I was playing Metal Gear Online. These 3 guys on the other team were spawn camping me on Midtown Maelstrom as soon as i entered.
like i couldn't select a weapon they camped me so quick
so i asked them to stop, kicked one of them, and i was labeled a loser, a (insert bad ethnic word here), etc.
so round restarts, they keep trying to do this. like 5 other people were actually playing while these 2 guys kept camping me and having fun
so, after someone on my team FINALLY comes to help me, there is one guy left. and he's still trying to camp
so i use my DP to get the RPG and man,.... i shoot him in the face. dead. i run all the way to his spawn point.
killed him 6 times with that RPG. CQC'd him 4 more times, and flat out shot him in the head with my pistol even more.
he yelled, called me a cheater. i asked him if he liked it.
then in the lobby after he cursed me out some more, i told him i worked for konami. i told him it was my job to play games looking for cheaters to permanetly ban from PLAYSTATION network. at first, he doesn't believe me.
so i'm like " dude why would i lie? call me a liar but when u turn on your ps3 tomorrow or the next day you will be banned. not just from MGO but all PS3 online games. we can do this to you. you are one of the biggest cry babies i've seen online and i will be glad to make sure you never give anyone a hard time again"
and guess what,... he apologizes!
he asked me not to report him. i told him i'd think about it. next match we were on the same team. he had alot of hours but had like a 2:5 kill to death ratio.
Very similar incident: a guy wanted to do trade headshots on CoD and I said no. I killed him 3 times in a row and he was like 12 so he said "stop!" but it came out all whiny and whatnot. I told him to earn his headshots and called him some other stuff that I cant say here. anyway, he kept texting me blank emails and then, to make sure that I understood his purpose, he told me "I am going to keep sending u messages". Knowing that he was like 12 years old I said "That's ok, now I have evidence when I message Sony to ban you-- I will also contact Infinity Ward and tell them that you are cheating online"
he then responded saying "That was my brother".
Hilarious, I love manipulating children's minds especially the ones that thing they own the world.
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