halo3 will be ontop, till killzone 2 comes out.. plus bungie is independent now, so i wouldnt be surprised if the game came to ps3 in like the end of 2009, since bioshock is comming to ps3 as well
I have no idea why, but i find myself playing gta4 story more then online play.. When its come to online play, i usually just pop in cod4 ( unfortuantly Metal Gear Beta is over ). Is it me, or is the GTA 4 muiltyplayer wak?? My friend has xbox360 and plays gta4 online on all his free time, but hasnt even touched single player... what the deal?
2.40 patch is comming before june 12th, it suppose include trophies which 70 percent of games will be supported. There is also will be ingame communication using xmb and is suppose to have video coding and groundwork for the movie store ( which comes in sept.) I just hope we get the in game xmb access and the trophies, i can care less about the video store.... does anyone no when play t.v. will hit north america, and how it will work, will there be a monthly a fee or it like tivo and slingbox?? But horray for the patch.
I just saw 3 new videos from qj.net on little big planet, and i have a weird feeling that, that game will be selling more consoles then mgs4, dont get me wrong i love the saga, but little big planet gave me the feeling that it can be for all gamers from casual to hardcore, and there still working on it, which can only make wonder what else there goina put in.... I feel that mgs4 will the be the reliever that pitches a scoreless inning, fall of man2 will pitch a scoreless 8th inning, and then little big planet will close out the game for the win... in sales against 360 like marino rivera. ( and JOBA).... I think killzone 2, will be what puts ps3 sales ahead... thats just my idea.. there also other games to consider like socom3, but im not sure if there console moving games.
Unfortuantly i dont have a youtube account, but i do watch video's and the think the calboration between youtube and ps3 is a great and creative idea on ps3's part. IF they keep comming out with ideas, like play t.v., and youtube posting, surally theyll be the console champs...... right? What do you guys think ps3 needs to do to become the best once and for all...
doesnt it erk you guys a bit, that such a established dev like valve, would openly say how much they feel the ps3 is usless, and how the cell processor is a waste of everyones time. sure the cell has it features compared to the processor of a xbox360, and vice versa
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