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FrozenDragon123 Blog

5 things you did not know about me

Well this is long over due but I found out I was tagged a while back and never did one of these. So here we go: 1. My first console was the Sega Genesis. I had sonic 3, Sonic and knuckles, Jurassic park, Aladdin, and Castlevania Bloodlines. It died from being overheated because I paused it and left it on for a while. 2. I am a very emo person. I am either very happy, or very pissed of, or very sad and I get that way easily I believe this is caused by excess energy, short temper, and low self esteem respectively. Just because I'm emo doesn't mean I cut, I think that is just painful and stupid. People need to get their terminology right. 3. I play guitar, piano, and want to learn drums. I have a grand piano, electric keyboard, I got a $300 acoustic guitar for free, and want I drum set but I am worried people will call the cops on me for making to much noise. I like every kind of rock except: black metal, death metal, Glam, Pop(rock). 4. I have many shoes/ sneakers there are many to pick from so I sometimes don't know which to wear. This is strange because I am not a woman. 5. My favorite movies are The Number 23, Saw series, The Warriors, Crash, and Watership Down (drama about rabbits lolz). Bonus: The picture of the poster on my blog space was part of a viral marketing campaign for the 2007 Nine Inch Nails album "Year Zero". I think that pretty good amount of info. peace out for now.

Games that ruin franchises pt2: Retro

Well, here we go again this is part two in Games that ruin franchises. Here is three more games that really made you wonder why the developers even bothered. Well we are going retro for this one and going back to when games were 2d and you didn't need tons of money to get a good game collection. These game are probably not well known to some people and there's a good reason for that. Street Fighter Movie Game  yeah the movie was bad, but this is even worse. everything that made street fighter 2 great had been removed and replaced by a game that looks like a mortal combat ripoff. Not only that but the character models are taken right out of the movie so the animations look awkward and the voice over work sound really bad. The fighting engine has also been tweaked in a bad way and everything tries to be more real and gritty. If you want a game that is more violence focused and does not suck, try mortal combat. As for this game, don't touch it. This movie/game is a prime example of what happens when you make a game from a movie and a movie from a game. Frozen says: 4/10 Mario's Time machine  Wait what? Theres a mario game with time travel? Most people don't remember this game, and its probably for the best. I guess this game is all about educating people. To bad its no fun at all. Instead of getting to play a mario game with a cool concept you get a bunch of fill in the blank choices about history. To find the answer to the multiple choice questions in the game you must travel back in time talk to tons of people about nothing and receive small pieces of information, and pick the one right answer out of like 40 difrent answers to pick form. This game is TERRIBLE there is NO action (except a surfing sequence) barely any animation besides mario and most of all its not fun. Its just boring and tedious, work is more fun. Frozen says: 3/10 Zelda: Wand of Gamelon  This was one of the worst mistakes nintendo ever made for the Zelda series. They let another company handle a zelda game for the CD-i. Anyone who has seen one of the horrific cutscenes can tell you what's wrong with this game. The gameplay was just plain terrible mostly because it was controlled by mouse and the characters moved so stiffly. Heck its not even overhead view like most zelda games in the past. Its a side scrolling nightmare with bad combat with wildebeests and the worst jumping I have ever seen. But the worst is the voice acting, listen at it and laugh, because its a joke just like this entire game. Frozen says: 1/10 Looking back on these games I like to think that developers have learned what not to do with games. Part 3 coming soon.

