Its funny: I am of faith personally. I do believe in Jesus and ect. And this guy kind of missed the point of what Christianity is?
And did he not do his research. People in those days were forced into baptisms and some were drowned to death. And even in our own day, there is still religious deception. :( It is just sad that one can claim to be a christian and yet say the center of there faith is Baptism and not Jesus Christ :'(
He strikes a good point. I mean, my PC is as power as they said the PS4 was going to be.... Which is ironic saying that it was going to be more powerful than all computers :P
@insanem0nk I buy shooters for single player. Bioshock Infinite, Spec Ops: The Line, Vanquish, Medal of Honour: Warfighter (Which sucked balls, but still).
after a bunch of awful single player shooters, it is safe to assume that people who want single player games wont look to Modern Military Shooters. 99% of the time, single player sucks
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