Well, took me months but now I can play my 360 Online!!! Woo!
Want to add me? Here's my gamertag
Not a surprise huh?
Well, took me months but now I can play my 360 Online!!! Woo!
Want to add me? Here's my gamertag
Not a surprise huh?
You must be wondering why I'm back so soon. Well, I was relaxing at home when Flame knocks on my window (how he got on the roof, I have no idea). I opened it and he yelled out with his sick voice, "I'm not officer of the NS anymore!!" So then, I shoved him inside my room and we went online and sure enough, he was demoted because he was indeed inactive and sick. I slapped him on the head and told him that everything is going to be okay.
Since then, I decided to come back with a plan. Plan W. I can't say it yet but when the time comes, it will all make sense........I think.
So, what's the main reason? When one gets demoted, a plan is made.
Since school is going to start and since I haven't taken a break fro Gamespot since April/May, I decided that very soon, I will leave Gamespot for a few months so I can relax and think of some new things. When will I leave, I have no idea. When will I return, all I can say that I can promise you a new story when I return. Something huge that 2008 can't even handle it.
I coming back on that date. As for my leaving..........I think it's almost time. To my friends, thanks again for sticking around who didn't leave for good. I want you all to be here when I return on the mentioned date above.
My next blog whenever it is will indeed be my last before I leave.
Well, one week before schools starts for me and that means Band Camp, a place where for 4 hours each day, we march and march and march. I like it cause I get to see my friends again. I hate it because we get very little breaks. Ah well, school is going to start.
So, since I have to go, I won't be online until 12 my time since I start......in an hour and it's 7 A.M. Well, cheers for the end of the summer.
I've made many sigs since I started Gimp and I would like to share them with you guys.
This one is themed after the Manga Full Metal.
Themed after two of my favorite bands: Metallica and Aerosmith.
Yes: Mario is a Rolling Stones fan. Deal with it.
More to come at a later oint in time.
Well, since in two weeks, I start school as a Senior, I decided to talk about it right here with you guys.
Nice sign. Should put it on my binder,
You now know why my school gets alot of accidents.
That sign is so true on so many levels,
No comment.
So, how are you doing when schools hunts you again?
Some of my friends here at GS are either leaving or planning to leave. I can understand that very well because of their lives and stuff. I was also wondering about when I might leave. I won't ever leave but like I said many blogs ago, I will plan my retirement from here in the future. My last leaving from here happened a week after Aj's unexpected leaving.
All I can say is that to everyone who is leaving or is planning on leaving is that you have many friends here on GS and we will always be right behind you to make sure you get back safely.
After doing some random things......again, I decided to look at my extremely dusty CD collection and see what the heck was I listening to a few years back. I picked one up and it was a Coldplay disc. Since then, my favorite now is Speed of Sound. I like it.
Also, remember those pigeons I talked about a few blogs ago? There are even more of them here Vegas then ever before. I swear,one of them came down and stole a small piece of a cookie when I was walking home from work the other day. I was like wow.
Ok, so I woke up today, shoved a waffle in my mouth and went to a Pawnshop like I always do. I was looking around and I saw a cd set that was on sale. I looked closer and my mouth feel on the floor. I saw Super Mario Galaxy Music Cd. It has all the songs of the game and everything!!! And for 5 bucks?!?!?! I was happy for my findings.
Also, if you still wanna talk to me on Yahoo or MSN, PM me then peeps.
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