Games that ruin franchises (pt. 1)

Many gamers know that when game gets rated high and sells well it usually gets a sequel. And when it does well enough it sometimes it will spawn multiple sequels. But what happens when developers get greedy and push out a new game in the series as fast as possible? Well, the game loses quality and the series gets that one game that could have been. Here are some games that sucked compared to their counterparts. Devil May Cry 2  Ummm I don't know what they were thinking when they made this game. They must of thought it was a good idea to dumb down the fighting system, made the levels more bland to remove the atmosphere, and made Dante the silent type instead of the total badass he was in the first. This game could have been good if they used some of the elements that made the first game fantastic, but instead they wanted to experiment and failed to make a game worthy of the Devil may cry name. This game isn't that bad an action game but compared to the other DMC games it really blows. Frozen says: 6.5/10 Def Jam: Icon  EA Chicago handled the Fight night series incredibly well. But when they got a chance at making Def Jam Icon, they did not do such a good job. Looking back on the series, it included tons of innovative features that made it great such as interactive environments, weapons, fighting styles, and over the top finishers. Well ICON removes these features and instead the gamer will have to deal with a fighting system that seems eerily close to Fight night, and in a really bad way. The game seems really slow paced and instead of special move you have sloooooow punching/kicking and this stupid scratching system where you wiki wiki wiki like your favorite DJ and the environment reacts to your advantage. While this is creative it just doesn't work. This can be said about the rest of the game too. Frozen says: 6/10 Megaman Star force  ugggh now this is where I start to get sick. As the Battle Network series comes to a close Capcom released this failure game. The problem with this game is that it is just a worse version of Battle network. It rehashes lots of enemies from BN and the major characters are just plan corny. The story is also dumb and there is no reason to care. The battle screen may be now 3d but you can basically move on only 3 tiles instead of the previous 9 and the way you pick your chips/cards for your attack gives you less freedom. All of these problems make the game very hard to like (and this is coming from a megaman fan) this game is a downgrade to an already dead series. Frozen says: 5/10 This is the end of part one; sorry if it I sounded whiney but seriously what is this BS? Part 2 coming soon.

A poem about one of my favorite games

I found an old poem I made a while ago and fixed it up. It's about one of my favorite franchises. Some of the things said in this poem will be more understandable if you have played the original Doom before or know information about the game. If not enjoy anyways, I put some work into this. Ode to Doom As I walked down the isle I sighed with relief a copy of software just in my reach I grabbed the last copy ran to the counter as soon demons and zombies I would hope to encounter I finally got home and popped in my game I threw out Sim city cause it was f**king lame My mouth dripped with drool as I saw the screen on top of dead bodies was a pissed space Marine I looked at my settings and picked "Hey not too rough" Just in case the game was too tough I played for days living off candy bars finding a way to get off of mars I passed through many doors blue, yellow, and red while fighting imps, pink things, and of course the undead At last, the end of episode one I picked up the health and checked my shotgun I went up the lift and faced the two beasts they were big and hungry and ready to feast I ran full force and tried to be a hero but soon after that my health went to zero The demons took over and ate my bone marrow as I yelled, and stomped and cursed John Romero I was so close, the battle almost won but I guess ill start over since it was fun This story is true I can't tell a lie If you pick Quake over Doom then go f*ck off and die

Question for ps3 fans

Hey just a quick question for people who have a ps3. Does anyone care if Dualshock 3 is coming out? I mean.... is anyone going to be getting this controller? It has rumble but I remember I often use to turn off the rumble on my PS2 controllers. Also the Dualshock 3 is like 6 times heavier then the Sixaxis. Rumble seems dead to me, so I was just asking, are you guys hyped for the new DS3 or do you just don't care for rumble like me?

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I just got Uncharted: Drakes's Fortune and I am seriously impressed. In my opinion this game is the best in my collection and surpasses my previous favorite game Devil May Cry 4. Nate and Elana are cool likable characters and the platforming and fire fights are really fun. The story and voice acting is also really good, reminds me of a Indiana Jones film. This game has even taken a spot on my top ten replacing Shadow of the Colossus. This game should be in anybody's collection if they own a ps3.

