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Interesting week. Unfortunately my old wireless internet connection packed up so I decided I needed a new one and fast. I got a good looking ****** router and in my haste forgot that I was working with a 6 year old computer, so it only has a single ethernet port and even if I wanted to run this thing straight of my modem it comes with special software which must be installed while my router is connected to my PC and my PC is connected to the internet. This is not the real problem though, I could just go out and get a USB adapter, but I decided to prioritise, so I tested my connection. The real problem is that even placing the router as close to my wireless devices as possible and removing almost all possible obstructions I'm still only getting a very weak signal; it could be that the router is not as strong as it should be or it could be next door's new very strong WEP signal interfering with mine (the more likely answer). I'm really at a bit of a loss as what to do now. It's taking a bit of a toll not having any online for my 360 or Wii.

However this week I have been playing a bit of Pokemon Diamond, WoW, Guitar Hero 3 and Halo 3 campaign. I'm also leaning slightly back towards Burnout in my choice between buying Burnout Paradise and No More Heroes. I'm still pretty hyped for Spore though.

Anyway GDC 08 has sparked a lot of talk about the gaming industry once again, but it's all a little weird. The so called experts voicing their ideas and opinions are usually quite creative but seem detatched from the modern world of gaming. If only they could see how insane their statements are when they start talking about current game genres being aboslished and being replaced with 'action, sci-fi, drama etc.' or how flawed it is when you talk about removing the levelling system from MMOs and trying to instead motivate players by the clothes their character wears. Meanwhile we have some absolute geniuses that are confined to just writing in the soapbox, here on Gamespot, but I suppose that is how the world works.

Thanks for reading and shoutout to PJ24, Neojedi, Edpeterson, zxv33, Fishdalf and Jimb0. I'll leave you this week with the brilliant Digitalph33r's Master Cheif Sucks at Halo 3.


Wrongs and Wright's

In honour of Ryan Davis

Ryan Davis, Former Associate Editor

So my half term holiday is winding down and I really don't want it to end but it's been great fun while it lasted. I've been playing World of Warcraft and I'm now level 44 with a mount. I've also been playing Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Pokemon Diamond Version and even a little Wii Sports (just because I have a 360 doesn't mean I don't still love my Wii). Although I said the next game I would buy would be Burnout Paradise I'm seriously considering getting No More Heroes for the Wii, there aren't many games of that quality on the system.

Now on to all the wonderful bits of news this week. At least one piece of good news is that Ryan Davis is still on the net and has his blog 'Boosh!' here, great so see him keep going. The sales figures for January are also out and the 360 seems to have been affected badly by shortages although the PS3 is catching up with the Wii; granted there are still Wii shortages but this massive flood in PS3 sales seems like people are just snapping up consoles in light of the situation with Blu-Ray without thinking for 5 seconds, then again look at all the people who bought the Wii on impulse. It has also been announced that there will be a new Guitar Hero entirely based around Aerosmith and I don't like the sound of this, either the developers have sold out or they are making a long line of these games and the problem with that is.. Well do you remember all those minor Sims 2 expansions, it feels like that is what's happening with this game, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith could very well be the equivalent of The Sims 2: Holiday Party Pack, but I'm not gonna make my full mind up before the games even released of course.

But this week saw some news that in my opinion is so great I not only gave it its own paragraph but actually extended the length of my blog, I know, shocking stuff :o . It seems that Will Wright's outstanding creation Spore is almost finished and the game is looking as great as it did when he first presented it to us. I've been excited about few games in my life as much as I have about Spore and after a torturous delay the masterpiece is almost done. If you haven't seen Spore yet I strongly advise you to read up on it, unfortunately I can't get all that excited yet as even the US has been given an early September release date. There has also been some strange things said about formatting, working out precisely what platforms Spore will be on is a bit of a mystery, as Wright originally said apart from PC the only home console he would be bringing it too was the Wii, as that was the only true next-gen console. But we also know it's coming out for DS and 'all next-gen consoles' as EA described it.

Anyway thanks for reading for another week. Shoutout to Edpeterson, Zxv33, Fishdalf and my WoW guild Excelsior (on Nagrand). Finally I'll leave you with Smooth Few Films The Over-Achiever.


