If anybody is reading this blog then I thank you very much, this is just a couple of thoughts over gaming I’ve had today.
Earlier today I was walking through Game looking through things thinking “Oh maybe I’ll buy this, errrr…. Maybe this as well, man I have some spare money for this” and then I remembered “Oh wait, I’m trying to use pocket money to save for the Wii” and this is a dilemma I have found myself in a lot quite lately but it’ll all be worth it when I have my console and I have my birthday coming up soon and maybe I’ll get a couple of games via my presents. But it has left me wondering how much people who are non-gamers are prepared to pay; I got my gamecube for £100, prices then moved up to £100 for the DS, a handheld console and it’s definite that the Wii is going to be somewhere over £100. I am not saying these consoles aren’t worth the price but I’m wondering if non-gamers are thinking “that much for a console? This is not something I wanna get into” before even touching a game, but game prices are higher in England than the USA.
Secondly all the latest Spore news appeared on Gamespot today and I was once again very interested in reading another Will Wright’s interview but the date of Spore’s release has been announced yet later than previously predicted and I am seriously wondering how I am going to cope but I am also waiting for the next Harry Potter book as well as the Wii at the moment and I’ve found you kind of have to just forget about it to cope with things and I’ve trying to also be able to read the other Harry Potter books and playing Super Smash Bros. Melee in anticipation of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and I suppose you can play The Sims while waiting for Spore but it’s just not the same.
These are just a couple of thoughts from me and although I know there aren’t too many people reading my blogs but if I don’t post there’s no chance I’ll be heard anyway but if you have put up with me thank you very much :)
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