Ramen Noodles

I just got back from the ramen noodle place eating my favorite bowl of ramen noodles. And then I wondered "do people really know how ramen should be done?" I mean ramen is popular in the states, but only those Maruchan bagged ramen with powdered soup base. "But Brian what other kinds are there?" you ask? Well Ramen has many different forms. Let me tell you about them: *Shio: This is a clear type ramen that is quite thin. Served with chicken broth, this is a simple ramen that is the oldest of all ramen *Tonkotsu: a Flat white raman noodle that is served inside a murcky pork broth. Served with some ginger and honey or BBQ pork. *Shoyu: Pepper seasoned, really good for just vegetable ramen, but better when served with BBQ pork. It's aperrence is much like Maruchan noodles but kinda thinner and slightly less yellow. *Miso: The new kid on the block. In Chicken broth and seasoned with Soybean paste, sometimes topped with butter and sweet corn So there you have it the four basic types of ramen. Even Maruchan can be made into really class ramen when made right. you should always use broth instead of water. Seasoning makes the ramen taste better and you can control how much you want. As for the toppings, top it with really toppings, not packaged mini vegetables. Toppings very from seafood, to types of pork, boiled vegi's, sliced hardboild eggs, onions, or beef. Seasonings include salt, butter, black pepper, soy paste(my personal favorite), or soy sause. Ramen is great because you can make it and order it in so many styles. I recommend everyone to go order some real ramen next time you go to a big city. You won't be disappointed!

Guitar hero - Something that bothers me

Guitar hero has obviously made a impact on the gaming industry. The newest one features downloadable songs, and with the introduction of Rock band, the popularity of these games have sky rocketed. But I was wondering, do games like guitar hero lower the apprecation of bands and their music? For example, I was playing "Woman" and a kid went up to me and said "Hey Guitar Hero!" I was like "what???" Also friend of mine who hates Guitar hero, was going to play "Cliffs of Dover" at the talent show, but when he found out that it was on the new guitar hero, he dropped the idea all together. He even said that people who arn't guitarists would have never known the song, but since it was on guitar hero every gamer knows it. I find this statement to be true. I asked a kid once "do you like Rage Against the Machine?" and he said no, he didn't like their song on guitar hero(by the way it was a cover of the song). A lot of people, when they hear a song from GH, they would immediately connect the two together or label the song a "Guitar Hero Song". Whatever happened to learning bands and songs know.... CDs and concerts and stuff? Well, just a thought I had and wanted to share it. What do you guys think of this?

Music Reveiw: Wolfmother

I bought the wolfmother album last week and was amazed at how this band brought back the old style of metal such as stoner metal and classic Hard Rock. I desided to review the album for a union i was in (final verdict) so here it is, I will other reviews soon. Artist: Wolfmother Album: Wolfmother (2006) Wolfmother is one of those bands that are hard to figure out. In recent years all those pop bands and death metal bands out there have been taking the mainstream by storm, making it hard to find bands that take it back to the early days of metal. But this is exactly what wolfmother did. This debut album is one of the strongest albums to release in recent years, and it sounds like something from the 70's. The material on this cd can be compared to that of bands such a Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. The music may be borrowing a lot from classic bands, but it still sounds a whole lot better then other bands today. Through out the album you will find that the band has a knack for catchy tunes but the lyrics might not impress, especially since some lyrics don't make much sense at all, but this can be over looked due to: heavy riffs, nicely done instrumental portions, and variety of songs. The band really separates themselves from anything else out there today by bringing metal back to its roots. They may not be completely original but if you are a fan of early 70's metal then you should definitely check this album out. A terrific stoner metal album. Good songs on the album include: Where Eagles Have Been, Minds Eye, The Joker and The Thief Rating: 9.4 / 10

My Top Ten

Well, it seems like everyone saw randomgods blog about his top ten games. It was a cool idea and I guess I'll do my top ten games. 10. Super Smash Bros. 9. Gears of War 8. Call of Duty 2 (pc) 7. Grand theft auto 3 (ps2) 6. Final fantasy 7 5. Resident evil 4 (ps2) 4. Chrono Trigger 3. Half-life 2 2. God of war 1. Metal Gear Solid In my opinion these games are great hits and everyone should give everything on this list a try
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