I usually play video games till about 3am on the weekends, and if I have school the next day I'm only up until about 12 or 1am.
GRAW2597's forum posts
I got a huge pile of EGM magazines but, I don't order them any more.
I have a big pile too but they went out of business unfortunately and now they send us Maxim to make up for the rest of the subscription we would've lost, I don't mind though.
One of my friends got pulled over for not having a bell on his bike.
Ya I thought it was awesomemy first couple of days too, but now I'm in Gr 11 and it's just like any other school now... boring as hell. I just can't wait to move out now and have my own place and party all the time.Well im a freshman at high school, started2 days ago btw. It's awesome so far, my brother is like mr. popular or something so im cool with all his friends. Yea now with your problems...... good luck buddy, dont get bullied is all i got to say
Thanks everyone, but I found a youtube video that really helped out. I anyone wants to veiw it here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVH1_9HhX9w&feature=related.
wow it is kinda ugly.
I want to start recording gameplay on my 360 so I can put videos on Youtube but I have no idea what to get or how to do it so if anyone could tell me a bit about that stuffit would be great!
Oh ok, it says it might need a 32-bit so I guess it won't work. Thanks anyway.
I'll check, but shouldn'tit work anyway with a 64-bit?
I went to elderscrolls.com and noticed they are giving a free download of Daggerfall in celebration of 15 years. Anyways I downloaded it and when I went to install it it said to extract files so that's what I did and now it says it's not compatible with my version of windows and I need a 62-bit version. Well I checked the information on my computer and it is a 64-bit version so I don't know why its not working. Any ideas???????
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