I watched both episodes. I gave it a fair shake. They were bad.
Lee Jung-Jae is tragically miscast. He’s wearing a formless hangdog expression for both episodes and is struggling to get his lines out because he is not a native English speaker. The opening hand to hand fight was too choreographed with too much wire work and CGI. The Jedi are portrayed as dour ineffectual charisma free galaxy police. The characters drift from set piece to set piece with barely any connective tissue as if the showrunners are more concerned with showing new places than telling a cohesive story. The sets look like they’re made of cardboard and the costuming looks like Party City cosplay, the entire production looks like a Syfy show. If this show has a big budget, it certainly does not show on the screen.
Disney should be a lot more selective about the projects they greenlight and devote budgets for. The Acolyte seems like poorly adapted fan fiction.
This isn't going to work. No one likes to share power especially not useless c-suite stooges.
By this time next year, Hulst will step back and take a secondary head of SIE studios role while Nishino will be the sole CEO of SIE. Sony is a Japanese company after all and they would prefer being run by a Japanese exec ever since Howard Stringer's not so great tenure.
Unless Furiosa has a long tail and/or makes a lot of money on the back end, this will be the end of the Mad Max franchise until WB decides to reboot it in 10 years.
People forget that Hollywood is show business (emphasis on the second word), no one likes to lose money, and generally projects will not be continued if the previous iteration breaks even or finishes in the red. It's unfortunate, I loved Fury Road and liked Furiosa and George Miller doesn't deserve to end his career with a flop.
I've played the first two hours but so far, I pretty much agree with this rating and review.
Like Tales of Kenzara Zau, HB2 prioritizes the "art" and "style" over the gameplay. This is one of the most astounding looking and sounding games I've ever played (use surround headphones or play in a Dolby Atmos home theater for the amazing audio suite). But the gameplay is nothing to write home about, this game is like looking at a BMW i8, a great looking futuristic design with middling driving dynamics which can be outrun by a $30,000 Mustang GT.
I'll reserve final judgment until completion but so far, HB2 is the digital equivalent of style over substance.
EDIT: I've read some of the replies and it's unintentional comedy. Imagine having no depth or breadth to one's life to the point where you get triggered by a low video game review score and wasting time to post strident histrionic emotional replies instead of just shrugging and moving on with your life.
Why would they only sell this at GameStop? There is no way they were paid enough for the exclusivity to recoup lost sales from Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, et. al.
This is one of the few reviews I've seen that docked a game for MTX. Good for GS.
But one thing they should have mentioned is the always online requirement. There are reports all over the internets about unstable connections that won't allow gamers to access the career or any single player modes.
This "leak" seems conveniently timed considering sites like DF studying the specs and concluding that it won't be a significant step up from the base console and that it is unlikely to run GTA6 at 60 frames.
And I stand by my prediction. The Pro will cost $600 and they will charge a fee to upgrade PS5 base games to PS5 Pro specs (i.e., $10 to play Spider Man 2 in 4K120 with path tracing).
For the tenth time, none of these layoffs are about revenue or profitability. Most of these companies post healthy revenue and margins, the issue is that their greedy shareholders want 2.2% gain when the company posts 2.0% growth.
So the fastest most expedient way to cut overhead and G&A is to reduce headcount. As always, follow the money.
GalvatronType_R's comments