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GameFreak315 Blog

And the Days, and the Days, They Seem Like Forever.

So, you may be wondering several things:

1) Why is GameFreak writing a blog at nearly one in the morning?
2) Why am I reading this?
3) Where has GameFreak been?

While you already know the answer to the second one and just don't realise it ( ;) ), the other two will be answered...rather briefly, actually.

1) I just got back from a late flight from a vacation in Arizona.
3) I've been in Arizona. :P

More details about Arizona will come later...with pictures! :D But for now, you'll have to settle for text. :(

I guess that kinda explains why I've been not on the forums, nor have I been in your blogs (even less than usual). But I'll try to make it up as long as there are things to be posted. :)

Another order of business: There are four CDs I'm considering for purchase in the near future. I have three of them locked in (meaning that I'm definitely getting them at some point), but one of them I'm not totally sure about. The CDs are as follows:

"Five Score and Seven Years Ago" by Relient K. I love this band. ^_^

"Twenty-Eight Teeth" by Buck-O-Nine. People of the Ska Union will know about this one. :P

"[Whatever the title of Streetlight Manifesto's next album is]" by Streetlight Manifesto. Again, Ska Union. :)

"Americana" by The Offspring. Courtesy of fishdalf in one of his earlier blogs whichgave a strong recommendation for "The Kids Aren't Alright." It's a great song, but I'm skeptical as to whether the rest of the songs are worth having, or if I would be fine with just getting a couple of them instead of the entire CD. This is where I need help...Offspring fans, unite!


Look Out, Step Back.

Speech is over. :D I took the final yesterday. 155 questions: 54 short answer, 101 fill-in-the-bubble. Yikes. :? Wasn't too bad, though...I think. :)

I gave my Impromptu speech the day before, and everyone thought it was hilarious. The deal is that you get a topic (mine was Elvis), and you get a minute to prepare, and then you have to talk for at least a minute about it's just making it up as you go. Anyways, they all laughed, and I started coming up with words I didn't even know I could use. It was fun. :)

I'm leaving for Arizona tomorrow, so if I'm not'll know why. :P We're coming back on Friday. :)

We had our first marching band sectional on Wednesday. I can't remember if I already said that...but it was nice seeing everyone again. Except a lot of people quit I think...which sucks, because now everything'll be different. :(

I saw Evan Almighty yesterday. I didn't like it. :( I like Steve Carell...Morgan Freeman is my hero...but the story was just okay, and the execution was kinda bad. Plus, Wanda Sykes had like fifty one-liners, and they all blew. :x



I've got my Speech final on Friday. It shouldn't be too bad...ironically, it's all written. :P

And tomorrow, I've got to give an Impromptu speech. The teacher will give us each two topics apiece to choose from, and we have to stand up and talk about it for a minute. Sounds fun. :P

I'm going to Arizona on Sunday. 8) It's supposed to be really nice, but I'd still rather just stay here. I haven't had that much time to wind down yet, and taking two early planes somewhere doesn't sound that fun. :(

I saw Being John Malkovich on Sunday. What an odd movie...I highly recommend it. :D

I got this program a few weeks ago that lets me put turn any of my songs into a ringtone. It's really neat...I can crop the songs to make them start where I want them to start and everything. Right now, it's "Miserlou" by Dick Dale and His Del-Tones...or in other words, the theme song from Pulp Fiction. That's awesome. 8)


Stay Off My Lawn.

Gave my research speech on Tuesday. That went pretty was on OCD, and for my visual aid I showed a scene from The Aviator. Great movie. :)

Now we have to do a persuasive speech...which sucks, because I'm not persuasive. :x I just picked one I thought everyone would agree with me on: TV/Movie Violence. :P It's not so much about how it desensitizes people, but how parents complain about their kids watching violence, and they don't do anything about it. :roll:

There was a cool special on last night with the 100 Greatest American Movies. It was pretty good. They didn't have a few on there that I thought would be, but whatever. :P

Oh, and I read somewhere that there's going to be a video game based on The Office. :question: :? I'll probably spare myself from that experience and just keep watching the show. Unless it actually turns out to be good...which would be surprising. :P


Extemporaneous Method.

I gave my personal narrative speech last week. It went really well...they laughed, so yeah. I guess I achieved what I wanted to achieve. :P

I watched three movies this weekend. I will now name them and give way-too-short reviews:

Shrek the Third--Better than the second, but not as good as the first...but really, how many movies are? :P
Memento--Holy crap. :o
Almost Famous--Makes me wish I lived in 1973. It looks so awesome...great story, acting, and etc. :D

So I've been driving myself for a few weeks...I'm not a bad driver, I just don't do it very often because I only know how to get to a few places. And I don't take spontaneous direction very well. If someone told me to "turn right at the next light," I'd flip out and try to do ten things at once. I need to chill. :P

I've been able to sleep in pretty well, too. Well, sleeping in for me is like 8:00. I don't need a lot of sleep. Plus, the blinds in my room suck, so when the sun starts rising, in shoots into my eyes. :x

Note to Zoid: I didn't say it. Not once. ;) :P


Manuscript Method.

I've been in Speech for about a week and a half. I have to give my personal experience speech tomorrow. That's weird, because last semester in Composition (which you may remember was my favorite c1ass), we had to write a personal experience essay. I could have easily used the same story. But I didn't...I don't think I could openly talk about something like that in front of a room of people I don't know. Well, I know about half of them, but I wouldn't even tell people I know about the essay.

