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Uncharted 1 Finished, More LBP Trophy Fun, and Gravity Rush Preview

Well to prepare for the PS Vita launch (and Uncharted: Golden Abyss), I decided to play and beat the first Uncharted on PS3, over the weekend. I've had the game for quite a while, but never got around to it until now. While Playing I managed to nab every trophy except 3 (finish on medium, finish on hard, finish on crushing) I might go back to do it, but after nabbing the trophies and finishing the game I don't want to wear myself out on the Uncharted series before the Vita launch.


I've also gone back to LittleBigPlanet 1 to nab a few more trophies:

-Beast Slayer (Defeat the kraken)

-Ace the Kraken (Finish Act 5 in Pirates without dieing)

-The Bends (Achieve a score on 7000 in the diving treasure challenge)

-Virtual Survivor (Score more then 3,750 points in the VR training challenge)

-Ace Act 5: The Boss (Finish Act 5 in Metal Gear Solid Pack without dieing)

-Speedy Rexecutioner (Finish Act 5 in the Metal Gear Solid Pack under 2:30)


Right now I'm wearing a brace on my left wrist to hell eleviate some complications from lifting too much at work.


One of the games I'm getting at the Vita launch will be Gravity Rush:



Little Deviants Trailer and Gameplay, Finished RE Revelations Demo; Vids

Here's a look at two HOT upcoming portable games, Little Deviants for the PS VITA and Resident Evil: Revelations for the 3DS

Little Deviants is one of the three games I'm going to get on (along with Gravity Rush and Uncharted: Golden Abyss). What's cool about Little Deviants is it's not only a new IP for Sony, but it takes advantage of all the features of the new PS VITA portable.

Here's the trailer:


"Little Deviants is an Arcade/Compilation game for Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld console. Little Deviants makes use of the PlayStation Vita's rear multitouch touchpad and augmented reality capabilities, along with traditional controls.

In Little Deviants the player's goal is to make the little Deviant to a goal on the map by touching the rear touchpad. There are multiple game modes that also include shooting down deviants in an augmented reality shooter that uses the motion controls and rear camera."

(source: wikipedia page)

What's also great is it's one of the games that's only going to cost $29.99 MSRP. Along with other games Like Modnation: Road Trip, WipEout: 2048, Hot Shots Golf 6 and others make it great that not only can you get some good games for the system, but not break the bank too (memory card prices aside, least that have gone down).

Here's some more gameplay:


Yesterday, I mentioned in my blog that the Resident Evil: Revelations demo is up on the 3DS store. Last night I beat the demo and I must say...

It's awesome.

Feels like it returns a bit to the older Resident Evil scares, but combine it with the new mechanics over the last few years. It looks great, has some fantastic 3D, and the gameplay. I love the new menu system as it makes access MUCH easier and at the ready.

Anyway you can see part of what's in the demo in the vids below (for those who do not have a 3DS):

( Part 1 is missing from Gamespot's site.)

Part 2


Part 3


I might have to get this game later this year.

(edit: fixed video)

RE6 Announced, VITA Notes, And Recent Plays and Watchings

There's a lot to cover in this blog so pull up a chair and a candy bar, cause this is gonna be a big blog!



This November RE6 comes to PS3 and Xbox 360 (and later PC)

Also, Resident Evil Revelations demo is up on the 3DS store. I'm downloading now as I type. :D

We are less then a month away from the early package preorderers getting their hands on a VITA. I'll be getting mine on the 22nd.Can't Wait!

Mortal Kombat has also been announced for VITA with Kratos also announced to be on the game's roster. PORTABLE GORE YES!

The hype over Street Fighter X Tekken for the Vita has also been amped with Toro, and Kuro The Sony Cats, Cole from Infamous, and Possibly Pac Man and Megaman being included on the Vita versions. Vita might quickly become a fighter fan's dream handheld.


As, for recent playings I've been Playing WWE '12 earning most of the trophies on the game so far. It simply is the best wrestling game ever, and every wrestling fan needs to at least try this game. I've spent a lot of time doing custom wrestlers, entrances and such for the game.

I've also gotten way far in Hatsune Miku: Project Diva for the PSP, beating every song, and unlocking a ton of costumes. I'm going back now trying to earn the other modules and such for the game.

I also kinda have gotten back into Hot Shots Golf Out of Bounds. I'm starting to use the advanced swing mode of playing now and I think I like it over the old swing mode used in past games. Never thought I would say that.

As far as watchings I've watched quite a few wrestling DVDs I got from Xmas. Right now I'm on disk three of WWE Ladder Match: Crash and Burn. Great set with a lot of great matches including some never before seen on DVD.

