But do some people get the point why BC is important.michaeltiger
Fanboys doesn't get it (or they don't wanna get it); for the average joes, it maybe the reason of getting a PS3.
But do some people get the point why BC is important.michaeltiger
Fanboys doesn't get it (or they don't wanna get it); for the average joes, it maybe the reason of getting a PS3.
They need to phase the PS2 out and get people on PS3 and PS3 games. Honestly if you buy a PS3 and play PS2 games, get your brain checked.ryokinshin6x3
No they're not phasing out PS2; didn't you see they were still talking about PS2 at E3?
What they want is money with ppl buying PS2 for PS2 games and PS3 for PS3 games instead of buying PS3 for all.
I need to get my brain checked when I play PS2 games on my PS3? You're kinda... out there.
Seriously who want to hook up two machines when one machine could get all the work done, not to mention my PS2 is going to die because of old age. Get ur brain checked if you think I should buy another PS2 for PS2 games.
Blood will tell- the story is great and combined with the solid gameplay (I understand Chinese so I bought the Chinese version with Japanese dub which is much better than the English dub)
DBZ: BT 2 & 3- I don't care what others say, these two games are better and deeper than the Bokokai series. I can freakin own you if you just button smash or not (since I'm better than most)
Hot Shot Tennis- this game is the best tennis sim out there (yeah, better than than Virtual tennis and Top spin series)
Everyone just treated it as a kid's game; you can go try it if you don't believe me. It's hard and most ppl won't be able to beat it. BTW, Top Spin 3 is horrible... just horrible.
Anyway, games that I don't think are exactly lame, but I think are definitely overhyped, are the Street Fighter and Tekken series. I much prefer the Soul Calibur and Tekken series, but that's just me.
So... you prefer the Tekken series but still think it's overhyped??
Psychonauts: I got it since of the good reviews but I just found boring and I love platformers.
Splinter Cell: Too dark, too shallow, story is not interested.
Zelda: Twilight Princess: Everyone said how the Wii version has the better controls but NO it does not (cost me another 50bucks to get the GC version)
[QUOTE="TheAcejoel99"]Not MGS4 you can't. And if you really think you can. That is sad and you are only fooling yourself.and yes you can get a good impression of what a game is like with 30 min.
Thats like saying you can get a good impression of what a movie is like after watching 5 minutes of the beginning.
Since a normal movie run time is 2 hours and the game's run time is at 12 hours.
You know what game you can get a good impression of within 30 minutes? A fighting game... Actually no, since you would most likely be button mashing in that 30 minutes.
I know, most of you loved the game, but I played it for about a half hour and I don't see the fun, I find it boaring. Sorry if you don't share my view of it, I think it deserves a 9.0 at best. I will break it down, I hear it's visuals are amazing, but I play it and the first thing I see is a HORRIBLE looking tree with terrible resolution and their hair is all clumpy everything is all flat feeling with no charecter, explosions are neat, but everything else left more to be desired. and you move far too slow, why can't I run?SOOOO many other games look alot prettier Animations are very very nice, but everything else dosen't impress. Gameplay seems too loose. (could be me) Sound however I found no problems with and enjoy alot, I'm thinking of selling for $25 at gamestop. And how did he instantly get old? I'm not saying the game is bad, I think the game is great, but NOT even close to a 10.0
I'm sorry but you don't give any game a score after playing it for merely 30 MINUTES.
P.S. Actually, GTA4 got 10.0 so MGS4 should really get 11.0. Since I stopped playing GTA4 after 10+ hrs of playing time. I don't always finish games so I consider the games that kept me interested to beat it the better than average games. GTA4 isn't one of them and MGS4 is one of them. For me, GTA4 is 8.0 and MGS4 is 9.2.
What's the difference between the blu-ray and the downloaded version? I hate downloading games...bloodling
The only difference is the price. Downloading and intalling them could be a great pain, and some may need to free some spaces for it (ex: Me). Not to mention I'll need to redownload them if I want to replay the game now since I needed to delete old episodes for the new ones.
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