Wow, almost didn't do my blog this week but the weird and wonderful world of gaming once again drags me back. This week I've been playing Halo 3, Soul Calibur IV, SSBB and Rock Band 2, although I have an exam coming up this week so I'm expecting my gaming time to be considerably reduced. I am however thinking of getting back into Pokemon Diamond or Sapphire again because it's a great RPG series, in fact I think if I can get my hands on a copy even starting Leaf Green or Fire Red from the start might be fun.
As far as Fable 2 goes there's a few easy achievements to pick up and I was thinking of replaying it but I've got a lot of stuff I want to play and I think it might be a good idea if I return to Fable another time, refreshed and much more eager to play. Something I didn't say last week about the game which I feel I must now though is I found the ending of that game awesome. I'll resist the compelling urge to blurt spoilers right left and centre but I found the last few moments of Fable 2 suspense-filled, exciting, breathtaking and in some ways quite eerie (I think anyone who has completed the last couple of missions knows what I'm talking about). But there it is, one of the most enjoyable video game endings I've seen in a long time.
Now has anyone heard of a man called Robert Pelloni? I know there are a lot of people out there with this seemingly insane architect of Bob's Game. For those who don't know Robert set up his site from which he made a variety of crazy announcements. Claiming that he had made a game of monumentous proportions and that in his anger over the lack of publishers willing to take it on he had barricaded himself in his room and would stay there for 100 days or until Nintendo provided him with the SDK he needed to complete his game. From that point onwards things just got stranger and stranger with Robert most recently being abducted by aliens... Apparently. But as it seems to have turned out out good friend/terrifying nutcase Bob is in fact simply a character within Bob's game. Driven mad by the series of events that have distressed him so greatly he has become the evil final boss of Bob's Game. Ladies and gentlemen my mind is somewhat blown. I find myself very much curious at this point about a game that I might have otherwise had no interest in and it's also quite aurreal looking back at people's reactions to what we now know is just a made up character.
Thank you for all reading, whether you're a regular reader of just a random fellow browsing the forums. This week I'll leave you with this trailer for Bob's Game.
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