@Bread_or_Decide: good reminder. For real, that is interesting. But you truly aren't suggesting such part of my argument is totally invalid, or are you? I mean, he still reviewed based on standards and objectivity, even if he had different reviews for movies others thought were great (he's not perfect). Whatever reason he had to think those movies were not good I don't know (especially Brazil and Clockwork)
btw, I was never a fan of fight club either, I've always thought the ending is an ass-pull, yet I have always respected its quality and have even suggested it to some people. The acting is there, the script and the cinematography as well, etc etc.
I never liked the wolf of wall street, yet the quality is there too. If he gave blatantly bad reviews to the movies you mentioned, then it serves to show how even reviewers see those standards differently. However, in the long run, movie reviewers of that level do submit their reviews through the lenses of objective quality, at least to the level they see fit, don't you agree?
@gotrekfabian: first of all, grow up. Second, I never said the worst "game", i said the worst EXPERIENCE. You see how dumb you look now? Third, grow up a bit more. Fourth, respect other people's opinions. Fifth, read carefully before you piss yourself. Sixth, you better keep on growing because everything you wrote sounds like you are a child with a looong way to go:
"You're acting like the stereotypical entitled gamer with that statement and it has nothing to do with opinion".."Don't act like a drama queen, it was t a bad game at all it just had all of the haters decrying it due to the real time combat"...and my favorite "No, your opinion on that is just straight up wrong"...
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