GameArtGuy's forum posts
I work in game art, and development... so i know all about the draw backs of DVD9. IMO its not that big of a deal... its nice to have 50gb (or 25) but 9GB is still, and will remain enough for a good 2 years to come, after all, you can ship with more than 1 disc.I wasn't "forced" to get the "movie" player. I wanted the blu-ray player. And I am totally satisfied with the wonderful playback it brings me on my HDTV and 5.1 digital surround. This is next gen. gaming, boys and girls. Don't get it twisted. Next generation gaming is all about the HD and high quality, high file sized goodness.
Now, if you don't have a HDTV or surround sound, stop reading this now, delete your account and never return to this forum. Just kidding. Seriously though, I understand why you may not care about such things if you don;t have the equipment. But if you do, you must know what power the PS3 has.
If you've ever worked with video or audio files (in quality), you know that space can become a major roadblock. 360 should be hitting that roadbloack here shortly and HD-DVD won;t be too far behind. Only Blu-ray has that capacity.
By golly, gee wizz...he's right, Batman! This topic creator makes me sad...boo_datyet another well thought out response and a lack of ability to discuss something without attempting to be witty, smarta$$ed or....hell....even intelligent.
This is all fine and dandy, and I agree in a lot of ways, but this belongs in system wars.DiscoBurnId have to say this post belongs here... as its about the ps3, its not bashing, its not praising, its not comparing really... its just a topic of discussion. My personal opinion on why people have such a "hate" for the PS3 is because the heads of Sony, and the other two competitors have made it that way. They wanted this "war" because it causes so much hype for games that would never even be looked at. It causes the PS3 fanbase to notice everything that happens on the 360, and it causes the Wii fan base to notice everything that happens on he PS3. It causes people to talk, and when someone talks about your product, you win. Its not about price, 500 for somthing that you will use for 3-4 years? sounds good to me. Its not about games, we all know the good stuff comes later (look at the 360) Its not about Blu-Ray, you dont even notice a difference. What its about is people enjoying their hobby of gaming, just like people enjoy watching football or basketball they will enjoy watching to see who pulls what punches in this marketing war... and everyones picked a team to watch and root for.
I'm more interested in why you feel compelled to post something like this in the first place?Uh, because its a PS3 forum, and people concerned about somthing they spent 600 dollars on like discussing why others have a hatred for it?
THE REAL #1 is wouldnt copy and paste correctly
- The Look -
Some consider it the most “sexy” looking machine. In my opinion its the ugliest of the
big three. Not because it looks like a grill, but simply because its
design just doesn’t work. To me, the curvy yet edgy look is just
awkward. - It Won -
Theres no doubt it “won” the last generation, and continues to sell in great
quantities. The PS2 seems to have given Sony the “cocky” attitude of
being the champion. With statements such as “Xbox 1.5″ or “doesn’t cost
enough” coming straight from the mouth of the beast… its hard to like
Sony, even if you’re not a Xbox Fanboy. Also a result of the PS2,
people expect Sony to have the upper hand, which at the moment they
certainly do not, and when you’re known for winning the slightest
chance of losing is too good not to talk about. - Blu-Ray -
Do you want it? Do you hate it? All those don’t matter because your
going to pay for it. Many people consider the higher price tag a result
of the Blu-Ray drive being added. With games like Gears of War, Mass
Effect, Halo 3, and many many more titles looking nothing short of
amazing fitting on one disc it is hard to see the reason for this right
away. When Sony’s formats have a habbit of…well…failing, some may see
this as paying for something that isn’t a winner.
Games - simple as that. At the moment there is really nothing making me itch
with envy over every PS3 owner. Even the titles that make me want a PS3
have only been shown in pre-rendered videos or even worse, pre-rendered
screen-shots. Many of the current titles on the PS3 have been available
for almost a year on the competitors console, and many will be
multi-platform. When i have a choice of a game on the 360 or PS3,
there’s going to be one that supports achievements and great on-line
play… so guess which one I will choose?
Full Article
I just thought it was interesting... why do you think the PS3 is getting so much hate? (please dont say the "XBOTZ MUST BE SCARED ELOHEL OMG !!!")
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