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GameFreak315 Blog

Take On Me, Take Me On.

I got a different script for my Humorous Interp. They told me that the only reason they gave me a "newbie script" was because they couldn't remember the other one they wanted me to do. They found's called "The Actor's Nightmare," and it's about a person who wakes up and finds out he has to go on stage in five minutes. Very funny. :P

We have our first competition for marching band on Saturday. I hope we do well...everytime I feel like I played my best, we always get negative feedback. It's a total downer. :(

In my previous blog, I talked about a Speech & Debate/Band conflict...Speech & Debate is on October 5 and 6, and Band is October 6. It turns out that I actually only perform on the 5th for Speech, so then I can get back in time for my full-day overnight band trip. Whoo. :P

It's not that I don't like band, but all these trips can get time consuming. Especially after two years. I always end up enjoying them once I'm on the road, but I don't have as much time as I had previous years, and that's a bummer.

I really like Jazz Ensemble, but it feels like the music's way over my head...I've been trying to get in for private lessons with a guy for like two years, but he's been full the whole time. That sucks. It's not even like I haven't been trying...I could be so much better right now if there was more than one guy who actually played saxaphone around here. Instead I have to settle for fumbling through fingerings that others can sight-read.



School's been keeping me busy. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with people's blogs...

I have meeting type things with the Speech coach all next week after school. I got a's called "Extra Innings." It's about a guy who tries to give another guy his extra baseball ticket. It's kinda lame...they call all those "the newbie pieces," because they only have two people and the stories are linear. No problem. :P

Our marching band show is slowly coming together. We only have twelve more movies to learn until the show's finished. I mean, it'll still look bad, but then we'll start cleaning it. Then it'll look better.

I saw Adaptation. last night. It's probably one of the most brilliant concepts I've ever watched play out in front of me. It's genius. :lol:

I don't know how far I am in Metroid Prime...I just got the Plasma Beam (the last one), but I got raped by five Hunters in a pit of electrical goo. Then I had to start all over. :(

I just found out that our band competition in Minnesota and my first Speech & Debate meet lie on the same day. Isn't that a kicker? Now I get to choose between the two, hopefully, and not just be forced to do band. Actually, in a best-case-scenerio, I'll somehow be able to make both of them...since the Speech thing actually starts the daybefore the band competition, but also continues through the day of. I'd rather go to the Speech thing because it's my first one...I want to know what to expect the rest of the year.


The Bottom Line.

School's been taking up a lot of my time: Homework and tests for c|ass, including two AP; Speech & Debate, in which I'm currently memorizing a piece; band, in which I'm currently memorizing a show andfumbling through complex jazz fingerings...the bottom line is, I just won't be here that much anymore. I'll be able to stop in at night, or during random times when I'm doing homework, and on weekends, but I don't see any long stays for a while.

I wonder how the rest of the year will be.


When I'm Home, I Think I'll Go Eat Cereal and Stare Out the Window.

Somehow I got sucked into Fantasy Football...which if you know what I'm like, you know I hate sports. -_- I don't have to do anything, but I did have to spend like six hours today drafting a team. I didn't know anything about the players so my dad and brother helped. So how do I, the disliker of sports, get into this? Force...I didn't want to, but they kinda made me. I apparently picked a bunch of good players though, so other people can't have them...I guess that's a plus.

Speech & Debate has been really fun. I'll stay after school and hang out in the auditorium (which is basically our stomping ground) and talk to people who know more about it than I do. The director of it says he found a gread "dead-pan" comedy piece for me to do...which apparently is like straight-faced dark comedy. I love that kind. ^__^

The marching band had their first performance on Friday. We did alright, considering that we're not that good yet. The second movement sounds totally awesome. 8) We lost the football game, though.

I have a test in almost every c|ass this week...and the only reason I don't have a test in one is because we had one last week. -_- Maybe I'll check my grades...

I got a couple more songs on iTunes:

"The City That Day" by Matt Skiba. Short and sweet...check it out sometime. You can stream it on MySpace. :)
"Walking Disaster" by Sum 41. I'm a fan of the band...and while I'm not sure than it's worth buying the entire new album, I'll definitely be picked several out. ;)

I started playing the first Metroid Prime again...I only got like 23% done the first time I tried because I didn't really like it. Can you imagine that? I like it a lot better now, though...I know what I'm doing.


Two Homes in My Home Away From Home.

I officially joined Speech & Debate yesterday.I'm excited...and nervous. I'm not the most outgoing guy (Me? No way...), but the director of the program believes in me...he was my Acting teacher, and if you remember my blogs last year, I loved that c|ass. ^__^

I spent a little time in the auditorium after school...that's basically the designated Speech & Debate c|assroom. The entire auditorium. It's awesome. 8) I just visited with another guy who was in my Acting c|ass last year (a year younger than I am), and someone I'd had some other c|asses with. Very funny guy. :P

Marching band has our first football game performance tomorrow night. It's at a college stadium. :shock:'s a big rivalry game. :P We have the first movement completely finished, and about two-thirds of the second movement. We just stop at the last set we learned and play the rest of the song...we have all the music done. :P

I had my first test of the year today: AP Physics. I wasn't that bad, actually...and since the questions are taken directly from the freaking-hard end-of-the-year AP Exam (yikes), he grades on a curve. That's nice. It takes a little stress off...but I still want to do well.

