i fully respect your opinion, though the personal bias is a bit on the way XD but no sweat. You were honest to say it so thats great. I hope the next GoW speaks more to you. Many gamers have had a blast with this franchise and it is never a bad thing to have more ppl on it. If they screw it up even more for you next time, then yea, dont ever try it again.
@Cl0ud: P5R is my first Persona game and, while i didnt play the original P5, i have to say that your opinion could be very much accurate to the reality of things. I mean, P5R? i am loving it! but i cant help but think that if i had played the original i would prefer this content on DLC.
I know i know, it is a looot of content. Yet, the main game still came out three years ago at least (with expansions and a sort of season pass...wtf). I am not saying it doenst deserve a 10, but I do understand that a 9 wouldve been more down-to-earth. Imagine MGS Substance or Subsistence getting better reviews than the originals XD
Yea i know i know, the content in P5R is way more than those MGS games, but you get my point.
@videogameninja: I agree. Apparently some people think Sony and SE paid money to...well...every single website, magazine and newspaper in the gaming world 0.0
G-Corleone's comments