@lordbeefjerky: well said. I guess though they should be a bit more appealing with their naming. I also dont care. However it is possible this will affect their sales WiiU-ishly.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: you are so so so right about Splinter Cell. Im a PS gamer and i loved it on Xbox. It was just a-mazing. Well im a PS gamer because of Metal Gear basically, so you can see the connection there. Still im open minded of course and i could buy an Xbox (I have a Switch too), but i will be on the fence on this one until it proves to be awesome :)
@G-Corleone: so that i speak as honest as possible i have know read that it is confirmed this Halo game is cross gen. So i made a mistake in my previous comment.
Still doesnt excuse the fact that i believe this Halo doesnt look good, but my mistake nevertheless.
@NoDzombie: exactly, the Wii U naming disaster all over again. They maybe gonna say „well this aint meant for parents to buy, it’s meant for high end gamers blah blah“ and the reality is you sell to a target but also to a market.
why do people keep saying Halo Infinite looks amazing? It never looked amazing to me. It looks so so so current gen since the moment they announced it. Hellblade does look amazing (though it is just a tech demo). Halo is a great giant game, but this one doesn't look next gen. Face it. Last of Us 2 beats the crap on Halo Infinite in terms of visuals...a big w/e.
Why would they even make this series? It looks bad and its purpose looks bad too because it’s originally a graphic novel. The movie was great. Some people didnt like it much, but for those who read the novel they must admit the production did a good effort. HBO got into this series production? Wao, i guess since GoT season 8 that company‘s vision is fading in terms of quality. Just my opinion of course :)
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