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#1 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts
HAHAHA! I own a PS2, and of course, I was excited to see the PS3 when it started surfacing, but MAN! 4D??? That was too funny
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#2 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts

Face it, gaming is going in a downhill. With unreasonably high prices and consoles that break down after paying hard earned cash, people dont like being scammed.The software and hardware sales may last for a while but in the long run, it will be worthless. The previous gens were a lot better as you got quality gaming for perfect prices.


What? What games were of good quality? The launch titles, which we are seeing with the Next Gen Consoles, or the games way after the launch of these consoles? God of War? Wasnt that a great game that came at the ENDING of the PS2 generation? It's too early to tell man, anything can happen from here. Until you have all the games of the Next Gen Systems, until the Next Gen after the PS3, X360, and Wii begin to surface, THEN I'll answer the answer you want. Because by then, you'll be able to step back and look at the whole picture. Your only looking at the first chapter of a book and judging it from there.

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#4 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts
A little while ago, someone asked me if they should buy this game (lets just say Assassin's Creed) when little was known about it. Your doing something similar. Your obviously jumping the gun. The Next Gen Era is JUST beginning, so to say that the next gen is awful is making a prediction on what you've seen so far. I guarantee that there are more PS2's, Xbox's and CameCube's in any 10 houses rather than a next gen console. Why? Its not because thenext gen sucks, its because the Current Gen is still present...which is exactly why we call it current gen. When the next gen becomes the current gen, and if, by then, the Gen is bad, I'll give you the respond your looking for. Until then, I totally disagree.
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#5 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts
Ok, Alrright, glad to see that you've calmed down Valmonte, and NorthlandMan, I'm still waiting for my response. If you dont answer back, I'll have to assume that I'm right, and the the PSP didnt actually fail at all. Because if it did it would be null and void, it would cease to be in production. I think through this whole forum we've been beating around the bush, so please tell me why you think the PSP is a failure, when clearly, its not. And then after that, we can put all this aside.
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#6 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts
And as for your response to the console, and as a response to your original statement, I dont care! I UNDERSTAND That you dont like the PSP becuase its bulky, but you are WRONG in stating that the PSP is a FAILURE! That's your original argument, and no matter how many flaws you can draw out of the PSP, you are wrong, dead wrong in saying that the PSP is a failure- it is NOT a failure. Its not a failuire in the market, if it was, it would mean that the failure would be in the product itself, which is exactly what you are claiming, but this is NOT the case, thus, it is NOT a failure. Please rebuke that if you can.
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#7 GameFreakJason
Member since 2004 • 469 Posts

In terms of PSP, I think the argument is far from over. I know you recognize PSP games, but its obvious you dont recognize the PSP. How in the world is the PSP only running on missed potential? I'll ask you this again because you've only answered what you wanted to answer in my responses to you, but you've totally ignored other statements I made. Wheres the missed potential in the access of the internet? ... Ok so its not as good as getting on a computer and accessing the internet, I can see why this can be a missed potential. But what about the fact that the PSP plays music? How has that failed? Doesnt the PSP do its job of playing music, and in that case, videos and pictures? The answer is: it DOESN'T miss the opportunity. And do you know what that means? Its NOT a missed potential! Please respond to this response, because I dont think Im wrong here (not to sound arrogant).


We'll agree to disagree about benoit. Like i said, you have an obvious admiration for the mant that is alien to me so I can't even begin to see it fom your viewpoint

here are my thoughts on the PSP

As a games machine. The controls are terrible, the loading times effect its suitability as a portable device as does the battery life. The games tend to be games i can already play on my PS2 in superior form or spinoffs that have had numerous concessions to make them "fit" on the handheld.

As a portable media player. It is too bulky, it lacks in built media and the software is terrible.

That's all i have to say on the matter

Ok. We'll agree to disagree, though I doubt that will be the case. And as a closing statement on Benoit- For the HUNDREDTH TIME, I HAVE AN "ADMIRATION" FOR HIS RING WORK, NOT FOR HIS LIFE AS A MAN! Didnt I make that clear the first 80 times?

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#8 GameFreakJason
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[QUOTE="Tylendal"]Microsoft respects Nintendo's domination in this market. They realize that they would probably just be wasting money trying to make a handheld.Hexagon_777

Then why did Microsoft go up against Sony in the console market? They ended up losing 4 billion dollars as well so I doubt that they really care that much about wasting money. It was their first time to boot. Maybe their second would be better after having gained some experience?

hey hex, did they really lose 4 billion? I know that that's what an earlier post said, but is that legit? I heard little iffs about Xbox failing here and there, but are you positive they lost 4 bill?

