself to half the texture memory available to 360. Now overcoming this is certainly improbable - if not downright impossible.
People knock devs for releasing crap games - but the reality is that Sony needs to be blamed for releasing hardware that is monstrously difficult to get reasonable results out off.
With ubisoft being heavily criticised for Splinter Cell DA - it seems that their other heavy hitters namely RB6 Vegas and GRAW2 are delayed, signifying extra work on the games. If after all this the result is still a pale shadow of the 360's versions, stop and think for a minute why that is.
The 360 is a thoroughbred gaming machine first and foremost. The PS3 is a BluRay player under the guise of a gaming machine, and as such is a jack of all trades and master of none. If anybody thinks the PS3 will match the 360 thought any of it's lifetime are setting themselves up for severe disappointment.
PREDICTION : GTA IV 360 will look better and run smoother than on PS3. Just like PC's, consoles are GPU bound - not cpu.Â
The Cell can run itself around in circles all it wants, but it's all a moot point if it cannot render the data onto the screen. This is the price Sony is already paying and will continue paying due to having a last gen GPU compared to the 360 true next gen setup. Also the inefficient of PS3's memory architecture further criples it.
PS3 is a decent console - but it's not a patch on the elegance and all round power of the 360. Most devs are staying tight lipped just how crap the PS3 is to dev for and how much blood and sweat they need to invest in just matching the trivial power of the 360. Bad for business etc.
Print this out and bury it!
Cynamite has managed to get its hands on a European PAL PS3 prior to the official launch date, and has begun performing backwards compatibility testing.
The list of games tested are claimed by Cynamite to be the top-twelve PS2 software titles, and are listed as followed:
God of War, MGS 2: Sons of Liberty, MGS 3: Snake Eater, Shadow of the Colossus, Guitar Hero 2, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, Okami, GTA: Liberty City Stories, Eragon, Final Fantasy X-2, Ratchet & Clank 3, Lumines Plus
Its reported that only ONE of these twelve games operates properly - Eragon. All other titles refused to run
Oh-oh! Sony will get another feather in their cap for betraying their loyal fans - just how much abuse can they ditch out ?!? And how much can the fans take?
>> From the press release:
Xbox 360 has been voted best games console by consumers at ReviewCentre.Com, the leading consumer review website.
Gaynor Holt, Chief Operations Officer at, said: "Congratulations to Microsoft for the Xbox 360. This award is richly deserved because it is based on the overwhelming positive response of the Xbox 360's users. Gamers are bowled over by the gaming experience and value for money that the Xbox 360 offers in today's highly competitive gaming market."
Visitors to Review Centre.Com rated the Microsoft Xbox 360 as the top games console for 2006.
The Xbox 360 was overwhelmingly recommended by gamers at the Review Centre website fighting off competition from over 35 other games consoles listed for review. It gained especially impressive marks from fans for its graphics displays, sound quality, overall enjoyment and value for money.
Consumers variously describing the 360 throughout the year as "a masterpiece" and "a childhood dream come true."
"Nothing, but nothing currently comes close to the 360 in terms of graphics or sound," said one gamer.
The Xbox 360's award is based on averages of ratings and user comments submitted by customers to Review Centre in 2006, and also for the overall ratings and comments featured at the Review Centre website.
The Xbox 360's graphics gained a stunning 8.3 out of 10 rating at the Review Centre site.
A total of 67 per cent of reviews at Review Centre recommended the Xbox360.
To read the reviews, comments and ratings for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and other award winners please visit
No kiddin!!Lemming fanboys.. think they are on top of the world cause they got a 10m head start!You've officially won the Fakeboy badge of the month award ! Pat yourself on the back.
I got to admit i have a 360 but ill be selling soon!and if u ask me why here are the reasons!
1.Games that 360 dont have!
2.360 hardware is not all that bid still trying to see the the power of this system!
3.Every game i got.. it looks crap and i should keep trying ..cause i need to keep asking myself WTF..400 for this?
4.If i buy gears.. and find out the game is short and the maps are small.. im done!
I remember when i first got Mega drive,Snes,PS,PS2.. i used to play everyday,but my 360 is just a dust collector,4 games and no fun!
Soo what all this have to do with this post ?
Im going to get a PS3 cause 360 can't do what Sony gave me da 2 last gen!
Tiago Fontana
The past week some POSTIVE news (for once) has started to flow out from Sony. It started with their presentation at GDC 07 with Home and Little Big Planet which was met with open arms. Playstation Edge was also introduced to help developers create greater games easier. Then came the Def Jam: Icon and NBA Street review which showed that PS3 games that are multiplat are starting to match the 360's (no more inferior ports ftw). Next, Sony has patched things up with Immersion and the SIXAXIS seems to be getting rumble incorporated into as well (there's also an article on Kotaku about Cory Barlog talking about it). Speaking of Kotaku, for once they have stopped reporting so much negative news/rumors about the PS3 and are now reporting some postive info. PS3 sales in Japan have increased while the Wii/360's have fell, due to Gundam: Musou. Downloadable goodies are coming to Resistance free of charge, and on some PS2/PSP news, God of War II is launching and God of War PSP is coming. Without a doubt, God of War 3 is coming to the PS3 as well. I'd say this is the best week Sony has had in a long time. w00t w00t.ICON as good on PS3 as 360? I've noticed a lot here looking towards IGN as the saviour to PS3 Gamspot chronic floppage...I present to you IGN's Def Jam: Icon Review's...hold onto your hat : Def Jam: Icon (X360) = 7.0 Def Jam: Icon (PS3) = 6.7 "Without the Soundtrack feature and a step slower than the 360 version........Icon stumbles in its overall play." Please let's not get razy here. PS3 is not upto 360 standards just yet. Friz
Discuss. >_> _>
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