Hey all. It's been a long time. I bet some of you have wondered what's happen to me. Well I'm going to clue you in.
Back in October, I got excepted to a head manager of electronics at my store. promotion and all, I was excited for this job.
But things got bad. I was put into a position where I was stuck with a manager who didn't like her job, was hard to work with her, and basically was put into a position where I had to be the glue to hold the department together. There were weeks when I never got a day off, and had to work sometimes, up to 12 hours a day or more.
In short, I was stuck with a highly stressful job, that left me utterly exhausted and no time to do much else. On top of this my store has gone through a huge remodel and now inventory is about to happen. Seems like I can't get a break eh?
Well good news is, I got a new job within the store as the Pharmacy OTC manager. I just got it a week and a half ago, and I love it. It's so much less stressful and I can finally be a manager again. In electronics, I basically got stuck with a manager above me who made life hell, where I got no say. So things are turning around. After next week, life should be returning to normal again. I'll spare ya the horror stories, but let's just say I hope I never have to go through that again.
I'm sorry I've been away guys and gals, but after what I've been through, coming home I had to be alone by myself. I needed me time. Now that I'll be able to cool my head, I might be able to come back regularly once again I hope. xD and I'm sorry if everything has come out in a rush, there's so much to say. xD
In gaming news, I actually own a ps3 now. PSN Id is... Gamecamiller :P I've gotten quite a few games since I've been gone, and I'll be updating my colllection sometime soon.
The PS3 games I've gotten:
Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty (got this when it was on sale)
Critter Crunch
Disgaea 3
God of War Collection
Katamari Forever
Metal gear Solid 4
Uncharted Drake's fortune
UFC 2009
Heavy Rain
So I own all 3 consoles now. :P
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