More of the 2nd Book

I shouldn't have to open with this again but another excellent face of Gamespot has announced their leaving this week. On Febuary 4th Ryan Davis announced that for various reasons, including the firing of Jeff he would be leaving and the 14th will be his final day on the site, it's another sad moment seeing such an excellent man go but that seems to be the way of Gamespot. Good thing Joystiq is reporting this stuff or we might never know, of course I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up reporting the departure of further staff at this point... Not surprisingly I still have no wish to re-activate my subscription.

Now on to me personally. I've completed Undertow and it was good, not great, just good. Still working away at Advance Wars: Dark Conflict and that's really cool but my yearning for Burnout Paradise is steadily growing. I've broken into hard mode in GH3 and I've been playing more Halo 3 but this week my brother has been hogging the Xbox and I don't like playing alongside him because however nice you are to him he's always a jerk.

Anyway DICE '08 has been pretty cool this year, nothing too shocking but still a sweet event. I'd also like to give you the next part of the little story about my friend Mirco whose Xbox broke as I told you in my last blog. Well he got it back and he doubted they'd even actually repaired it, but plugged it in and started playing CoD4, the machine was rattling loudly and in 3-4 hours it broke down, displaying 3 red lights. Microsoft have said that they'll actually exchange it for a working model this time, but that hasn't stopped them from causing problems in the mean time though with truely idiotic tech support staff. Good luck to Mirco with that one.

Thanks for reading once again and to Mars188 and Fishdalf for commenting on my blog. I'd also like to give zxv33 a shoutout for her enlightening "10 things I hate that my customers do". This week I'll also leave you with the humourous 'Day in the Life of a Turret' from Smooth Few Films (WARNING: Contains strong language). Peace out.


Flyin' Like O' Brian

Okay this edition of the blog will honestly be shorter. First off I have picked up Advance Wars: Dark Conflict and it's a great game, my advice is if you like you like the look of it or have played advance wars in the past then you're more than likely to enjoy Dark Conflict. I've also got Undertow, Microsofts little game to compensate for the Xbox Live problems over the Christmas holiday and it's not bad; the campaign can get somewhat repetative and the story feels very glued together but graphics and gameplay generally hold up and hey, it's free. I've also downloaded the Rex HD demo and my first impression is that it's alright but like many Live Arcade titles it's nothing that great.

So apart from that I've been playing a whole array of 360 titles (yes, that includes Halo 3). I'm still putting off on buying Call of Duty 4 though because I feel like I want to get all the enjoyment out of Halo I can before I move on to something else, it's not really fair to chuck such an awesome game on the backlog pile while I move onto a new one. Also thanks to my friend Mirco who has lent me Ace Combat 6 after his Xbox broke down 1 month after the warranty expired (Microsoft are now repairing it for a charge of £60). On another topic as some of you will know I've also been keeping up with SSBB but I want you to know that now all the secret content is being announced I've decided to stop so no spoilers please.

I'm gonna skip the news now, although just for the record I don't believe the PS3 is "Out of the Woods". I'm gonna leave you with a little video of stupidity which actuallt left me screaming "I'm gonna f**king harpoon all of you" at my PC monitor; remeber when Kevin McCullough posted his rant about the "sex sim" that is Mass Effect? Well it makes that guy look sane when you see an entire news channel broadcasting about it. So I proudly present a bunch of people have have not done more than look at the promotional website for the game ranting about the sexual content in Mass Effect, well actually there is one guy who knows what he's talking about but they just seem to ignore him, nice job Fox!


The Long Road to (Days of) Ruin

In honour of Alex Navarro

Alex Navarro, Former Associate Editor

Hi and welcome to another blog. Firstly I'd like to apologise for the length of my last two blogs, I know I went a little overboard but I'll cut this one down a little. It does help that we didn't have an editor leave this week so that should save a paragraph or two. However I'm sure many of you have noticed the uproar over Navarro has been much weaker than what we had when Gerstmann left, I think this is because Navarro left by choice and he wasn't quite as popular as Jeff but mainly that it's been a relatively short amount of time after Gerstmann-gate everybody kinda still has their defence up.

