@daidochus: Nioh 2 review is and will always be an outlier. However, 10 is essential, not perfect. If that were the case, then Knack 2 would also be a 10...
PS: obviously the Knack 2 part is a joke. Well, Knack 2 is kind of a joke in general XD
Im sorry but i will go with ign on this one. This review, while not bad, seems biased and all of my fears have been addressed in the ign review. Heck, by the pure logic of things, it seems highly unlike this game should get a 10. Not impossible, but highly unlikely.
I will get it anyways because i love FF, especiall VII. But even the tone of the videos and trailers for this game seem to be FFXV-ish, and that game is by far the worst experience Ive had with the franchise and even gaming in general.
Again, not a bad review. Nothing against GS or omg why a 10 with cons and Nioh 2 blah blah wah wah. It’s just that the ign review speaks to me in stronger manner. I normally dont like ign either, but it is what it is.
@5tu88sy: it was fun to see the controversy on that Nioh 2 review :) ...but it was a very bad decision to do that. No other game has been scored like that. Im extremely happy with the 8 (i honestly didnt get why people were „offended“) but no cons? That is just cheap clickbait-ism XD
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