I am not 100% positive but I saw a statistic a while back which stated that Nintendo made 4 billion, Sony made 2.5 billion and Microsoft lost 4 billion in the GameCube/PS2/Xbox generation. Since then, I have seen at least two other people, including the person who said so today (zombiepigeon), that Microsoft lost 4 billion with the Xbox. I have no actual link or anything to support that, however, yet I wouldn't mind being corrected if I am wrong. Nevertheless, since several people have mentioned and used that number so far, it seems to be common knowledge and I will continue using it unless I am corrected.

Alright cool...Wow, 4 billion, that must suck.

Anyways, Im gone for theremainder of the night,but I cant wait to see this forum tomorrow, especially the response from NorthlandMan and this ongoing argument between Valmonte, Him, Me, and everyone else who's willing to put their two cents in. As for everyone else, thanks for voting, and have a good night everybody, I'll read you up first thing tomorrow- take care

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#9 GameFreakJason
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[QUOTE="Bauers-Twin"] you don't gundown a whole police force it just doesnt happenSamXVII

Not with that attitude, it doesn't.

ahahahahahahahaha! Very funny, Lol, I didnt expect to laugh that much when I read it, but damn thats gold!

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#10 GameFreakJason
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"So what I'm saying is" my DS has given me more trouble then my PSP ever has. That's what I'm saying, and I don't need you to simplify my post or insult me.

I was just pointing out that I had more issues with the PSP than you and that the new PSP has the same battery life as the original (a statement that as far as I'm concerned still stands). There was no malice in the statement yet you (as is usually the case) chose to take offence at it and threw a hissy fit claiming that the DS is "self destructing hardware" Calm down

And since we're on the subject of hypocrisy, if you're going to cite an article to support your battery issue, try not to censor out everything that doesn't support your case. You're also overlooking the fact that the old high power batteries are still compatible, from the same article you're quoting. I guess you just overlooked that? Or did it not support your contention?

What a ridiculous statement. The new PSP is indeed compatible with the old PSP batteries (even though they jut out of the bottom). So yeah if you buy (or bought) a separate machine with a different battery you could have a better battery life, but that's the same of everything else as well (buy a better battery, get a better battery life) .The point is that the battery that comes with it (the one that fits) has the same longevity.

Prove I was too hard on my DS.

Prove that you weren't

Personally, I was under the impression that DS lite's don't "snap in half from regular and careful use" seeing as I've never heard anyone ever make such a statement.

Prove that the increased efficiency of the PSP Slim will not translate into greatly increased battery life. That's all you've got to prove.

I cant prove it, as you cant. all you have is the word of those reporting on the hardware (like Gamespot) who have said that the battery life is the same. Stop being so sensitive.

And BY THE WAY, that article you're quoting? That's a year old, AND came out a month after the DSlite. Got any recent evidence based on a number even CLOSE to the current user base?

No, but neither have you. And they're the most accurate statistics we have on the hinge issue

but obviously the problem cant be that widespread, we all the know the furore faulty hardware can cause in large numbers (see the 360)

See... what I find funny is you think you actually made a case there. All you did was admit you don't know a god damned thing and can't prove a damned thing, but want to keep on talking.I CAN prove thatmy batterylifewill increased, becausethe article states the PSPslim ismore efficient in it's battery usage, and I already have thebetterbatteries from the previous release, and I can prove itvia simple mathmatics. Reduced size battery = same or better time, standard size = MORE time. You yourself have praised the PSP's various aspects before. You don't even believe the arguments you make, so what the hell, man?

And you know what? You be MORE sensitive. You attack me personally, thenyeah, I'm gonna come at you. No, I'm not going to let it slide because you think I should take your insults with a smile. You're calling me a liar and also acting as if it was my fault that my DS broke, without any evidence.

Why would you even do that? I mean... this is an open forum. I'm sharing my issues, and I got you calling me a liar. Do you know me? As I recall you've supported me in the past, when I was arguing FOR the DS. So did I suddeny lose my credibility because something happened to me that has changed my perspective, albeit slightly?

I still like the DS. Bought a new one. But I've never had a hardware issue of that nature with the PSP. That's all I said. All the sudden you're saying I'm making claims like the DS is "shoddy brittle poorly built hardware despite all evidence to the contrary stands". First of all, I never said that. Second, what evidence to the contrary? That one article that proves A MONTH after release, the DSlite hadn't broken yet?

You know... it doesn't matter. None of that matters to me at this point. I just want to know where the hell you get off telling me how I treated my equipment, then calling me a liar when I insisted I WAS careful with my DS? Seriously. You may want to shrug it off, or somehow blame me, like it's my fault for being offended? "Don't be so sensative"?What the hell is wrong you that you would even make that statement?

I have to agree with Valmont. It seems like your running in circles with your argument- telling Valmont to prove he wasnt too hard on his DS is a riduculous argument. The only thing we have is his word, and unless Valmont used the touch screen with an electric drill, your argument is null and void. I dont want to sound like Im attacking you NorthlandMan, but I do wish that you can see that you are wrong here.