So I've been playing a little Halo 3, some Guitar Hero, some Advance Wars: Dual Strike and some Animal Crossing: Wild World and they're all good. However I went through another level and a half of The Simpsons Game and every bit of that game I play makes everything in the pile of unfinished games on my desk seem more and more enticing. I've even got into Bioshock a little and that's a great experience, I don't think I've ever played a shooter that feels quite like Bioshock. I've eased up a little on Assassin's Creed though, the whole experience has gotten a little repetetive as I was warned of.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is still looking positively awesome and Burnout Paradise looks excellent too, I mean I enjoyed the demo and in reality that wasn't even that good but for some reason I'm still putting off my purchase of that game for Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (I know, I can't quite bring myself to call it Dark Conflict) which I'm gonna get today. The things is I have no clue why I'm buying Days of Ruin instead of Paradise, it's weird. Oh and I'm aware it's perhaps a little late but my review of Viva Pinata is finally up on the site (WARNING: Over 1000 words long).

The figures keep rolling in for the profits of the gaming industry and Nintendo once again amaze as they've managed to hit a global sale count of 20,000,000 Wiis, while Microsoft also have some very strong sales, boasting a $357,000,000 profit on video games. My favourite piece of news this week though comes from columnist for The Times (yeah, this woman actually works for a newspaper), Janice Turner who has written a lovely article called "Xbox is Crack for Kids", the weird thing is she manges to put together a half decent argument until the last couple of paragraphs where she just starts rambling on idiotically. Luckily this has been met with plenty of constructive criticism... Oh and if you haven't heard, Rockstar are having trouble getting Manhunt 2 to UK shelves again, but that's just the kind of news you don't need to be told about to know that it's happening.

Anyway thanks for reading one again and I'll leave you with this quote from Pure Pwnage, "Like most noobs are like, are like, like total noobs. Like you can train, like, a noob, but he'll just be like a trained noob". And just to finish, shoutout to Mars188, PJ24, Fishdalf, CmdrMcNeil and Zxv33... I made it too long again didn't I?

-Gamer_152 (A man who finally has the Axe Grinder Achievement)

Another One Bites The Dust

A summary of the week: Brawl delayed, gaming sales figures outstanding, news interesting, games great, internet idiots plentiful, Navaro leaving. Me personally? Well I've been playing a little Guitar Hero III (still can't do hard but i'll keep practicing) and I've also been playing Halo 3 (Lieutenant Grade 2). I haven't got round to continuing The Simpsons Game because there are frankly better games for me to play at the moment... and my bro is always on the Xbox these days but I will get round to it eventually! I've also been playing Assassin's Creed (if you haven't seen the game it's like Spiderman with pointed weapons) and i'm, enjoying it immensely, perhaps more so than some because the kinda of adventure game I like is usually filled with puzzles (like Zelda) instead of raw combat but whatever way you look at it the game is great, i'm aware it's going to end on a lousy cliffhanger though which even at this point is a little dissapointing considering the story isn't that bad. I've also just started Bioshock and replaying Advance Was: Dual Strike and they're good to. I'm still hyped for Dark Conflict (it's what they're calling Days of Ruin in Europe for some reason).

Anyway I've gone on far too long about myself, let me start on some of the weeks event with something I need to talk about first before I can really say anything else. We saw the likes of Greg Kasavin, Rich Gallup and then Jeff Gerstmann leave Gamespot in one way or another but at least we still had the intelligent, game loving, humourous friend of Jeff, Alex Navaro around to bring a little character to the shows and reviews. Not any more, just like Jeff there's no "official" word yet but the news was announced on one of the minor gaming sites (although he has more recently posted about it in his blog). It's important to say if you haven't read the article that Navarro is leaving by choice but his departure is somewhat connected with the Gerstmann-gate crisis. This is horrible, we're losing another excellent Gamespot editor who had so much to bring to the site but because of CNETs decision to fire Jeff in the first place, it's come back to bite them in the ass but it's much worse for us and the Gamespot staff than it is for CNET. I personally have taken this opportunity after considering it so many times to terminate my Gamespot Total Access subscription. I'm not saying it's forever but i'll reactivate it when I feel it'll really be worth it. If you're looking to read more on the whole thing check out Laughlyn's editorial.

I'd continue on a lighter note but sadly there's more bad news to come. The eagerly awaited Wii title Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been delayed again. I think any of you that have ever been on the forums know what kind of fan base Super Smash Bros. has but it's just one delay after another. Nintendo knew it was going to happen and they did admit you could probably work it out by looking at the updates on their site and comparing them to the release date but this doesn't help when not too many months ago I thought me and thousands of others would be playing Brawl right now. Still, it makes you wonder, would we of been happier if they'd announced one date really far off in the distance instead of letting us take it a few months at a time? On the plus side I suppose it did get a perfect score fom Japan's top gaming mag and that does make it seem a little more worth the wait. The joy the announcement of the various Pikmin updates brought me also made me realise I have an unhealthy obsession with our little multicouloured friends but all the updates seem pretty original none the less.

