Amen, this is the spirt of true video game making, this darksouls, and demon souls remind me of the era when video games were all small scale budget, a time when no company has the resource for idiotic Hollywood cast voice actors/actress, no stupid QTE cut sense, no moronic tutorial "teachs you "click Mouse 1 to firing mouse 2 for aiming" etc.
@CHROMEFLAMIN @GameFan1983 fortunately she did, filled me among 0.01% elites so this world isn't only flooded by 99.99% hopeless imbeciles. for example, one such as yourself.
I think I should summarize the whole history of crysis series
when crysis1 released : PC virigns "WHAAAAAA DIS GAME IS KILLING MY PC CRYTEK YOU SUX!!!" (crysis1 sales: less than 10,000 units worldwide in first 30 days and the figure switched crytek's PC focus decision) PC gamers liked crysis1 more and more as time passed by when more gaming PC able to max it and when more mod content dropped.
when crysis2 released: PC virigns "WHHHAAAA MA PC CAN EASILY MAX OUT DIS CONSOLE PORT CRAP!! CRYTEK YOU SUX!!! (crysis2 sales 3,000,000 worldwide in first 30 days)
when crysis2 DX11 patch and high def texture drops, PC virgins "WHHAAA CRYTEK, DIS UNOPTIMIZED CONSOLE CRAP IS KILLING MA PC AGAIN!!!" YOU GUYS STILL SUX!!!!!"
when crysis3 released, PC virgins: "BUT BUT BUT BUT.../.. YOU STILL MADE IT ON KONSOLEZ!!!!! YOU STILL SUX."(currently 500,000 units in first 7 days and still moving)
@spammehardothan you obviously haven't played crysis3, level 5 cell and cepth siege mission is more massive than onslaught(crysis1 tank mission) plus any 2 crysis1 missions combined. far more vehicle choices, larger landscape, 10x times more complex map design, with 3 factions at war all at once. nothing from cryssi1 could even come close to compare.
"People remember Crysis 1 much bigger than it was, because it had a high impact."
his statement is exactly correct and is an absolute truth
GameFan1983's comments