I have a case that I keep all the loose gameboy game carts I own in.
The Final Fantasy Legend 1 and 2, Castlevania Legends Battle Arena Toshinden, Magical Ninja, Battletoads in Raganarok's World, Mega man Dr. Wiley's Revenge, and Mega man II.
Those are some others.
Dragon warrior Monsters 1 and 2, Bomberman Quest and Pocket, MS. Pac man, Rtype DX, Ghosts and Goblins, and the very awesome Mega man Xtreme.
Dragon Warrior III, Megaman Xtreme 2, Kirby Tilt and Tumble, The :egend Of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Street Fighter Alpha, and Resident Evil Gaiden.
Now I am one to prefer my GBA games complete but I have gotten some cart only. The Legend of the River King 2 is a GBC game by the creators of Harvest Moon, and has sadly been the victim of a common used GB problem...label torture. I picked it up fro a few bucks mainly because it's still fun to play. The GBa games here are: Drill Dozer, Yoshi's island, Megaman Zero 2, Megaman Battle Network 2 (which I have beaten, but is not pictured here), Metroid Fusion, Sonic Advance 2, Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak (how'd that get there?!), and Chu Chu Rocket.
As always full sized pics here.
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