is it me, or does valve hate ps3. First the port of the half lfie saga from xbox360 to ps3 is buggy and laggy, the 360 version is very good, then the president of valve says he hates ps3, and thinks sony wasted there time on the cell processor, it not even needed and so go back to the drawingboard and create a new system. Now Left 4 dead is an exclusive to 360, not by contract but because valve doesnt wanna make on for ps3, whch gives might give xbxo360 an upperhand of the game actually does well. All in All i think valve hates sony and ps3
I got gta friday, it worked great, so i didnt think i would fall into the category of it freezing and all those problems that alot of people are having on the 60 gig.... but i did. Sat. it started with my ps3 freezing as soon as i entered muiltyplayer modes with my cellphone.... so i had to restart my ps3, (like 3 times, cause mp froze 3 times) then out of no where my single player loading froze, it would just keep loading and nothing happened. So what i did was i had 3 gta files, profile,logging on, and something and maltov (w/e).. i copied all 3 files onto a sd memory card. Then i deleted my malatov file, so now my game worked but i was like 2 hours behind, then i copied the malatov file and deleted loggin in. I started the game and it worked, but no missions were happing, it was just like explore the city. So then i copied the loggin file back.. i went out, then went to sleep, and i woke up tried gta on sunday and it worked!! So now it works perfect ( and possibly better). The reason why Im writing this, is because maybe this info can help the people having problems.....
what i havent done any research in the 2009-2010 era... i do no gow3 will be out/ with rumors of muiltyplayer? but what games are keep us busy in 2009, 2010,and 2011? preach brother, preach!
i think haze is either goina be a really good game or a really **** one... if it 8.5 on gs then ill buy it, blood2 is on my list of games, to buy, so haze can join the list, but the list is only to be used when there nothing to play on ps3, which doesnt look like it will be happening this year, with gta, msg/mso,little big planet, fall 2, and haze 2, not to forget home, and the final fantasy games, so i maybe in like 2009 or 2010 ill get around to playing games like haze and bloodshot2... maybe when os3 loses some steam
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