Battlefield 3 - Early Deployment Beta Tournament: Over the Bridge Gameplay
Hoof it across the bridge, but watch out for all the carnage.
Hoof it across the bridge, but watch out for all the carnage.
Take a quick detour down into the metro tunnels and secure the objective.
The escalators take a beating in this shoot-out.
Trying to hide in the plants doesn’t seem effective in this match.
After finishing off two enemies, payback comes knocking.
Help some friends in danger.
Running around the escalators provides some fast action.
Take a dirt nap in the grass.
The biggest coverage of games, tournaments, and all the craziness of the Tokyo Game Show. Battlefield 3, cosplay, PS Vita, and Super Battle Opera featured.
Maxwell and Marko go to Odaiba, Tokyo, and check out Sega's Joypolis indoor amusment park.
Jonothan Toyad talks to Huw Beynon of THQ about the upcoming title, Metro: Last Light.
We speak with Daniel Isaac from Vigil Games about Darksiders 2 from the THQ event at TGS 2011.
See a quick demo for Silent Hill: Downpour from the TGS 2011 show floor.
Black Knight Sword gives us a quick look at the gameplay in this trailer from TGS 2011.
Black Knight Sword ends its demo with the first boss battle.
Black Knight Sword continues with this clip from TGS 2011.
Black Knight Sword’s side-scrolling action puts enemies in your way that explode into delicious hearts.
Black Knight Sword gives a quick tutorial before throwing you into the action.
Jonathan checks in with producer Toshifumi Nabeshima about the upcoming title Armored Core V.
Armored Core V puts your mech-bashing skills to the test in this clip from TGS 2011.
Armored Core V has you blasting your way through city buildings in this clip from TGS 2011.
Armored Core V goes underground in this clip from TGS 2011.
SoulCalibur V does a mash-up between Siegfried and Natsu at TGS 2011.
SoulCalibur V gets you a match between Mitsurugi and Siegfried.
SoulCalibur V hits TGS 2011 with this match between Z.W.E.I. and Natsu.
SoulCalibur V puts Astaroth vs. Patroklos in this match from TGS 2011.
Lumines: Electronic Symphony on the PlayStation Vita in this demo from TGS 2011.
Diabolical Pitch kicks into high gear with the Space World level from area 2.
Randolph checks out Diabolical Pitch from the Grasshopper Manufacture event in Tokyo.
Diabolical Pitch has you throwing balls at carnival freaks in this clip.
Diabolical Pitch for the Xbox 360 Kinect gives you a quick tutorial.
Check out a Resistance 3 walkthrough of level six, part one.
Check out a Resistance 3 walkthrough of level six, part two.
Check out Resistance 3's walkthrough of level five, part two.
Check out Resistance 3's walkthrough of level four.
Check out a Resistance 3 walkthrough of level five, part one.
Resistance 3 walkthrough of Level 3.
Resistance 3 walkthrough of Level 1.
Resistance 3 walkthrough of Level 2.
Crimson Alliance takes Maxwell on a walk down a familiar path in this video review.
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