The gaming figures for the U.S in 2007 are also now in and they're unbelievable. You can read them for yourself, but gaming sales up 43%? Now that's impressive. It was also interesting to see how Nintendo didn't quite dominate the market as much as I thought they would, especially with the surge in PS3 sales. In fact from an industry point of view December may be the most interesting month of 2007. Unfortunately another case of "video-game-related" killing has occurred and I think as games become more popular this is only going to get worse and worse and it's really nasty stuff. Ironically in the other side of the news we have surgeons using the Wii to help train their hand for careful operation, although i'd like to say for the record that I don't think their entire training consists of sitting around playing the Wii all day.

Thanks to everyone who actually survived another of my lengthy posts and I'll leave you with a few things, firstly this brilliant video game crossword by U1, what happens when a man who has never played Mass Effect decides to do a full page rant about it (WARNING: contains explicit sex references) and an article by GabuEx hilarious for other reasons.

The Log of Spartan- I52

Has it only been 7 days since my last blog? It seems so long ago, it's strange. But we're all back in full swing now at our workplaces, schools and colleges and I can't really say it's good to be back but it could be worse. On the gaming side I've been playing yet more Halo 3 as well as Guitar Hero III (it's a game that never gets old) but i'm still trying to work my way up to hard mode, i'm finding it a little tricky. I've also started playing The Simpsons Game and I knew it wasn't gonna be the greatest game ever made but as a big Simpsons fan i'm still slightly disapointed by the games flaws but it does have its moments and there's no way i'm not seeing it through to the end. I also want to pick up Burnout Paradise and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin which'll be coming out this month but there's stil huge backlog from 2007. I also did manage to pick up that headset and controller at GAME last Saturday but this stuff is still greedily expensive.

The industry still seems to be very eager to get right into the thick of it as we saw quite a collection of interesting items at CES 2008 from realistic Guitar Hero controllers with custom designs (one of my personal highlights of the show)to ridiculously powerful gaming rigs. One of the biggest events though was of course the Microsoft keynote address which was very strange to say the least. For some reason I also find myself somewhat surprised by the huge rush of subscriptions over the Christmas holidays which has led to the totalling of the 10 million members, I suppose with the kind of games it got delivered fresh onto its plate in 2007 it's not that unusual, it's kind of funny when you think Sony were proclaiming the Wii shortage this Christmas would benefit them so strongly and while I'm on the subject I hope the fact that Nintendo did announce a Christmas shortage will change the minds of some who think the shortage is artificial. Back to what I was saying before though i'm also kind perplexed by the announcement that the film company MGM, of which Sony own 20% will be releasing their movies onto Microsoft's Xbox 360, sounds like Sony didn't have much of a say in thw whole thing. What made that keynote really special though is that it had the one thing that every good keynote needs, what's that you ask? Why, Slash of course. I think Gamespot summed it up when they captioned this picture "You were OK, but the guy with the funny hat behind you was great". On the flip side the lowest point of the convention for me (besides, of course the obvious lack of Jeff)was "Air Guitar Hero" which from all observation at this point simply seems to be a cheap toy among giants but you can't have everything.

But with further weirdness apparently the Queen plays the Nintendo Wii (where do they get this stuff?), somebody is sueing Microsoft for the Xbox Live outage but if I've got this right our free game to compensate for the outage is worth more than the subscription time we lost, this guy is the only one actually making a loss, paying for the legal costs of an unwinnable case. Another interesting case is also from a guy claiming that Sony and Nintendo's (interestingly he's taking no action against Microsoft) wireless controllers use a patented system invented by him, all he has to do is take those two companies down then he can just get onto busting the manufacturers of every wireless electronic device ever created.

Thanks for reading once again, shout out to CmdrNcNeil,PJ24, zxv33 and in response to Fishdalf's comment from last week I think they've made the downloadable tracks for Guitar Hero 3 generally more challenging as they probably it'll be more hardcore fans who wanna buy those tracks. I'll just leave you with something this week which is quite special although totally unrelated to gaming, where you can donate rice to the starving simply by playing a word game (thanks to Conver for originally posting about that one)... Bye!


