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#1 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

UC2 getting 9.3, seriously kids shut up about it! 9.3 is a brilliant score.

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#2 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts


gt5p destroys forza3 in realism, lightin, etc.... IGN was most likely paid off alot of money to say that.


blablabla graphics blablabla its all idi... pardon, fanboys talk about.

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#3 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts



I cant believe that they let this guy do the review with a closing argument of "good luck topping it" lol

Professional fanboy reviews are always an instant FAIL.

Look at what he said here... http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1033110p3.html

Read the closing argument, you seriously wont believe it!!!


He's talking about racing simulators and not consoles, that doesn't make him a fanboy -.- Seriously do you honestly think a professional reviewer who has access to ALL consoles and pretty much every game is biased in a way? When you own all consoles you don't see exclusives being released to "destroy" the competition, you're just happy to find more good games to play. And in his oppinion Forza 3 set the bar in the racing simulator genre pretty high. Read the whole review, it sounds like a fantastic game.

He had to be talkiing about sims on consoles and not on pc aswell. If he was actually including pc aswell then it is locked that he is a xbox fanboy. And it does amaze me that after 4 years 360 games still get alot of negatives in their reviews but some how still pull a AAA rating. I mean come on he even states that textures on the courses would not load sometimes lol. How in the world can a huge title like fm3 from MS have a game that textures wouldn't load for the course, and it gets over looked and get a AAA score. He also states shadows dancing around your car, I mean really. Then top it off get a 9 for graphics lol.

If you really think graphics are that important, buy a highend gaming PC. But those graphic glitches are no big deal at all i'm sure, "textures not loading" i think he meant not loading instantly, so you see details pop in later or something like that. Even Uncharted 2 has that.

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#4 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

I cant believe that they let this guy do the review with a closing argument of "good luck topping it" lol

Professional fanboy reviews are always an instant FAIL.

Look at what he said here... http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1033110p3.html

Read the closing argument, you seriously wont believe it!!!


He's talking about racing simulators and not consoles, that doesn't make him a fanboy -.- Seriously do you honestly think a professional reviewer who has access to ALL consoles and pretty much every game is biased in a way? When you own all consoles you don't see exclusives being released to "destroy" the competition, you're just happy to find more good games to play. And in his oppinion Forza 3 set the bar in the racing simulator genre pretty high. Read the whole review, it sounds like a fantastic game.

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#5 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts


The reviewer is a hack.

"I think the rewind is a crucial addition to Forza 3. It can become a crutch at times" -IGN reviewer lols

So you trust this guy's opinion??


More then yours, yes.

Yeah this guy probably never even played the demo and this reviewer played hundreds of hours through the very lenghty career mode and is not biased in a way that he hates some exclusives simply because he can't play it on his console, of course we trust his oppinion.

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#6 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

The reviewer is a hack.

"I think the rewind is a crucial addition to Forza 3. It can become a crutch at times" -IGN reviewer lols

So you trust this guy's opinion??


Its funny how you go through the review in hope of finding something with which you can "destroy" his credibility. What he writes about the rewind is true, how about playing this game and trying it out for yourself? Oh wait you probably don't even own a 360. :|

"Even if you were stuck with the lower-end cars for the first few hours, that wouldn't be as much of an issue with Forza 3. This game is fun from the outset. Though I've played dozens of hours with Forza 3, I still go back to the E and D class cars for some races, because there are so many good cars. This is largely due to the enhanced physics of Forza 3, which add a level of nuance not experienced in most racing games.

The tire physics are so greatly improved (and include real-time deformation), that you get a true understanding of how your car is reacting at every turn. With all of the driving assists turned off, you can feel the difference from one car to the next. And though you'll race the same tracks quite often, the experience changes from one car to the next

Tuning is just like art design in Forza 3. Can I get a "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?" Seriously, tuning has been transformed into an artform and has similar functionality to liveries. Great tuners can create tuning sets and sell them on the Storefront. For those used to doing their own tuning, a word of warning. It is possible (even easy) to manually upgrade and tune your car in a way that actually worsens its performance. Basic tuning is easy to do, but delve deeper and you better know a lot about cars. That also means great tuners can help you maximize your car's performance better than you could ever manage..

You may see the AI spin-out on a turn, take a bad line, or make other noticeable errors. There are times when I play Forza 3 and forget that the AI is controlled by a computer. Often it feels like I am racing against real people, which I appreciate immensely.

If, while playing through a season, you long for the company of other gamers, you can give the multiplayer a shot. Turn 10 went out of its way to offer a staggering level of customization. Multiplayer may be Forza 3's crowning achievement. This is the most robust multiplayer offering ever for a sim racing game. You can customize every aspect of a race, allowing you to easily create your own game types."

Seriously this game will be so awesome :D

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#7 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

The only ones that doubted this would score good were people who didn't play the demo or didn't have the console to play this game with.

Awesome score. I'm hyping 9.5 on GS. This is a good quarter for gamers :D

ODST 9.0

Demon's souls 9.0

Uncharted 2 9.5

Forza 3 9.0-9.5

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#8 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

Are some of you really surprised by this score? Looking at all the brilliant reviews this game got it was obvious this would score good on GS.

There are so many good games coming out this quarter.:D I'm very sure that Forza 3 will score 9-9.5 too and Modern warfare 2 is a easy 9 too...

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#9 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts


Oh my ****ing god there are slightly less pixels on the 360 version.

There ARE slightly LESS pixels on the 360 version!!!!!


Life as we know it will be gone!!!!

Oh noes!!! *screams and runs like a little girl*

Seriously though, Xbox 360 is still putting out good graphics, DiRT 2 for example looked almost identical and Forza 3 is beautiful in motion. And PS3 will never reach crysis level, wou will realize that once you played it on very high settings, with custom performance tweaks, custom ToDs, in 1080p on a huge HDTV, there is nothing thats comes close on consoles.

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#10 Furzjodler
Member since 2008 • 290 Posts

I liked it alot and yeah it seems like not too many people are interested in it so far, i only saw 15k people online and these gameplay videos from machinima on youtube (they usually get A LOT views, some of the ODST vids have over 100k after a week) they have only 7-8k views...

Direct feed HD Co-op gameplay:


Would be a shame if this game flops sales wise, it seems like such a killer app for PS3.