Being in the middle of a gaming ADD attack, I am currently staring at a pile of half-finished or barely-begun games. While I try to make no value judgements about this current status, I cannot feel myself getting into gaming lately.
I began Mirror's Edge some months ago, and found myself really enjoying the new parkour game mechanics. The banter that I have heard - from blogs, reviews, and videos - that the combat elements needed to be thrown away, is completely spot-on. Those segments feel awkward; they stop the momentum of the game, both figuratively and literally. Anyhow, once I got to the section of the game where combat became unavoidable, I put the game down. I still don't know if I'll ever pick it up again.
Fallout 2 was a game that I jumped into with much enthusiasm, seeings as how I so thoroughly enjoyed the original. This second one just isn't grabbing me like the first one did. Yeah, there are improvements - like the party system - but there is a lack of "oomph" to the story. The beginning of the original game grabbed me quickly, yet this one just comes off as... retarded. You're attempting to save your primitive tribe? Contrasted with saving your Vault? It just comes off as very "me-too," as in the story is similar enough to be familiar, and yet dumb enough to kill what was special about the first one. I'm finding myself consulting a walkthrough so that I can plow through the main storyline of this game and experience all that I can before I play Fallout 3.
Dawn of War II is a game that I hate playing on principle. While I loved the first Dawn of War, and its numerous expansions, the sequal's gameplay is such a departure from what I enjoyed that I am not seeing this game as a true sequal. No, it seems to be more "in the spirit of..." To those uninitiated, the first game is a RTS that focuses more on tactics, while the second is more of a action-RPG with tactical elemens. I'm a few missions from completing this game, and finding myself loving the inclusion of Games for Windows Live (yay for achievements on the PC), but hating the inclusion of STEAM (boo, I can't trade the game in).
Starcraft is such a phenomenon that I can't help but try to play it. I mean, it's practically a national sport in Korea, and the second game is highly anticipated. But so far, it's boring. It's boring as hell. Normally, I can get past dated graphics, but combined with the stupid-ass story, I am finding it difficult to play. Combine this with a known flickering-screen bug (thanks, Xfire), and I can't even show off to the gaming world that I'm playing this game (finally)!
World of Goo is a great indie game, without being a great game. The basic mechanic is great, yet it got old quickly. Stack the goo balls, build a bridge, stack some more... I'm all for promoting independent games and their developers, but man.... this game was best played as a demo.
Maybe tomorrow I'll just start Dragon Age and fully engross myself into the game.
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