Check out this short video showing off some of the coolest Forza 3 car designs :D
I think its amazing what they already made and the game only came out today in the EU.
Furzjodler's forum posts
And for you GT Fanboys, Forza 3's Graphics are just Fine.
(lots of pics)
GT cant do that.
Wow i haven't seen most of those yet and i've looked around in the storefront. i saw the ODST one, a joker car, batman, halloween, playboy and Brütal Legend.
No porn cars yet lol :P
Loading times are not that bad and the graphics are mostly good, some of the realistic tracks look dull and boring in real life, no wonder they look like that in the game. I've played both GT5P and F3 (full game) on the same HDTV and in my oppinion F3 looks better. Its just crisp and smooth and some of the fantasy tracks look incredible.
Anyway the gameplay is miles ahead anyway, its just so much fun to play this game, i can't stop playing and i'm almost in season 3 already. The designs in the storefront are amazing and as a VIP member i can download some of them for free or pretty cheap :D
Can't wait til the game comes out officially in the states then there will be tons of awesome designs on the storefront.
2 points lower? Big whoop? Minor graphics difference that a normal customer will never noticed ftl.aaronmullan
Its a huge difference trust me, i played both demos on the same HDTV via HDMI.
PS3 version has lots of tearing, worse textures and worse framerate. I agree that most multiplats are so small in graphical difference that it doesn't matter at all but Bayonetta isn't one of them.
I played both japanese demos and the 360 version looked much better, it was a huge difference. The PS3 had lots of tearing, worse textures and didn't run as smoothly. Looks like some devs still have trouble with the PS3 hardware. :?
-Enemies that are focused only on the player, no matter how many team mates you have.
-Infinite spawning enemies that can be stopped only by running to the next checkpoint
-Perfect grenade aim, enemies throw 'nades at your exact location every 5-10 seconds
-Rocket-launchers that aren't powerful at all. (Its okay if they do that in multiplayer for balancing, but in single player against AIs i'm expecting a huge explosion)
-Extremely standard Weapons. Where are the creative and crazy weapons in most fps? Turok had so cool weapons but now the games mostly use a standard formular...
-Cheap & stupid AI. Enemies knowing always where you are and sometimes shooting directly at you even though your behind a wall (i recently saw this in UC2)
-Punching/melee thats stronger then bullets (also seen in UC2 and tons of other games)
-Useless AI team mates. They don't seem to get any kills at all, leaving you to do all the work. (Saw this in UC2 too, i was out of bullets in cover with two enemies in front and two team mates behind. They stood out in the open, shooting at the two enemies for like 5 minutes without killing anything.)
Wow i played it all day and i've gotta say this has a huuuge chance to be GOTY :D Such an immersive, fun game, its like playing an indiana jones film. The camera is brilliant, not once i had trouble with it in the jump 'n' climb passages and the graphics are overwhelmingly good. I can see why PS3 fanboys say this looks as good as crysis because in some parts i had the feeling that it did and yes i've played crysis on very high in 1080p on my HDTV. Okay the environments aren't close to being as open as the ones in crysis and the physics aren't as good but its really a huge achievement what naughty dog pulled off on a console. :)
I have 50 Xbox 360 games and they all work. Don't blame the console when some kids can't take care of their DVDs.
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