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'95 Opus One...With Smoked Salmon and Artichokes.

I stayed home sick on Thursday and Friday...I missed a test and a quiz, several assignments, and I'm going to miss one on Monday since the teacher is nice and is letting me study longer.  :)

Anyways...I really just laid around and watched movies.  On Thursday I watched Sideways, one of my favorites, and Friday I watched The Truman Show...also one of my favorites.  Both days I watched various episodes of The Office, and a TiVo'd episode of Thursday's Scrubs (since I wasn't awake to see it).

I've been going to bed earlier, and I'm still tired all the time.  I hope it's not mono...I've had it twice.  :(

Oh, I went to the orthodontist yesterday.  I found out that I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled, and after that, I get braces for at least two years.  Those two years will be my last two years of high school.  That blows...

The frustrating thing isn't that I have to get braces, but it's that they could have seen it earlier.  Like, I could have had braces three or four years ago if my dentist had seen it...and he could have, by the way.  He said so.  :P 

Anyways...on the bright side, I just had a Twix.  ^_^


Please Pass Some Sanity.

I have a bad's like seven here and I'm already thinking about going to bed.  :P

I just watched the last half of Misery on TV.  It's really creepy, I'll probably rent it sometime to see it all.

My favorite episode of Scrubs was on too...the one where J.D. talk about how something as insignificant as a butterfly flapping its wings can change stuff...and then there are two stories that take place showing how the day would have been different if the butterfly landed on the other person's chest.  :P

I'll probably rent Blood Diamond this weekend...that and Taxi Driver.  I heard a friend of mine talking about how good Blood Diamond is, and I've been meaning to get to Taxi Driver for a while.  I just never have.

I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight...I'm so stuffed up...not fun.  :(  Better get a head start.  :P


College or Career.

I might get back to these daily blogs.  Depends on how eventful my life is.  :P

Let's see...I think it was Saturday when I went to lunch with my parents.  My brother was at a friends house, so I got some time away from him.  :)  Out of nowhere, my dad started talking about college...where I want to go, what I want to do...I don't know either.  I just listened as they listed possibilities I wasn't interested in.  I don't think they have any idea that I want to be an actor...even though the clues are all there.

        1)  I love movies.
        2)  I took an acting c1ass.
        3)  I'm joining Speech & Debate next year.
        4)  I'm trying out for the fall play.

Needless to say, I'm very interested in it...they have no idea.  At least the burger was good.  :P

Easter was pretty good.  My brother's friend came over uninvited, because he's like that.  :roll:  At least they stayed outside while I played MGS2: Substance.  :P  By the way, I beat it on Normal mode this morning.  I'm so amazing.  ^_^  :P

I had today off.  I did even less than I usually do on these days...less posting, more sitting around.  I started a new file on Resident Evil 4, and if you've seen me in the forums at all, you know I like it by looking at my sig.  :P


In With the Out Croud.

First order of business:  I started using grey.  ^_^  :P

I beat MGS2: Substance on...I think it was Saturday.  :?  I forgot how crazy the plot gets near the end, especially that last thing Otacon says.  :shock:  The end made me feel weird, like inspired and depressed at the same time...kinda like Donnie Darko.

It was really good, though.  It's the only game where you'll spend more time watching cut-scenes than playing the actual thing.  I'm totally fine with that, too, cuz if you know anything about me, you know I love movies.  :D

I have to go back to school tomorrow.  At least I have Composition.  We're watching Dead Poets Society.  It's pretty good, but someone spoiled the ending about a week before we started it.  I'm never talking to him about movies again; he spoiled The Shawshank Redemption too.  :x:x:x

I've been kinda posting more here, and I've noticed sort of a...switch in users.  A lot of people who used to post in OT I barely see anymore, and now there's a whole new wave of ambitious new users.  It's kinda refreshing, but I can't help but miss some of the others.  :(


The Only Way to Stay Sane.

So yeah...Spring Break started.  It's day five (we had Friday off, too  :P) and I've watched six movies.

Snakes on a Plane
Half Nelson
The Butterfly Effect 2
Borat:  Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benifit Glorious Nation of Kazhakstan (spelling?)
Stranger Than Fiction

They were all good except for The Butterfly Effect 2...:?

I bought MGS2: Substance today.  It was less than ten dollars, and I really felt like playing it.  :P

I also started playing Hitman: Contracts again, and to my surprise, I'm actually not too bad at it anymore.  :)  It's still freaking hard, but it's more fun now.

I dunno...more to come.  :P


Blank Stares.

I thought I'd do a quick update.  :)

I finished a satire essay for Composition, and now we're working on a research paper.  -_-  I'm writing about OCD, which I'm completely convinced that I have.

I have two band competitions this week:  Concert band on Friday night, and a jazz band thing all of Saturday.  There goes my weekend.

At least Spring Break's coming up fast.  I'll get plenty of time to watch movies then.  :D

I saw The Departed on Saturday.  I liked it pretty well, but as always, people were moving around the house like it was a freaking airport, so I got minimum enjoyment out of it.  That sucks, because for me, if I'm not totally into a movie, then I'm out of it, and if I'm out of it, then I've just missed the whole point.


On Leave.

I haven't really been on a lot lately.  I'm kinda taking a break, I guess.  I'll post when I have time, but that's about it for now.  Everyone gets bored of this site eventually, and it'll only be a matter of time before I come back.  :)



We shouldn't have had school today.  It snowed last night, and it continued through the morning.  The roads were sloppy, icy, and snowy.  But we still had to go to school.

I hope the school can live with the guilt of knowing that there were at least five car accidents involving students at our school...this morning.  :x

I got to school at about 6:45, like every day, for jazz band.  Only half of the kids actually showed up relatively on time, and we just waited for a while for more people to show up.

Anyways, most people got over it at about 11.  :P

Our current unit in Comp. klass (Gamespot won't let me type the real word "c.lass" for some reason  :?) is "Satire."  On Thursday, we're watching an episode of The Office (Diversity Day  :D), The Daily Show, SNL, and The Colbert Report...possibly more.  :P  Should be fun.

Then we get to write a satire essay.  I'm not sure of what the actual guidelines are, but it should be fun.  :)

Our jazz bands (there are three of them, I'm in the middle one) are taking a trip to Chicago on Thursday the...25th?  I think that's about right.  :P  We're staying for three days, performing at least once, maybe twice for clinition, and going to a jazz club.  8)

This'll be a great trip.  Most of my friends who are in band are also in one of the jazz bands (mainly the one I'm in).  So yeah, we get back late Saturday if you actually read my blogs instead of just skim them, you'll know why I'm gone.  ;)
