GSTip's forum posts
Those kinds of things don't just ruin the game, but they also ruin the whole genre. Not to mention... No - none of that stuff is funny - ever. I looked at Disgaea for the DS and I didn't laugh once. It was for kids and even I know, if you wanna make kids laugh, you do it by being vulgar.While I enjoyed FFT and Fire Emblem (I wasn't a huge fan of it's "Rock, Paper, Scissors" gameplay in FE), for me it has to be Disgaea. The freedom it allows, the hilarious story, (who didn't laugh when you first heard Flonne say "Nin nin nin"), and the fact it doesn't take itself seriously wins it for me. Final Fantasys storys are so overblown, and serious, it didn't grip me as much as Disgaea. Who can forget the Horse Wiener joke, or Thursday saying "Jeez Louise", or the damn Prism Rangers :lol:
I love FF7 to death, but even I agree with this. Let it die, move on. FF7 came to be because they didn't sit there re-releasing FF6 18 ways from Sunday. So true.No. They need to let it die. It's over. In the past. They way to counteract losing your ability to make a good game with a good story isn't to just keep making spinoffs and rereleasing previous games that were actually good.
Final Fantasy Tactics... that you have got the most entertainment out of?
Just overall. Yes, some games are better than others, but there is the one that you continue to go back to and would never consider trading in.
What is that game?
For me, it's Rock Band 2. Although I don't play as much as I had in the past, with the steady flow of DLC it always ends up finding its way inside my PS3.
...but each game is notably different from each other...Willy105Not really. Even Nintendo titles give me a shovelware feeling all over.
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