Ya I have played a lot, I like fps's, tps's racing games, rpgs, etc. I was just listing a few of my top favourites.
GRAW2597's forum posts
I copied the html thing for my gamertag into the spot where you have to upload the image but it wont let me click the upload button, so if I copy it into the actual sig spot where you are supposed to put your sig will it automatically make thepicture appearsince its the code or would it make the code my sig and not the picture.
Well I don't want to start a war, but I honestly think all the classics are on Wii. Games like Super Paper Mario and Metroid, Zelda and Galaxy are just.. so unexplainably good. Many games on Xbox are just shooters and multiplayer focused games. It could also be nostalgia or the fact that you're playing too much and you wont enjoy video games for a bit.brandontwb
Those games might be the classics but nowadays its games like COD 4, Halo 3, Gears of War, etc. That are really dominating.
I sure hope the world doesn't end cause in 2012 the new Elder Scrolls will prolly be out and I'm looking forward to it.
I'd rather go to a docter. My dentist doesn't really like me, I'm not sure why. I think he's one of those people who are in a bad mood all the time.
I put about 4 or 5.
Aw shoot I am using a satalite. Oh well, Thanks for trying to help!!
For me I find that I used to play games for the simple enjoyment of them, but now I find myself being much more competitive in games and I'm not playing just for fun anymore, now I'm playing to win.
I wasn't sure where to post this so hopefully here is fine. Anyway I have been trying to get a good router that will help me have no lag for Xbox LIVE but I have no idea what to get. I have a D-Link wireless N router right now but I don't think it's very good cause it was only about $40. There is another problem... I live in the county, not that far out but far enough for a laggy connection. So if anyone has any ideas for a good router that will reduce lag by a lot that would be great. Price doesn't really matter so if there is a good one that is around $150 or something like that then that would be cool.
Megan Fox, because she's hot!!
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