[QUOTE="Ziek-AAT"]Disgaea destroys FF tactics in every way possible. If you're 14 or have no taste what so ever, sure. But for the rest of the world, Tactics is actually playable.Disgaea says hi.
GSTip's forum posts
Ask for it to be closed, otherwise - who cares? It's a good way to collect everything in one spot! :)I posted in this topic back in October 2009, :lol:. I loved Tactics, but you shouldn't bump old topics, even if you want to create one yourself.
I don't see it. There is no humor there, it's cheap and a lot of people sit there romancing gimmicks. There is no good or evil in Disgaea, just a bunch of pre-pubescent kids using sqwaky voices. That's not evil, that's annoying and fake.[QUOTE="GSTip"][QUOTE="Dataleak"]
So you don't laugh at wiener jokes? Wow, remind me NOT to ever hang out with you. :roll: It was crude, but it was fresh, and charming. Something I never expected from a game that tackles such deep underlying issues such as good vs evil. If you think that ruins a genre, yet a game that trudges along with it's same old cliche'd tedious storyline (FFT), then fair enough.
Have you even completed it? The whole story is based on how demons are viewed as evil, and angels are viewed as good. It's a nice twist on the old stale formula of demons threatening to destroy the earth and some pretty faced boy must save it ect ect.
The stupid music and the dorky dialogue is not "refreshing" it's annoying. I'm over the age of 18, I'm not going to play a game that prominently features a scantily clad little girl. Thanks but no thanks.Not even close.I prefered the GBA version over the original PS1 version. The PS1 version was soooooooo slow. They're still both really great games if you like SRPGs but... Disgaea pummels them both into the ground with a huge horse wiener. :P
Those kinds of things don't just ruin the game, but they also ruin the whole genre. Not to mention... No - none of that stuff is funny - ever. I looked at Disgaea for the DS and I didn't laugh once. It was for kids and even I know, if you wanna make kids laugh, you do it by being vulgar.[QUOTE="GSTip"][QUOTE="Dataleak"]
While I enjoyed FFT and Fire Emblem (I wasn't a huge fan of it's "Rock, Paper, Scissors" gameplay in FE), for me it has to be Disgaea. The freedom it allows, the hilarious story, (who didn't laugh when you first heard Flonne say "Nin nin nin"), and the fact it doesn't take itself seriously wins it for me. Final Fantasys storys are so overblown, and serious, it didn't grip me as much as Disgaea. Who can forget the Horse Wiener joke, or Thursday saying "Jeez Louise", or the damn Prism Rangers :lol:
So you don't laugh at wiener jokes? Wow, remind me NOT to ever hang out with you. :roll: It was crude, but it was fresh, and charming. Something I never expected from a game that tackles such deep underlying issues such as good vs evil. If you think that ruins a genre, yet a game that trudges along with it's same old cliche'd tedious storyline (FFT), then fair enough.
I don't see it. There is no humor there, it's cheap and a lot of people sit there romancing gimmicks. There is no good or evil in Disgaea, just a bunch of pre-pubescent kids using sqwaky voices. That's not evil, that's annoying and fake.
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