First off, I know the 3DS does come with a stylus.
That said, my wife just bought me one tonight for my birthday and gave it to me a little early (she couldn't wait :)) after freaking out with happiness we discovered that our 3DS did not have it's stylus.
Looks like I get to go into gamestop tomorrow and get the issue resolved lol. Honestly though, I'm just glad I got the "defective" 3DS instead of some little kid.
lol but yeah, its stupid really. If CNN is going to compair the 3DS to the Iphone, they should compair the PSP2 and the PSPhone to the Iphone, if they are trying to get fanboys angry, then they should get sony fanboys angry too...
My PS3 flys me to work each day and then goes about saving the world from Alpacas
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