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FullMetalWWant Blog

OMG!!!!! I Don't Believe It!!!!

It happened tonight on Raw! CM Punk defeated an injured Edge to become the new World Heavyweight Champion, bring the title back to Raw!!!!

Also, I told Flame that to warm up my Wii because I return home tomorrow, not Wednesday. The doctors say I can go home tomorrow!!!!

Welcome to the Fun Hospital

Well, I have a huge knee brace on my right knee now. I can walk around because of the weight of it. I decided to walk around the hospital and I saw a guy trying to go down the stairs. The next thing I saw was him falling down the stairs. :lol: It was so funny and sad at the same time because he crashed into a wall and made a huge hole in it. :lol:

As I returned from the funny moment, my dad left me a bag from McDonalds. I rushed over and it was my lunch. Trust me, the hospital stinks when it comes to food and my dad saved my life. :lol:

So, the doctors are saying I can leave on Wednesday instead of Thursday and to top it all off, my dad said that my Wii returned in the mail so now I can play again!!!!

The Bad Guy8)

Some Kind Of Monster Pt. 2

Well, after three hours of surgery, I'm out and better then ever. But I do have to stay at the hospital for a few days. I still hate it here.

I got Yahoo IM and if anyone wants to chat with me, it's fullmetalwwant. Drop me a line and I will be happy.

Some Kind Of Monster Pt. 1

Well, I am now in a hospital room, with my own room, with internet on my laptop. Now all I have to do is keep my cool until I need to go get surgery done. Until then, I'm still here. Reason why I have a blog name like that is because I feel trapped in this place.

I did a new review for a Wii game. Haven't done one since Galaxy back in November. Other then that, I'm just plain bored out of my mind. Well, time to do other things around here. The Bad Guy says to keep it cool. 8)

Wow, that some news

Well, I just found out right now that today will be my last day on Gamespot because I'm heading for the hospital tonight. I want everyone who is in my Union to get some work done while I'm gone because I want to see some work done around here.

Well chicos, I will see you next week. The Bad Guy8)

Holy.......Bad News Chicos

Well chicos, The Bad Guy here saying that I have some bad news. I had x-rays today and the doctors say that my right knee is messed up badly. I was like what? I've been walking on it for years with no pain what so ever.

So, after some yelling, I'm going into surgery because of it in a few days chicos.:|

I know, I know, this is bad. However, because of all this crud, I might get a Wii this week. But, I will be in the hospital for a few days to recover. I will inform you guys when I will leave.

As always, stay cool chicos.8)

You Guys and Your Tag Wars

I got tagged twice and since you guys already know me, I'm doing the ten things bro, Aj

1. He loves fried chicken. End of story. Put a bucket of chicken in front of him, and it's gone in 10 minutes.:lol:

2. Favorite Fast Food Place is both McDonalds and KFC (What a surprise)

3. Until his passing, he still believed in Santa Claus.

4. Favorite wrestler is Razor Ramon but decided on Stone Cold Steve Austin instead.

5. Thinks that WCW was cool until WWE kicked their butts.

6. He once kicked the TV because it froze on him when he almost beat OoT (I beat it five times, he beat it once).

7. Thinks Mario is one of the best dudes around.......I then found out it was the pizza guy down the street named Mario. :lol:

8. He can play video games and eat at the same time. I think he ate a controller button once.

9. He threw my PS3 out the window because he says it sucks. I never found my PS3 because I got another one.

10. He worked at Best Buy. End of story.

I'm bored, I Tag everyone again.

The Tag Wars Continue

I got tagged once again. Well, here's five more facts about The Bad Guy.

1. I can get Gold Stars on a few songs on Rock Band.

2. have been a wrestling fan since I was only 4 years old.

3. During Christmas, I drink more eggnog then soda

4. I have a wrestling ring in my backyard. Aj built it.

5. I convinced Aj to make an account here at Gamespot. He first said no but after giving him some fried chicken, he said yes.

Now then......:twisted:

If you read my blog, you must promise me that you will write 5 facts cause whoever reads this is Tagged!!!! :twisted:

I'm sorry but those are the rules. :|

Have a nice day chicos. :D

Rock Band Once Again *Tagged*

My cousin took my 360 for a few days and I got it back today and when I started playing Rock Band, he downloaded a few songs for me to play. One is The Perfect Drug by the Nine Inch Nails. It's a nice song but I want more songs. There might be a change because I'm getting some new things for the 360 and I'm still waiting for my Wii to return.

Tonight is also the WWE Draft. This could change everything. I'll see you guys later chicos.

Also, bak Tagged me so here's my 5 facts:

1. My favorite soccer team is Mexico and USA.

2. I play Guitar, Bass, and Vocals on Rock Band

3. I bought Rock Band Wii because I wanted to.

4. My family wanted me to be a girl. :lol:

5. My new favorite song is The Perfect Drug by the Nine Inch Nails.

Adventure In The Nintendo Wii

Well chicos, I found out that my internet is now broken and that My Wii crapped out on me so that means........I need to send it to Nintendo to fix. I sent it today and I hope to get it back by two weeks from today....maybe. I have no idea. If I'm lucky, my uncle might get me a new one.

So, I'm sorry for this problem and I'm trying to get it fix.