@srfilk86: i appreciate your feedback. I still think it looks bad, regardless of it being TW or not. I know i may sound harsh for people who love TW, but it doesnt matter what the material is. Quality should always be priority and in my opinion (just my opinion) it looks very very bad. I am glad people enjoy it though. Some people also enjoyed The Irishman so to each their own :)
I knew it would suck!!! Hahahahaha oooooh my gooood this was so so so obvious. Just look at the preview pictures. I cannot believe anyone thought this looked promising. It is obvious garbage from lightyears away. Still, kudos to Henry Cavill and producers for having the will and effort to do this :)
EDIT: to those that read the books and know everything and love this series, i gotta say the problem is this is supposed to be a series. It is not meant only for diehard fans of The Witcher. It is meant for everyone. Now of course that applies to anything in the entertainment business, and yea i know to some extent it is not accurate because many products are conceived for a specific audience and so on. However, in the end a movie is in the market for everyone to watch. The same goes for videogames and so it is in series as well. SM Odyssey for instance is an example of how the specific audience loves a product whereas the general audience finds it kind of mediocre. It is a fine line, but a line indeed. I am honestly happy you guys loved it. For real. Not trolling. However, as a series this even looks bad from the previews. It looks so bad to me at least. I couldnt even stand the pictures (and they are motionless and without audio!). So in the end if you guys love it im glad you do, but don’t expect the general audience to agree with you (The Irishman, anyone?)
@zubiecup99: agree. I didnt like TLJ. And with reviews always praising franchises in order to suck people in, it is a miracle that this movie is immediately called off as a terrible film.
I mentioned in another comment that Rians film wasnt „horrible“ and to a degree i fully believe so. It wasnt Episode 2 terrible. It was just bad. Outright bad, but a movie in the end. It had a beginning, development, climax and end. It had a script that went from point A to B. It was in the end a movie, just a very bad one. The Irishman is an example of a terrible film (in my opinion). Whereas TLJ had at least the skeleton of a film, the Irishmess had only an abstract shell. Episode 2 is the same. These two films are terrible to watch and experience. Therefore, if the Irishmisery received very high scores whilst being blatantly horrible, then this last SW must be the greatest piece of garbage a trash can could ever witness :)
G-Corleone's comments