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Pac-man + Google = EPIC

Today is the 30th Anniversary of Pac-man. And goggledecided to decorate it's home page with not just pac-man, but a full fledged working pac-man game complete with kill screen, shaped in Google's logo. Now that's epic.

So peeps, play some pac-man today! from wherever, google's page, the cell phone, via the arcades or on your consoles, celebrate Pac-man day!

I'm Apparently Alive, And I Miss You All

Hey all. It's been a long time. I bet some of you have wondered what's happen to me. Well I'm going to clue you in.

Back in October, I got excepted to a head manager of electronics at my store. promotion and all, I was excited for this job.

But things got bad. I was put into a position where I was stuck with a manager who didn't like her job, was hard to work with her, and basically was put into a position where I had to be the glue to hold the department together. There were weeks when I never got a day off, and had to work sometimes, up to 12 hours a day or more.

In short, I was stuck with a highly stressful job, that left me utterly exhausted and no time to do much else. On top of this my store has gone through a huge remodel and now inventory is about to happen. Seems like I can't get a break eh?

Well good news is, I got a new job within the store as the Pharmacy OTC manager. I just got it a week and a half ago, and I love it. It's so much less stressful and I can finally be a manager again. In electronics, I basically got stuck with a manager above me who made life hell, where I got no say. So things are turning around. After next week, life should be returning to normal again. I'll spare ya the horror stories, but let's just say I hope I never have to go through that again.

I'm sorry I've been away guys and gals, but after what I've been through, coming home I had to be alone by myself. I needed me time. Now that I'll be able to cool my head, I might be able to come back regularly once again I hope. xD and I'm sorry if everything has come out in a rush, there's so much to say. xD

In gaming news, I actually own a ps3 now. PSN Id is... Gamecamiller :P I've gotten quite a few games since I've been gone, and I'll be updating my colllection sometime soon.

The PS3 games I've gotten:

Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty (got this when it was on sale)

Critter Crunch

Disgaea 3

God of War Collection

Katamari Forever

Metal gear Solid 4


Uncharted Drake's fortune

UFC 2009

Heavy Rain



So I own all 3 consoles now. :P

Sonic Adventure XBLA?

Apparently, there is a rumour going around the gaming news sites today that a Dutch site caught wind that Sonic Adventure from the good ol' Dreamcast is coming to XBLA in a HD port. The article though was pulled (supposedly, also) at request from Sega of Europe. Take this all with a grain of salt.

What are your thoughts on this?

Presumably, there's something about an "Extended Package" too.

Here's the supposed image:

I wouldn't mind it at the right price. But, I'm more interested in Project Needlemouse.

Looks Like I'm Sick

Seems like I caught a bug today as i seem to be getting sicker by the hour. Whole body aches. It took a lot just to get to this computer. xD

Bayonetta: She's Finally Here

I picked up a copy of Bayonetta today and so far I'm loving it. It just melts your eyes how much action goes on.

Also, downloaded Kingdom For Keflings off of Xbox live for the sale price of 400 points. An excellent, relaxing game.

Have you guys and gals picked up and new games this week?

Dragon Ball Raging Blast Is A Horrid, Horrid Game

Ok, I'm a Dragon Ball fan. I loved the anime and manga. I love quite a few games, even liked Burst Limit the last game. But playing Raging blast, I've realised that this game has quickly become a horrid, horrid game.

The computer cheats a lot to go into it's favor.

During cut scenes the opponent gains life back. Sometimes quite a few life bars.

Sometimes during cut scenes certain attack are unavoidable.

That's just the tip of it, but those three really have grinded on my nerves.

[spoiler] Facing Frieza, for example has been the most annoying - he kept gaining life back at cut scenes and then the final one where he went back to 100% form he gained back Seven, yes Seven life bars. and this was on EASY MODE! That's not making it difficult, not making it hard, that's just blatantly cheating...that doesn't even happen in the anime or manga! [/spoiler]

The storyline is also upcut horribly, at times making no sense at all.

Really stay away from this game. It's not the fact it's hard, it's not the fact it's difficult, it is just being plain unfair to the player.There's plenty of challenging games that do it right, this one does it WAY wrong.

Sure it has dlc, it has online play (though from what I heard that's even more horrid), lots of battle, 60 FPS.

But, that doesn't take away from the fact that the game just cheats away.

Gaming Tragedy!

Has This Ever Happened To You?

For Xmas I got Tekken 6 for the xbox 360 from my family. Well a few days ago I opened it up. it was new and sealed and...

It had no disk inside. It was a sealed game, with no disk.

I've never had this happen before. My mom got it from my store so the store just did an exchange. Working as the electronics dept manager now, this extremely rare case has happened a quite a few times with DVDS and somegames (including with Tekken 6, three separate incidents including mine) within the last month; almost ten cases with sealed items not having a disk.

My theory is that it's because of the new environmental cases. Every report had the same type of case, those new environmental ones. I think because it's more flimsy then the standard cases, the disk aren't being pressed into the case as well as before.

I was wondering, has this ever happened to you. If so, what did you do?