I got two more songs on iTunes:

"Last Nite" by The Strokes. What can I say? It's darn catchy. :P
"Motown Never Sounded So Good" by Less Than Jake. Because Less Than Jake is the best band ever (in my opinion). 8)

So I guess with band, and now Speech & Debate, I'm involved with two things that take up a majority of my time in the one place that takes upmost of my life. It'll be weird splitting my time between the two, but I'll make it work.


EDIT: Oh, and I'm thinking about getting Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube...I've heard it's really good and for some reason I just feel like playing it. Opinions?

I Guess It's Just Another Night Alone.

I had a little homework this weekend...most notably, AP Physics. This one problem was really getting on my nerves...and I had to finish it today, because it's an internet assignment that's also turned in online. Wild, huh? And we even get our own little message board. :P

Double_decker tried to help me get 28.5k posts today, just for the hell of it. I started this morning with 27.9k...and got about 400. That's more posts than I've ever gotten in one day, so I'm pretty...uh, proud I guess? :P

I have another infection in my gums...this is the third one in a month, which is when I got my teeth pulled. They say it's because I keep getting food stuck back there. My teeth are slanted back so it's really easy for it to happen on the right side. So I stopped chewing on that side didn't work. I'm seeing a dentist tomorrow. :x

I got an iTunes gift card yesterday...just felt like I needed some new stuff to listen to. :P So far, I've gotten four songs:

"Shining On" by Big D & the Kids Table.
"Far Behind" by Social Distortion.
"Reach for the Sky" by Social Distortion.
"The Kids Aren't Alright" by The Offspring.

They're all really good. :)

I have school tomorrow again...shoot, how is that going to work with the dentist thing? Oh well, I'll figure it out. :P


Once Upon a Time, I Woke Up.

First week of school's over. Well, first week minus one day. It was faster than I thought it would be. It'll probably be bearable.

Speech & Debate meets for the first time on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm nervous because I don't know what kind of event I'll do. Some kind of "interp," I'm thinking...

We had our first Jazz Ensemble practice on Thursday. It sounded really good, for sight-reading the music. We're playing a song by Chicago. I don't listen to them, but the song's catchy.

Just watched The Lookout. I bought it today knowing it would be great. It was. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is becoming one of my favorite actors...actually, I think he already has. Mysterious Skin and Brick were amazing, and this just adds to it.

I don't have any plans for this weekend yet. Except for homework. If I'm getting this much homework this early in the year, it's going to suck later on...or it might get easier, since now I'm just getting used to working on stuff again. We'll see what happens.


Target Practice.

School starts tomorrow...wish me luck. >__>

I think there's some meeting for Speech & Debate, too, so I'm gonna go to that. I don't really know what to expect, so hopefully I'll be able to find someone I know and get some information. :P

I've noticed that school always sucks for the first few weeks...always. It's slow, it's boring, and it :x I blame it partially on the fact that I have marching band each morning before school, which probably doesn't help things. :?

I counted last night, and I watched 21 movies this summer. Not bad. :P I might fit one in tonight, too. Something that'll get my spirits up for the likely long weeks to come...I'm thinking about Garden State or High Fidelity.

I should probably get organized. Throw stuff in the bag, get all my cards in order, all that. It doesn't feel like a big transition period for me. I remember when I was little, it always seemed like a huge thing when school started again after the long break...but now, it just seems like another day, except in a different place.


It's Such An Innocent Life.

I had orientation on Friday. My Seminar (what we call Study Hall) sucks, but I won't even spend time there due to my schedule. One Seminar day I'll be in AP Physics, and the other I'll be in Jazz Ensemble. 8)

Our AP Physics c|ass met afterwards to shoot our water rockets. Mine sucked. Well, the rocket I made was fine, but the launcher I picked up from the school was leaky, so it didn't work. One shot went off prematurely and I cut my hand. :( I was kinda pissed...I spent too much time on that rocket to have it screwed up by a crappy launcher. :x

My c|ass list is pretty good, actually. I think. I know three of the teachers I'll be having, and one of the others I've heard is great. The others are toss-ups. :P

I've heard good and bad things about Junior year.

  • The Good:
    • Upperc|assman. 8)
    • I know people, finally. :P
    • I'll be in Speech & Debate...this is an individually specific one.
  • The Bad:
    • The workload will be enormous. :x
    • I have to start thinking about college...:?

I think I'll be able to deal with it.


...But Forever Isn't Ever Enough!

I know someone knows what song my title's from. :P

So yeah, I get to go back to school next Tuesday. :( It'll be nice seeing everyone again, but's school. :x

I still have to make my bottle rocket for Friday...and I'm still hoping that it won't be hard, because I have no experience in rocket science. :? I'll just put some fins on it and point the top off a little, fill it up with water and watch go (hopefully). :P

So far, we've learned all of the first song for marching band, both music and drill. It looks awful. >_> I guess we'll work on it, but I'm already a little tired of it. :P I'll be glad when Jazz starts, and when I begin Speech & Debate. I hope I do well.

I'm nearing the end of Twilight Princess. A few things I've learned...

***NOTE: Gamespot's not letting me do the SPOILER box, so just skip this if you haven't played Twilight Princess. They're not huge, but I still thought I should warn you...sorry. :(


Being a wolf is cool for a while, but gets old.

Mailmen make for the best comic relief.

Cats make great friends. ^_^

It's not that hard to toss giant beasts shaped like rocks, as long as your shoes are heavy.


