[QUOTE="GameFreakJason"] Ok Atomic Punk, you made many great points. And fine, your thing with Benoit is very understandable. I'm going to clarify this as much as possible. I use the term "hero" very loosely with Benoit only when compared to a firefighter, policeman, etc.. Ok those guys are the REAL heroes. Northman, you said I'm going easier on Benoit or excusing him because he's a wrestler. Reading over what I posted, it souns like I am. I'll always hope and fantasize that he's innocent, but when I snap out of dream state, I know evidence shows hes guilty. What he did is INEXCUSEABLE. I AGREE WITH THAT. But I see him as a HERO because of what he did in the WRESTLING COMMUNTIY. He FAILED to be a father and a husband. You said I'm going easy on him because he's a wrestler and I'm a fan, I say your stripping him of ALL credibility as a Wrestler because of what he did as a person (which I agree, is HORRIBLE!)....hmm that sounds familiar because thats EXACTLY what your doing with the PSP! Give credit for where its due! Just because theres something you dislike about someone or something doesnt mean the good that they have/do is totally disregarded! This isnt about Benoit, so let me make this about the PSP:
Ok dude, i dont want to go into this too much. You were obviously a big fan of the man and you seem like a good guy
My personal view on the situation is that he was no hero. Wrestlers are entertainers and entertainers are not heroes. A hero is defined by his deeds not by his career. Sure enough he provided enjoyment to millions of wrestling fans and he kept in shape and had skill but in the grand scheme of things he was just a skilled pantomime artist, he was no sportsman and he was certainly no hero.
and he was a reprehensible person. I dont care what he had done previous to his death but murdering your wife and child is reprehensible. That man is not resting in peace, if anything he is burning in hell and deservedly so.
Again, You are NOT giving credit where its due. I dont CARE if the handheld dropped and your dog and killed it, the PSP despite its flaws is STILL an amazing system. You told me that the PSP has ABSOLUTELY nothing good about it, and you've pointed out that a few people on here are fanboys. However, I'm saying this again because I already wrote this: YOU are the fanboy because YOU are too proud of the DS to see absolutely ANYgood in the PSP.
I dont see much good in the PSP, because there is not much good to see. i see potential, but potential wasted by bad design choices and poor software. Unfortunately potentiall is just not good enough for me
Please dont take any of this personally. It's not as if i dont recognise the quality in a lot of PSP games. In fact 2 of my most anticipated RPGs are coming to the PSP this month (jean d'arc and brave story)
WOW this is becoming one heck ofa thread. Look, in the case of Benoit, I agree with you!!! Why do you make it sound like I dont? I know he's burning in hell, and I know what he did was bad. the only difference we have is what he did in the ring. And obviously, you dont know what he did in the ring. I have, and I have enjoyed everything he has done IN THE RING! On a personal level, as a family man, he is a monster. Can we please leave it at that? Ok, fine I'll make a change- I see that I'm misusing the word "Hero". I used it in relation to the term "Fallen Angel" which desribes Satan who once was an angel, but becuase of evil, he fell into darkness- like Benoit. Ok, Can we leave Benoitat that?
In terms of PSP, I think the argument is far from over. I know you recognize PSP games, but its obvious you dont recognize the PSP. How in the world is the PSP only running on missed potential? I'll ask you this again because you've only answered what you wanted to answer in my responses to you, but you've totally ignored other statements I made. Wheres the missed potential in the access of the internet? ... Ok so its not as good as getting on a computer and accessing the internet, I can see why this can be a missed potential. But what about the fact that the PSP plays music? How has that failed? Doesnt the PSP do its job of playing music, and in that case, videos and pictures? The answer is: it DOESN'T miss the opportunity. And do you know what that means? Its NOT a missed potential! Please respond to this response, because I dont think Im wrong here (not to sound arrogant).
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