With the recent announcement of Tekken 6's multiplatform release later in 2009 I'm wondering if Sony has lost themselves.
I'm a PS3 owner and I believe that the PS3 is in the beginning of a new revolution of gaming: with games like R2, K2, LBP, Heavy Rain, GoW3 and what not coming out in the next two years I know that the PS3 has a strong lineup ahead.
But what makes Sony Playstation what it is?
To me, it's their native exclusives: Tekken, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry...
Now all these games are also on the 360/being released on the 360, so I wonder, has Sony lost its identity?
I mean, it's known for games like FF and a good portion of their fans have bought the PS3 because they believed that the PS3 was the only system to get such games.
To me it seems like Sony is trying to grasp some sort of new audience with their new set of exclusives. of course, this would be the 360 FPS fans, but so far with Resistance 1 being the only real FPS, Sony seems to have lost gaining a new audience and at the same time failing to keep their faithfuls (RPG fans, Playstation Originals such as Tekken).
I'm very excited for games like LBP but I worry about Sony in regards to the System War.
I know Sony is securing 11 new exclusives but arent these games all new games that have no kind of mainstream attention? White Knight for example.
I wonder if games like Kingdom Hearts 3, Twisted Metal Black 2, Jak and Ratchet games as well as a bunch of other Sony games will go to the 360.
My point in all of this, since I seem to be jumping all over the place, is that I wonder if Sony has lost its identity or if its trying to make a new one. It just seems that Sony is making bad business moves...
What do you guys think?
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