I also finished Disgaea the Anime Series on DVD. Great ending but I felt 13 episodes was too short for the series. They could have kept going with all the laughs going around.

Right now I'm getting into Samurai X (Rorouni Kenshin). I think I'm getting addicted :P

Ready, Set, Vita

With my PS Vita, preordered since last year, today I went to Gamestop with the intention of preordering my memory card for the Vita, and to look at the pricing of the games and accessories for the system. I must say I'm pleased with the accessory pricing for the most part, but especially surprised with the game pricing. Unlike in the past, game pricing doesn't have a set price point, Vita games range from $30 to $50. Most of the game seem to be priced at $30, with some priced at $40, and Uncharted right now is the only one priced at $50.

So, anyway, to cut to the chase I preordered:

The 16 GB memory Card for the Vita (I opted for this since I didn't want to spend 100 bucks on the 32 gb one at this point. 16 should last me for a while.)

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Which will retail for $50)

Gravity Rush (Which will retail for $40)

Little Deviants (Which will retail for $30)

As the days gets closer, and as I get the system and items I'll be posting blogs and pics of system, gameplay and more. Stay tuned! :D

My Ten Favorite Games I Played in 2011

2011 was a kinda rough and tumble year for me in terms of gaming. For a good portion of the year, i didn't even play a game at all. I was all played out. I think it was for a portion of 90 plus days, and that's not including the days before where my gaming widdled down greatly. I needed a break I suppose, maybe I wasn't playing the right games. Nevertheless, I got back into gaming this fall, and having good times again. This top ten list is a bit different. It doesn't consist of the top ten games released this year, it's the top ten games i had the most fun with this year, regardless of when it was released. The games, even though they are numbered, are not in any specific order of favoritism, they are all what I had fun with this year.

10. Yggdra Union (PSP)

Yggdra Union isn't perfect. In fact I think it's a bit too tough, but that didn't stop me playing it for a bunch of hours getting pretty deep in the story. I like the characters and concept, and for a game I got free via another purchase when I got my new PSP model this year, it sure did take me by surprise. This lead hand in hand with my new PSP I got this year. After a number of years with my old PSP, it was time to replace it and I love the brighter screen with the new 3000 models. And yes, I still got my old original PSP.

9. InFamous (PS3)

Another game I got for free on this list, though a lot of us got it free this year. That aside, InFamous is a worthwhile game to play, as i invested quite a few hours into it. I played through the hero side having a blast, loving the powers. I've started to go through via the villain side, but probably won't get to that until deep in 2012

8. Crysis (PSN)

I've played parts of this game before, but it was great to see this on PSN, I love the little tweaks they did, and it has some great controls. Crysis for most was about graphics, but what Crysis was really about is the powers, and how to use them wisely and effectively, causing some EPIC moments in game. Cyris might be pretty, but it's about so much more.

7. Tales of Monkey Island (PSN)

What a fun, hilarious romp I had through all 5 chapters of this game this year. I managed to score every trophy in all 5 chapters too! I hope we get a sequel in the same format some day.

6. Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (3DS)

Now, most of you know how I've felt about the 3DS this year. Most of it is because of this game. Not because it did anything wrong. In fact, it did everything right, it's just about every other game for the 3DS that did wrong. This game displays what the 3DS is capable of. Good Graphics, 3d graphics, controls, options, and ONLINE play and great online use at that. It has loads of content, and more. Heck if it wasn't for this game I'd think that Nintendo lied about the system being capable of online multiplayer. That aside, I put hours into it, and had a blast. Too bad I can't even say that for anothing else for the system. Though I did like we get free NES and GBA games this year. And Swapnote. Swapnote is fun :P

5. Killzone 3 (PS3) and 4. Killzone 2 (PS3)

Earlier this year I playing the beta for Killzone 2, and I LOVED it. I loved that the game used bots, I loved the graphics, I loved the weapons, it was fun, fun, fun. I got Killzone 3, and I was blown away with the story! So much so I forced myself to stop, and get Killzone 2 to finish the first. Killzone 2 and 3 are great gun games, with great multiplayer options, a great story and characters. If you like gun games, you gotta, you just gotta get these 2.

3. Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (Aka Sakura Wars V) (PS2)

I own so much to this game, as this is the game that ended the gaming drought for me this year. I dunno what possessed me to buy this game, other then it was a series I heard about that was really popular in Japan. One day I decided to pop it in, and it hooked me. Sakura Wars V is great as it takes out the grind from other RPGs and SRPGs and focuses on the characters and and the major battles. You level up and get stronger based on the choices you make with you friends, and with that you take on some great battles and bosses. I had loads of fun. Sakura Wars V reminded me why I play games, it's to just have fun.

