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#1  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

Yet again, I didn’t bring up the phone thing, she did. I was perfectly willing to let her look if I got to see hers, that’s equality. But trust has irretrievably broken and it’s time to move on.

As for the lease thing, my friends said that, not me. Yet again, it’s amazing that you all can’t joke around and say dumb silly stuff among your friends group without clutching your pearls and getting so offended.

As for the moving on thing, getting a replacement isn’t too difficult these days. I can’t help it that I attract the womens, the mens, the small animals, and they all want to get with me, it’s a lifelong curse.

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#2  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

You all are a bunch of snowflakes. No one can talk humorously or use colloquialisms without the online outrage police breaking their keyboards.

This is a matter of trust. I didn’t bring up searching phones, she did. I had no issue with her seeing my phone (I have nothing to hide) as long as she extended the same courtesy (quid pro quo, that’s how life works). But her immediate defensiveness has broken trust and it’s time to move on.

There are almost 4 billion women on this planet. I’ll find another. Before anyone gets outraged at that, mens have become disposable to womens via hypergamy (i.e., too short, too fat, doesn’t make enough money, doesn’t dress stylishly, isn’t socially sophisticated, etc.) but that works both ways. It’s equality and it’s only fair.

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#3  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

Girlfriend for 6 months, she has a few red flags but no dealbreakers and I like her just fine for now but I’m not too attached.

We were sitting around the other day and she semi-jokingly said she wanted to look through my phone. I told her sure, I’ll unlock it and let her…. if she unlocks and allows me to look through hers. I said it’s only fair.

She got very quiet and defensive and said she was only joking and we should move on. Intuition tells me that I don’t need to see her phone to know she’s hiding something.

Friends say the lease is up and it’s time to trade her in for a new model. I told her once that if we broke up, I would have an easier time replacing her than she would replacing me. I’m a one woman at a time guy but I have options and wouldn’t have an issue exercising them.

I’m inclined to move on from her but I’m curious what the socially maladjusted gaming community thinks.

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#4 GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

@Litchie: Nobody is a bad imitation movie mostly due to one factor: the tragic miscasting of Bob Odenkirk.

He’s a great actor but he has no physical presence, his whiny high pitched voice is perfect for Saul Goodman but not a government assassin, and he didn’t have the physical chops for the fight scenes.

Keanu Reeves might be a bad actor but he has a menacing presence and is believable as a preeminent High Table assassin.

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#5 GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

@nirgal: I can’t be friends with a masculine womens. I’ve known several of them, they are invariably loud and obnoxious, and there are times where I wish they would just shut the he|| up.

I once met a womens who acted like a mens and I thought that I could never bring her to a work or social event because due to her complete lack of self awareness, she would likely do or say something that would embarrass the he|| out of me.

So no masculine womens for me. It’s not insecurity, it’s personal preference.

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#6  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

Here’s the bottom line. Mens want feminine womens, womens want masculine mens.

Tattoos on a womens is masculine. So is excessive swearing, drinking beer or alcohol in excess, being loud and obnoxious, etc. I want a feminine womens not a sailor. Just like a mens who checks himself out in every reflective surface or spends too much time getting ready or likes to shop for clothes too much are feminine traits and will turn off most womens.

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#7  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

@mrbojangles25: @mrbojangles25: as the kids say: STOP THE CAP!

Anyone who turns down the opportunity to set up their family for multi-generational wealth via legal means is an absolute fool. A man’s job is to protect and provide for his family so I would even argue that he has a fiduciary duty to make those billions if he can.

There is not one person who would not set up their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. for life if they could do so legally such as charging for video game extras.

As stated previously, it may be cynical and predatory but there is nothing illegal about it. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything, it is the free market at its most beautiful.

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#8  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

Let me editorialize for a bit here. This is for the womens (despite this being a mens targeted poll).

I have posted several times that male obesity is absolutely repulsive to womens. A fat slob with no future prospects ain’t getting a Victoria’s Secret model (unless he’s a millionaire). Being obese for mens disqualifies them from a wide swath of womens.

However there is a standard for womens too (equality). Womens who have tats and piercings everywhere, is superficial and materialistic (i.e., all designer brands), has obvious plastic surgery, doesn’t keep up with her hygiene and isn’t feminine, and wears tight revealing trashy clothing disqualifies them from a wide swath of mens.

Just as beautiful desirable womens have options, so do tall, handsome, physically fit, and high earning mens. Both have their pick of partners and generally don’t settle. So mens are told to improve themselves all the time, so should womens.

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#9  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

@nirgal: my precise point.

You can be more direct with mens about self improvement, i.e., if they want to get more womens, they need to lose weight and work harder to get higher paying jobs. Society has taught mens to take constructive criticism.

But womens have been told they are so special from birth and any mere tiny suggestion for self improvement, i.e., wear less makeup, lose weight, dress modestly, forgo the plastic surgery, is met with threats and accusations.

Mens are taught accountability. Womens are taught deflection and denial.

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#10  Edited By GalvatronType_R
Member since 2003 • 3191 Posts

I would like to impart a useless musing.

It is socially acceptable and even encouraged for society to tell mens to get a great education to get a high salary job or to lose weight and go to the gym if they want to attract beautiful womens (no problem with that whatsoever, if mens want a 10, they gots to be a 10, attractive womens don’t date down, they date up because they have tons of options).

But any time wonens are suggested to even slightly improve themselves (i.e., don’t get so many tats, forgo the face piercings, dress more modestly, go to the gym and lose weight, et. al.), the person doing the suggesting would get annihilated by the outrage police (especially if it’s a mens suggesting).

Ladies, the rule applies to you all too (equality): if you want a 10, you gots to be a 10 because tall, handsome, cultured, physically fit mens with educations and high salaries are in high demand and they don’t date down.