Last weekend I three movies:

Pan's Labyrinth, which was really, really good. :D
Fargo, which was very interesting and different.
Rain Man, which was incredible. ^_^

I have about another month until I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Or maybe they're my molars. I can't remember which. All I know is that they're perminant teeth, and it'll probably suck. I've heard it only takes a few days to get over, though.

But then I have to get braces about a month after that, and I have to keep them on for two years. That'll be through my Junior and Senior years of high school. :x I'm sure no one will think anything of it, but I'm concerned that my speaking will get thrown off, or my saxophone playing will suck. I don't want that, especially not now. :(

Oh, and we were doing some assignment in Speech today where we got into groups, went into different c1assrooms and watched clips from different movies the teacher chose. My group watched a scene from Finding Forrester, which we had watched in Composition the previous month. One group got The Shawshank Redemption, my second favorite movie of all time, and no one had ever heard of it. No one except for the teacher. I was like...:o



Speech c1ass started.  It's okay...we have to give a lot of speeches.  :x  Of course, it's only eighteen more days.  That's not so bad.

I'm seeing Pan's Labyrinth this weekend.  My dad's bummed that it's in Spanish with English subtitles, but I told him to get over it.  :P  I've seen some great movies that had subtitles...if not all of the movie, at least some of it, like Babel, Bella, The Science of Sleep...great movies.

Oh, that reminds me:  A few weeks ago, our club at school got a pre-screening of the movie Bella.  It's a great movie...I recommend it when it comes out in theaters, or at least on DVD, to see it.  :D  Hopefully they get the money to release it's independent, so that can be a problem.



I made the Jazz Ensemble.  :D  It's the school's best jazz band...and I'm in it.  ^_^  I have to play bari sax, though...which isn't a huge deal.  I usually play tenor, but it turns out the four people who auditioned are better than I am.  :P  Anyways, I've always kinda wanted to try bari, so it should be fun.  :)

I managed to keep all my grades after finals...well, there were two changes:  Adv. Chemistry rose from a B+ to an A- (:)), and Adv. Spanish II lowered from an A+ to an A (:().  I don't feel too bad about the Spanish grade, mainly because most of the exam was stuff from first semester that we never even had a test over.  What the hell?  :x

I got a new phone.  Since my parents upgraded their plan, and new phones didn't cost that much more...yup.  :P  I can take pictures with it now...and a whole bunch of other useless things that phones don't really need to have.  It's cool, though.

I'm starting my summer Speech c1ass on Tuesday.  Why am I taking a summer c1ass?  Here's a few things:

      1)  Speech is a required English course that spans one semester.
      2)  Speech is generally taken during the Junior year...which is me, after summer.  :)
      3)  AP Language and Composition is an English course that spans the whole year.
      4)  I was recommended for AP Lang/ yeah, I'm taking it next year.

The problem:

      5)  If AP Lang/Comp is a year-long English course, and Speech is a required semester-long English course, how can I take them both when my schedule's full?


      6)  Summer school.

I hope you enjoyed that.  :P


Catching Up On the Classics.

One of the promises I made myself this summer is to watch all those older movies that I've been meaning to get to...the ones many people consider c1assics.  I don't know if I'll like them...I'm sure I will, but my tastes can be kinda weird sometimes...but either way, I'll learn to appreciate c1assic cinema.  Here's what I have on my list so far:

1)  Taxi Driver

2)  Citizen Kane

3)  The Godfather...I tried watching it on TV one time, but I thought it was boring.  Maybe the DVD will be different.  :)

That's less than I thought...I need suggestions.  Please help.  :P


Keasbey Nights.

It's the weekend before finals, and that means lots of's not too bad for me this year, though.  Here's my final schedule/predictions:

      Band:  Easy.  One song, Freshman-difficulty at most, slow, one sharp in the key tempo change, but seriously.
      Modern World:  Also easy.  I remember most of the stuff we learned this year, and after reviewing on the way to my cousin's graduation (more on that later), I'm totally ready.
      Adv. Algebra II:  Exempt.  Not taking it...solid A-.  8)

      Adv. Composition I:  Medium-ish.  There'll be a lot of those "which sentence is (in)correct?" questions.  Those are a total ***** sometimes.
      Church History:  We did group PowerPoint Presentations, but my group presented ours.  It was easy, now we just watch other people.  :P

      Adv. Chemistry:  Probably my hardest test.  I just need to go back an make sure I can do all the problems we learned early on...limiting reactant, velocity/molar mass, balancing...yeah.
      Adv. Spanish II:  Might be kinda tough.  I should look through my vocab again.  Conjugating shouldn't be a problem, except for those damn shoe verbs.  :x

Anyways, that's it.  Wish me luck.  :P

I just got back from my cousin's graduation party a few hours ago.  Well, her party was yesterday, but we came back this morning.  And it wasn't really a was an open house.  :P

A bunch of relatives were there...I have a lot of cousins.  *Counts.*  Eh, it's really only fifteen-ish.  :P  I think only ten were there, though.  One of the little ones has a perminant sugar-high.  Maybe it's ADHD...

Oh, and I'm working on The Impossible Quiz still.  I've gotten to #79, and I can't remember why I got stuck on it cuz I haven't tried since yesterday.  :P  Maybe I'll give it another friend got to 103, and I have to beat him.
