Scalding Hot Coffee
by GFreeman1998 on Comments
Hrm. So, I've heard a lot about the Hot Coffee scandal, as most of you probably have, as well, and I personally think that the whole thing shows how uninformed the public is and how little the media cares about informing them. I read about the scandal in the Daily News, where it said that players can unlock the features by going on the Internet and entering a code. Uh, no. First, you need to buy a GameShark -which most hardcore gamers wouldn't be caught doing anyway, and although I've never sought them out, it appears that GameSharks are becoming more scarce these days- then you need to go on the Internet, find a site with the codes on it, go into GameShark and enter in every line of code to unlock the feature, and then go through the annoying girlfriend mini-games until she likes you enough for the sequence to happen. Of course, you can cheat on that last part. What the news also fails to report is that Rockstar didn't put this in the game to tempt our nation's children with satanism- it was something that was scrapped, hidden in the code so that no one would find it, and dug up by an overly curious hacker. There wasn't a meeting at Rockstar in which they said, "Hey, let's put sex in San Andreas and hide it in a really obvious place, so we can form an army of brain-washed youngsters and RULE THE WORLD!" While we're on the topic, I have something important to say. This may offend some very hardcore GTA gamers, so those of you who will send me hate mail should leave the room. ... Now that they're gone, I need to make an important statement: For the good of the gaming industry, I hope that Rockstar never makes another Grand Theft Auto game. I know they've broken new ground in the technology and scope of games, and the games themselves are very fun, but let's face it- how many of you GTA gamers have played your beloved games and never encountered any glitches? That's right, none of you. The technology of the games is too advanced for this stage of gaming- the game worlds are barely holding together. Also, gaming does not need the controversy every single GTA game brings with it. The controversy in games would have died down long ago after everyone had come to terms with Mortal Kombat. Us gamers would have been able to go along and play our games in peace without the worry of protestors at our local EB Games (I've experienced it before, and I must say, it was actually a very halfhearted endeavor). But, and this is the biggest reason of them all, Grand Theft Auto is hindering the gaming industry in its pursuit of being recognized as a legitimate art form. Whenever I try to explain to a non-gamer how games like Metal Gear Solid can be just as brilliantly-written as a great drama, he or she can point to GTA and go, "Yeah, but what about that?" And you try getting them off the subject of GTA once that's happened.
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