New Years Revolution

It's 2008 and what a happy new year it is. What kind of '08 are we going to see? Well if 2007 as simply a coincidental culmination of a lot of development then 2008 could be just another normal year in video games (which let's face it is still pretty good), but if the bar really has been raised by games in recent years and lots of developers are understanding how to make brilliant titles then we could be in for a thrilling 2008. As for me I've played through the first two or three chapters of Half-Life 2: Episode One and I'm quite impressed, I've also played a little Guitar Hero 3 and a little Animal Crossing: Wild World. The crowning glory of my week though has got to be Halo 3, I finished the campaign and it seemed like the further towards the end I got the better it got, at this pointa lot ofpeople were raving for a Halo 4 or even trying to use obscure and loose pieces of "evidence" to delusion themselves with the idea of a Halo 4. I'm afraid at this point Halo 4 is just not what I want, it would continue the plot from an otherwise somewhat open-ended finish but even restarting some kind of conflict would be tricky without it seeming a cheap tacked-on bit of writing, I'm more than content with all that Halo 1-3 has to offer.

Anyway it was my brothers birthday on the 31st and boy did he get lucky, Assassin's Creed, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (although that'll really only expand the game I already own) and The Simpsons Game. Little of this has been played but I think I might have lured him away with Halo 3 (either that or he's jelous that I beat the game and he hasn't or something like that) but this'll probably only be a temporary fixation before he jumps back on World of Warcraft, still at least he's made some kinda progress. I myself have this wek bought 2 singles and the Foo Fighters Pack for Guitar Hero 3, as well as the Halo 3 heroic map pack, all good stuff and I'm very pleased about Microsoft's offer to give everyone worldwidde a free XBLA game after the spotty holiday service, it's not the sort of move I'd expect from them but I think they know if record numbers of people are signing up then they need to keep them. I'll also be picking up a controller, headset and possibly a memory card. I just hope I can enjoy it all because I'm going back into college on Monday and exams start first week back.

Anyway thanks once again for reading and I'll leave you with thisscreenshot of me from Halo 3. -Gamer_152

Stastistics Schmatistics

Sorry there was no Christmas blog but once again I couldn't get my little brother off of World of Warcraft long enough (he's giving himself headaches now). Anyway I had a very happy Christmas and I hope all of you did too, I know a lot of people on the site took a short break so they could spend their Christmas with their families but now everybody seems back and ready to welcome in the new year. For Christmas I got Command & Conquer 3 and The Orange Box and my brother got Halo 3 and Bioshock. I've played a little of Command & Conquer andWorld of Warcraft this week but my main focus has been on Guitar Hero 3, Halo 3 and Animal Crossing: Wild World. I wasn't that hyped when I actually started playing Halo 3 but even if my brother hasn't laid his hands on it yet I'm really enjoying it, it's such an awesome shooter and a brilliant conlusion to the series, not that Guitar Hero 3 still isn't a blast (5 stars on Raining Blood by Slayer on Easy and I got myself the Axe Grinder Achievement). There really were too many good games this year to play all before 2008.

However I've been watching the Best of 2007 awards and have come up with a list summarising how many consoles had its games win awards. The totalling did turn out to be a little more complicated than expected. I have had to exclude certain catagories (e.g biggest news) and when a game has been nominated for it's release across several platforms I've had to add fractions of awards and then round off at the end. I've also of course removed the platform awards from the listings for obvious reasons and for the overall scoring I've added up all the awards the consoles won from Special Achievemnts and Genre Awards and then subtracted what they won in dubious honours. Before you start reading I think the most important thing I need to mention though is that this is only a statistical summary and should not be treated as anything else, enjoy.

Special Achievements

  • PC: 7
  • Xbox 360: 7
  • Wii: 3
  • Nintendo DS: 1
  • Playstation 2: 1
  • Playstation 3: 1
  • PSP: 0

Dubious Honours

  • Xbox 360: 3
  • Playstation 2: 1
  • Playstation 3: 1
  • Wii: 1
  • PSP: 1
  • Nintendo DS: 1
  • PC: 0

Genre Awards

  • Xbox 360: 4
  • PC: 3
  • Wii: 2
  • Playstation 2: 1
  • Playstation 3: 1
  • PSP: 0
  • Nintendo DS: 0

Game of the Year

  • Won by Wii


  • PC: 9
  • Xbox 360: 8
  • Wii: 5
  • Playstation 2: 1
  • Playstation 3: 1
  • Nintendo DS: 0
  • PSP: -1

