Batman: Arkham City - Two-Face Judgment Cutscene
Batman: Arkham City puts Catwoman on the wrong side of a coin flip in this cutscene.
Batman: Arkham City puts Catwoman on the wrong side of a coin flip in this cutscene.
Batman: Arkham City gives you many opportunities to bash your way through your enemies in this clip.
Batman: Arkham City has you racing your way across the city to answer a payphone in one of Victor Zsasz's challenges.
Batman: Arkham City puts unlikely allies together in this cutscene of Batman meeting with the villain Bane.
Batman: Arkham City brings back many of Batman's foes, including Joker's number one, Harley Quinn.
Batman: Arkham City puts Catwoman on the wrong side of a coin flip in this cutscene.
Batman: Arkham City also has you rely on your puzzle-solving skills to get through levels.
Batman: Arkham City puts Vicki Vale in a sniper crossfire and only the dark knight can save her.
Batman: Arkham City puts you in control of Gotham's fearless crime fighter in this clip.
Batman: Arkham City lets you take on large groups of enemies with ease using Batman's excellent fighting mechanics.
Batman: Arkham City gives you plenty of reasons to keep playing with all the challenges from The Riddler.
Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road puts you up against ferocious creatures called deathclaws in this video.
Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road has you clearing a devastated highway of monsters and nukes.
Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road takes you under the rubble to hunt for tunnelers in this clip.
Take a look at what Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road has to offer in this Xbox 360 gameplay montage.
Carolyn Petit dons the Dark Knight suit for this review of Batman: Arkham City.
Ken Levine, Nate Wells, and Shawn Robertson of Irrational Games take a look back and discuss the making of the BioShock: Infinite E3 demo.
Drop the coin forge to collect more coins when orcs die on it in Orcs Must Die!
Orcs Must Die gives you plenty of weapons to bring death to the orcs, including the flaming crossbow.
Orcs Must Die lets you unleash the clockwork mace on the hordes of orcs.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer takes you to the Syria map in this team deathmatch clip.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception desert multiplayer takes another crazy turn by starting the match in two trucks racing toward a cargo plane, which is taking off.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer takes to the desert village map in this clip.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer starts you off fighting on two trains running side by side.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record has Frank putting on his outfit and jumping into the ring with the undead in this clip.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record lets you construct the auto Saw Launcher in this clip.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record gives you a wide variety of weapons to combine into pure enjoyment.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record goes backstage of the wrestling match to find Frank taking an axe to everything that moves.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record lets you win big or lose your life in this video.
Grab a webby rope and follow Carolyn Petit through this review for Spider-Man: Edge of Time.
Spider-Man: Edge of Time has Spider-Man 2099 mowing down hordes of enemies in this clip.
Spider-Man: Edge of Time has you take out the giant robot parts in the research facility before it is assembled to save Spider-Man 2099 in the future.
Play as the amazing Spider-Man and bash your enemies in this clip from Spider-Man: Edge of Time.
Get to the ark control center in Capital Prime to raise the remaining arks and complete Rage.
One last obstacle to overcome is the Authority-held bridge, and then it's on to Capital Prime in this clip from Rage.
Get to the ark in Jackal Valley and bring its decrypter back to Lassard in this clip from Rage.
Get to the gearhead vault and bring their canisters of plutonium and feltrite back to Redstone in this mission from Rage.
Get on Redstone's good side by clearing out the Blue Line Station in this segment from Rage.
We pay tribute to the extraordinary life of Steve Jobs in this special episode of Appetite for Distraction.
Rage is moving you into the next territory called Subway Town.
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