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Batman Arkham 2? Yes, Please!

While I did watch the VGAs for the Halo Reach video, it was nice to see two surprises: Batman Arkham Asylum 2, which looks like it'll take place in Gotham City itself (open world possibility?). The second being Green Day: Rock Band, which means we will finally get to play those classic Green Day songs in addition to the newer hits. Basketcase anyone?

Overall, the VGAs were pretty good this year.

Is It A Dream?

I managed to get a copy of Little Nemo the Dream Master for the NES for $3 this weekend at the flea market. Pretty awesome If I do say so myself. :P

It's over 9000!

I just started playing Dragonball Z Burst Limit again, and trying to go for some achievments that have eluded me.

Playing the demo for Raging blast made me realize how many urks I have with the tekinachi series. Sure it has a ton of charcters but man...the controls urk me.

Nothing can ever top Budokai 3.

Add 2 More Gaems to That List

Castlevania 3 (VC) (got it for free, the that browser upgrade program Nintendo is doing.)

Peggle Deluxe, XBLA

I need to make a stats list of how much of my collection is Virtual Console, XBLA, and other downloadable games sometime. When I'm not lazy O' course. :P

I'm Back, I'm Back, Don't You Know It?

Finally! The Gamecamiller has come baaaaaaaack....

To Gamespot! *cheers*

As a few of you know, I've had a few issues concerning the ability to come onto Gamespot, but with that out of the way...

I'm back.

And I'm hungry.

Mind if I raid your fridge?


Since I've been gone, I've managed to nab some great games for the ol' 360:

Madden Collector's Edition, $15

Battle Fantasia (quite the interesting Japanese fighting game), $20

Guitar Hero Van Halan, For Free O Course

South Park, XBLA, $10

Grabbed the rest of the Family Game Night Games from the sale on live last week, $30 total

Lego Indiana Jones/ Kung Fu Panda Pack, $10

Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009, $20

Became The ODST, Beat The Story/ Got Some New Games

I got Halo ODST yesterday and beat the ccampaign this morning, I gotta go back and play the ccampaign a few more times, I don't know how I feel about it completely, but I'm sure am having fun so far. The ccampaign, firefight mode, the halo 3 maps, and polish equal a worthwhile purchase.

Over the last week I've bought 5 new 360 games. I sold 16 games out of my collection last week, to put some funds towards these 5 games was able to pay off Halo ODST, and Batman:

Halo 3 ODST, 360 (Got this via gamestop so I got my Johnson character)

Batman Arkham Asylum, 360

Crackdown, $10

Fear Files,$15, 360 (Useing this as a test if I want to buy the two games in the main series)

Puzzle Quest, XBLA, $5

Fleshreaper Hat is Awesome

See gamerpic or 360 Avatar for it's flesh eating coolness. :p

Haven't posted what games i've gotten since my last blog so here goes:

Halo 3, 360, $30

Prince of Persia, 360, $18

Turtles in time, XBLA

Shadow Complex, XBLA

Splosion Man, XBLA

Trials HD, XBLA

Marvel VS. Capcom 2, XBLA

Guitar hero 5, 360, $55

Raiden Aces, 360, $14