2. Yakuza 3 (PS3)

I had to thank @Usagi704 and @hart704 for finally convincing me to get a Yakuza game. For a long time I've heard from them how great the games are, and I finally made the jump with Yakuza 3. Wow, just wow. This game is just so packed. Great story, fantastic characters, the city feels so alive, if feels like I'm right In japan. I love the combat, the missions, the mini games, so many of them. I could go on and on. I'm hooked. I put over 50 hours of playtime into this game, and almost getting every trophy. I didn't want it to end, but finally I finished the game, and just sat there so satisfied but wanting more. Seriously folks, you gotta play one of these Yakuza games.

1. WWE '12 (PS3)

The game I've had the least amount of time, might be my favorite on 2011. I'm a big wrestling fan, but in recent years I've strayed away from watching the shows and matches. earlier in 2011 I got hooked big time on wrestling again. for WWE, it seemed everything was clicking, talent got better, everyone was evolving into their own, stories got better, everything was getting better. Not only does WWE 12 highlight this it also makes a very important time in history. Simply put, THQ has made the best Wrestling game ever. Ever. Yes, better then the legendary WWE No Mercy, or the fantastic Here Comes the Pain, WWE 12 has taken into account everything a fan has ever wanted and wanted to do and given it to you in WWE 12, from the fantastic Universe mode that allows you to play your way, with ends on ends of customization like Arenas and stories, to the community creations that adds a never ending stream of download options and online play, to the legends, and roster. Not only that, the controls are so much better. WWE 12 is a fantastic game. To the gaming sites that gave it a bad score...WHAT GAME WERE YOU PLAYING?!

Honorable Mentions:

Batman Arkham City (X360) even though all the other crud dragged it down, with half the content having to be downloaded and not on disk to the overpriced DLC, Batman still had a great story, if not as fantastic as the 1st one. Good ending too.

The 3rd Birthday (PSP) Glad to see Parasite Eve 3 got released. Fantastic looking game, interesting story. I need to play more though.

Malicious (PSN Import) when this game gets released here people are gonna have a blast.

Elemental Monster Online Card Game (PSN) for a $0.99 game and put over 25 hours into it. That just says for itself how nice the game it is.

Might and Magic Clash of Heroes (PSN) I might know anything about Might and Magic, but I do know a good game when I see it. Nice puzzle/RPG hybrid.

Madworld (Wii) Crazy, just a crazy game.

The Next Day After Xmas My TV died On Me

(Sung To the tune of the Twelve Days OF Christmas)

On the Next day after Xmas My Tv Died on Me:

12 Oh Noes!!!

11 Gotta be Kidding Mes...

10 Not Nows!

9 I Can't Play My Games???

8 Gotta get Wallets...

7 Drive Out To Stores...

6 Search Arounds...


4 I like These...

3 This Is Pretty...

2 Time To Choose...

And a Brand 32inch LED TV

Anyway Yeah, the day after Xmas, My TV Died. Looks like something blew. I'm going to get it fixed later, but for now I needed a TV so I picked up a Vizio 32inch LED TV. The LED type TVs sure do make games look very pretty :D

Merry Christmas! Games and DVD's I got

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! I sure am! Remember to add me if you get a new console this Xmas! Here's the games I got for Christmas this year:

Time Crisis: Razing Storm, PS3

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, PS3

Yakuza 4, PS3

Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes, PS3

Vanquish, PS3

Sonic Generations, PS3

LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition, PS3

WWE '12, PS3 (Really Hyped up for this game!)

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Xbox 360

DJ Max Fever, PSP

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva, PSP (import, My GF got me this for xmas, I really wanted it this year. :) )

I also got a bunch of wrestling DVDs and some other ones this year. This year I really became interested in wrestling again, so I'm happy to have plenty of stuff to watch in the coming year:

Captain America: The First Avenger, Blue/DVD Combo

Fast Five, Blue/DVD Combo

Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides, Blue/DVD Combo

Transformers: Dark Side of The Moon, Blue/DVD Combo

WWE Randy Orton: Evolution of a Predator

WWE Survivor Series 2011

WWE Vengeance 2011

WWE Summer Slam 2011

WWE Capitol Punishment 2011

WWE The Best of the King of the Ring

WWE Shawn vs. Brett

WWE Ladder Match 2: Crash and Burn

WWE Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bottom Line On The Most Popular Superstar Of All Time, Blu Ray Version (I've only seen a little bit of this, but wow, just wow what a Blu ray set! If you are a fan of SCSA you have to get this.)

I Can't Wait For Vita, Official launch Lineup

On the PlayStation Blog, Sony Officially announced the launch game lineup for the PS VITA.

