GameArtGuy's forum posts
[QUOTE="donut349"]So what do you think of the Halo 3 beta so far?...Dude, the Halo 3 beta doesn't start until like 2007... (am i the only one that finds this funny....) The Halo 3 beta doesnt start till SPRING
Thats cool you got a early copy of Crackdown btw...
Oh yeah, and I heard this is the same situation in XBL. I don't own a 360 and I haven't tried the current XBL, but the current dling speed is probably the same on all current systems. glitch2424The demoes on the 360 download relativly quick unless you try getting it the same day as everyone else.... then it does take forever. After a week of release though you can get a demo in 30 - 40 minutes. Watch the clock though on your demos from the ps store, my bet is its not as long as you may think. Back when there was no background downloading for the 360 (8 months ago) it seemed like things took SOOO much longer because you were stuck looking at the same screen.
[QUOTE="ColoradoKindBud"]Actually, Microsoft payed Sega money so they can make the Xbox360 version online. Sega, right now, they are just cheap with their money. So, i can see Microsoft do the same thing for VF5. If it happens, i can guess they can do the same for the PS3 update version. omg thats sad... and totaly untrue. The reason VF5 will not feature online play is because of the Frame Counter. VF players know thats where the skill takes place, and when online EVERY FRAME COUNTS... the slightest delay would ruin it for so many people....Hey Deihmos, the fact that Virtua Tennis has online for the 360 & the PS3 has NOTHING to do with VF5.
The developers of VF5 specifically stated that they would not implement any online play for any console version of this title. Period. Then you come in here & claim that it was already "confirmed" that the 360 version has online when everyone knows it doesn't. Then, when people ask you to back up your BS statements with a link or some actual proof, you can't do it. So you really have nothing else to say in this thread because it was a great thread until you came in & started spreading lies & turn it into yet another fanboy-fest. Thanks for nothing. Hopefully everyone will remember you in the future, I know I will.
[QUOTE="rob3nelson"]This is ridiculous. The PS3 is doing great in Japan. The XBox is dead last there. Check your facts, sir. They are inaccurate and you a racist!!!!thestickmanHave you even been paying ANY attention to this thread at all?? He just proved my point....
Look here GameArtGuy... The only thing that makes me sad about haters is that... quite honestly it shows that people are simply manipulated lego wind up toys.Very well said... completely 100% agree. Just watching how upset people have gotten over this post is a clear example of say it simply...disgusts me about "gamers" at the moment. To think theres people here, in this forum who actually insulted, bashed, and formed a hatred over me simply because i dont agree with them on the terms of a video game console, or what company deserves my dollar is somthing we should all think about. The fact that this topic generate a good amount of upset among people, simply because they did not read what the intent of this post was is scarey as well... People here are attempting to catagorize other people on which console they own with names like Xbot, Lemming, Sheep, Cow, FonyFan, SDF, WiiTard (my least favorite one).... is plain and simple just disgusting.
1) For people to think, even for an instant, that a cruel monopoly like Microsoft which cost us taxpayers untold millions of dollars (I still haven't forgiven them for Netscape) is a "NICE GUY" company shocks the hell out of me. Quite simply because they make a stupid video game machine they have successfully brainwashed the mtv generation. I am stunned. They are under antitrust litigation in UK/Japan/Korea.
** China nearly banned their asses a few years back until damage control flew in
2) For me to see young children defend Nintendo simply because they love pikachu is terrible.
That horrible cult? The Church of Scientology? Did you know they have their hand in NeoPets in order to manipulate some agenda? Scary to think your children one day might get sucked into some evil corporation/church/cult isn't it? I dislike that children find reason to hate another human being for corporations... That is NOT what I want children to learn.
3) Sony. They are a conglomerate out to make money. I wouldn't say they are better or worse than any other big evil corporation. However, they simply haven't had as much success as Microsoft at screwing all the taxpayers over (MS is 10 times the size of Sony in Market Capitalization). Does this make them less evil? Probably not. It's like saying a failed crook is a better person than the successful crook. They are both money hungry corporations.
So here's my answer to your hatred question:
There is no personal reason for us to have emotional loyalty towards corporations. The only thing we should want is for "innovation" to win and a healthy competitive environment to survive.
Sony should not be the only player. That would be terrible.
Nintendo should not be the only player. That would be terrible.
Microsoft makes 3 billion dollars profit EVERY QUARTER off of an already borderline illegal monopoly. I would suggest they should *not* be allowed to take over the gaming industry since to be honest don't they make enough money already? They can be a healthy 2nd or 3rd but god forbid they own Business Computers, Home Computer, The Living Room, and the Game Systems.
* What kind of insanity would allow us to give this much power to anyone?
And thats the point of me posting to article for all the people that have asked... not to see why you think people hate sony... but to see how you reacted to somthing so tiny.... i really could care less about the several PM's ive received calling me a troll from this post, or the fact ill probably be moderated... i wrote the article on that website, in an attempt to figure out why we do these tiny stupid things that we do, for my next article.
Good day all.
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