  • Microsoft: 17
  • Nintendo: 5
  • Sony: 1

I really didn't expect the minus one to be thrown in there but on the bright side if I were counting platform awards the PSP would of come in at 0 awards.. Anyway my choice for Game of The Year in case your still wondering was Halo 3. Thanks to everyone who commented on my last blog, I'm not going todo a fanboyish shout-out this time but know that I apprecaite it. Sorry to anyone who's Christmas blog I couldn't get round to posting on but believe me there were a lot of Christmas blogs but I do wish you all a happy 2008 to everyone, although it'll be hard to top 2007 in the gaming department.


A Hammer-On Holiday

So I have Guitar Hero 3! This is the first Guitar Hero game I've actually owned and it's brilliant, it's awesome, it's unbelievable. You wouldn't believe the trouble I had trying to tear myself away from it to write this blog. Anyway it's also the Christmas holidays and that's awesome too, after my longest term at college I finally get two weeks off to enjoy the awesome games I'm getting for Christmas (then straight back for exams) but the strange thing is even with Halo 3, The Orange Box and the other games I'm getting all that seems to matter to me now is Guitar Hero 3. I would like to thank PJ24, Mars 188 and Fishdalf who commented on my last blog and I;d also like to give a shoutout to CmdrMcNeil who I have mentioned before but is now back up on Gamespot, his video blogs are long but if you like blogs they're very well worth watching.

Anyway this Guitar newbie has been up to a little something else lately, the Best and Worst of 2007 awards are coming up and I hope you've allvoted. The slight concern I have is that the recent release of Call of Duty 4 is giving it a hype which is unfairly boosting it above the competition but my worries may be unfounded, anyway here are my choices:

Special Achievements

  • Most Surprisingly Good Game: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
  • Best Story: Bioshock
  • Best Graphics, Technical: Crysis
  • Best Graphics, Artistic: Assasin's Creed
  • Best New Character: GLaDOS, The Orange Box
  • Biggest News: Vivendi merges with Activision in $18.9B deal
  • Best Expansion Pack: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
  • Best Downloadable Console Game: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
  • Best New Gaming Hardware: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT Video Card
  • Best Downloadale Content: Rock Band
  • Best Atmosphere: Bioshock
  • Best Original Music: Super Mario Galaxy
  • Best Liscensed Music: Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
  • Best Sound Design: Bioshock
  • Best Voice Acting: The Orange Box
  • Best Use of a Creative Liscense: The Simpsons Game
  • Funniest Game: The Simpsons Game
  • Best Multiplayer Game: Halo 3
  • Best Original Game Mechanic: The Orange Box
  • Most Improved Sequel: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Most Innovative Game: The Orange Box
  • Best Use of Control Scheme: Warioware: Smooth Moves

Dubious Honours

  • Most Despicable Use of In-Game Advertising: Need for Speed Prostreet
  • Worst Trend: Lousy Cliffhangers
  • Most Disappointing Game: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
  • Flat-Out Worst Game: Anubis 2
  • Worst Game Everyone Played: Spiderman 3
  • Best Game No-one Played: Hotel Dusk: Room 215
  • Most Disappointing Delay: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Genre Awards

  • Best Adventure Game: Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
  • Best Fighting Game: Virtua Fighter 5 Online
  • Best Driving Game: Forza Motorsport 2
  • Best Rhythm/Music Game: Rock Band
  • Best Sports Game: Madden NFL 08
  • Best Action-Adventure Game: Assasin's Creed
  • Best Shooter: Halo 3
  • Best Platformer: Super Mario Galaxy
  • Best Puzzle Game: The Orange Box
  • Best Role-Playing Game: Super Paper Mario
  • Best Strategy Game: World in Conflict

Platform Awards

  • Best Nintendo DS Game: Pokemon Diamond
  • Best PSP Game: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
  • Best Playstation 2 Game: God of War 2
  • Best Xbox 360 Game: Halo 3
  • Best Playstation 3 Game: Assasin's Creed
  • Best Wii Game: Super Mario Galaxy
  • Best PC Game: The Orange Box

Game of the Year

  • Game of the Year: To be Announced in my Christmas Blog

Thanks for Reading and happy holidays to all, I'm gonna get back to Guitar Hero 3 now but I'll leave you with a video of the famous Ben playing Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert.