PS Vita Software Lineup:

SCEA Launch Day Titles
Escape Plan (PSN Only)
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Hustle Kings (PSN Only)
Little Deviants
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Super StarDust Delta (PSN only)
UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss
wipEout 2048

Launch Window Titles
Gravity Rush
MLB 12 The Show
Reality Fighters
Unit 13

Third Party Publisher Launch Day Titles

Army Corps of Hell

Asphalt Injection


Blazblue: Continuum Shift EXTEND

Dungeon Hunter Alliance

Dynasty Warriors Next

F1 2011

FIFA Socce

Lumines Electronic Symphony

Michael Jackson The Experience

Plants vs. Zombies (PSN Only)

Rayman Origins

Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen

Tales of Space: Mutant Blobs (PSN Only)

Touch My Katamari

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition

Launch Window Titles

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention


Ridge Racer

Silent Hill Book of Memories

Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted

They also announced that some of the accessory and MSRP prices for it. Prices for the memory card have lowered:

4 GB Memory Card February 15, 2012 $19.99

8 GB Memory Card February 15, 2012 $29.99

16 GB Memory Card February 15, 2012 $59.99

32 GB Memory Card February 15, 2012 $99.99

Starter Kit with Memory Card February 15, 2012 $39.99

In-Ear Headset February 15, 2012 $19.99

Carrying Case February 15, 2012 $19.99

Travel Pouch February 15, 2012 $19.99

Protective Film (2 pack) February 15, 2012 $9.99

Card Case February 15, 2012 $5.99

Cradle February 15, 2012 $19.99

Portable Charger Spring 2012 $49.99

AC Adaptor February 15, 2012 $14.99

Car Adaptor Spring 2012 $14.99

USB Cable February 15, 2012 $14.99

They also made an announcement on a bonus that will be included with every VITA system:

"Every PS Vita system will be packed with six AR Play Cards and one voucher to download a handful of augmented reality mini games called AR Play via the PlayStation Network. All first party games along with a selection of accessories and third party games will be available for purchase a week early (Feb. 15) in conjunction with the availability date of the First Edition PS Vita Bundle."

So what do you plan to purchase with your VITA if you plan on getting one next year?

I'll prolly bite the bullet and go all in for the 32 GB card. Even though it'll set me back $100, I'd rather have plenty of space then to run out too early.

As for Accessories, I don't need any, though for some suers you'll be glad to know that Sony is offering a decent starter pack for the VITA:

"For those of you looking for a complete solution, a Starter Kit will be available for $39.99 (MSRP), which includes a 4GB Memory Card, Pocket Pouch, Protective Film, Card Case, Headphones, and Cleaning Cloth. Standalone Memory Cards will start at $19.99 (MSRP), providing plenty of options for storing games and save data, videos, music, photos and more."

As for games, I'll prolly get UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss, and Touch My Katamari, though really there is so many good titles to choose from. I might get the downloadable games, Super StarDust Delta, and Escape Plan.

Thank goodness I already paid a size-able chunk of my VITA off already. xD

Quote and facts source: PlayStation Blog: PlayStation VITA Launch Lineup and Details

Edit: Cleaned up text error.

Getting/Got a New Console This Xmas? Add Me To Your Friend's List

Hello Gamers! How ya been doing? Some of you might be getting a new console this Xmas (or already have).

Looking to add a friend to your respective console or handhelds friend's list? Then add me!

For Xbox 360 gamers, my gamertag is:

For PS3 Users, My PSN name is:

For 3DS users My Friend code is:

0044 - 2864 - 9656

Just remember to send me a message stating who you are. In the case of 3DS users, make sure to pm me. Either that or mention it here in a reply to this blog post.

Also of note, for 3DS users Swapnote was added to the eshop today, and it's free to use. You can send pics, notes, or doodles to your friends now on your 3DS.

The Holiday Season Means Crazy Game Deals

I love the holiday season. It's when digital distribution sites and such go crazy with game deals. Steam's pretty much discounted every dang game they have on it's service while others are going crazy too.

Heck, even Sony is getting into the act with bundles and savings as well. I picked up some goodies today.

Section 8 Prejudice Holiday Bundle for $10.49

(with the bundle you get Section 8 prejudice at a discounted price AND get the original Game, Section 8 for FREE!)

Astro Tripper for $1.99

Modern Combat: Domination for $2.99

Blue Toad Murder Files Upgrade $4.99 (remember, episode 1 is free now.)

(Get episodes 2 - 6)

Major savings compared to the original prices of those.

Also, finally got Marvel Pinball as well. (though that isn't on sale)

What holiday game deals have you guys and gals been jumping on?