[QUOTE="squallff8_fan"] Yes that may be true, but true fact for sure, is the cell processor is more advanced then the xbox 360, if it wasnt then developers would already know how to work with the ps3 hardware, and when u do build an engine strictly for the ps3, the outcome of it is dead gorgeous for example.
Almost every xbox 360 game we seen so far that has beautiful graphics uses the unreal engine 3 where as for ps3 games just look at what Insomniac has done with RFOM using there own engine with RFOM for a launch game and now look at Ratchet and Clank. Also Motorstorm doesnt even use the unreal engine and look how beautiful that game is. Naughty Dog's Uncharted Drake's FOrtune is right up there with any of the best looking games to date and using there own engine. Heavenly Sword is also amazing and using its own engine. And we all know Final Fantasy 13, MGS4, GT5, and God Of War 3 will all be stunning and set the bar for graphics and all of them aint even using the unreal engine. Reason I bring this up is because look at halo 3, MS is best franchise game, finally bungie doesnt want to rely on unreal engine but look at how the game looks at its beta. Even Uncharte Drake's Fortune in its alpha stage is more impressive then halo 3 graphics wise. This is why I know if devs tap into the ps3 hardware which is more advanced then the xbox 360 hardware, u will get mind blowing games. Yes u may say the xbox 360 gpu is more advance then the rsx, but thats when cell comes into play, and the cell also can be used as a gpu, to help out rsx, which puts the rsx above the xbox 360 gpu. If u havent noticed, even early in the ps3's life, it already has impressive looking games that are on par with the xbox 360 and for a system that has been worked on by devs with a years head start over the ps3, already the ps3 is showing that not long from now when third party devs learn how to work with the ps3 hardware just like the ps3 first and second party devs, they will surpass the xbox 360 sooner or later. I give it about 1 and a half years from now, sony will have games that the xbox 360 would only wish it could handle and display. The game that will set the bar in graphics will be MGS4 for console games, I guarantee that Kojima will not dissapoint. He never has and he is one of the best devs in the world, yes even greater then Cliffy B, "FACT". :)
not trying to disagree with you but from a multiplat viewpoint the ps3 will always suffer, because devs will always make their games for 360 first and then quickly port then to PC due to the plataforms similar architecture
on the other hand, all ps3 exclusives can be better than 360 exclusives due to ps3's different architcture
Youre right, its powerful and does have the upper hand in processing power out of all the systems. What i was trying to say though is the cell is NOT this super powerful processor like a lot of people on this board seem to think it is. "The power of the CELL" is just one of the most ignorant statements one here can say as its really just slightly better than the 360 and/or PC multicore units. The fact is most people are thinking of the cell as something outrageously powerful that is 2,5, or 10x more powerful than anything else... and its just simply not. Its a really good, and really efficient, and really cool running processor granted, but its not SkyNet.
One thing that always comes to mind whenever the idea of "ps3 will just take longer to look better" is the fact that the 360 is aimed towards about 5-5.5 years, and the ps3 (according to Big K) is aimed towards a TEN year life span. Will the CELL upperhand be unlocked before the new 360 comes out with a granted better than the cell processor (MS is now developing it internal) or will it be after? Its really a good and a bad for both parties. 360 fans will need a new console sooner, but ps3 fans will be running on "outdated" (not by much) hardware.
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