As of 9pm tonight (after playing with the girls, grading papers, and typing up a paper for my homework), I finished "Crysis." Fanboyism aside, this game is all that everybody claimed it to be.
My review:
Grade: 9.5
I don't need to talk about the open gameplay. I don't need to talk about the amazing graphics. Nor do I need to mention the powersuit your character uses to give him superhuman powers.
What I DO need to mention is how solid this game is throughout its entirety. Sean Elliot, in the official 1up review, feels that the ending was a let-down. I suspect this is due to his previewing the game. Once certain features were cut from the game, Sean seemed to lament their absence. Look, the final stretch was a great break from the beginning. A game that repeats itself for hours can get boring, and the zero-gravity levels followed by the linear ice stage with escort mission, culminating in the on-rails shooter was a fantastic break in between the open gameplay of the beginning, and the open play at the end.
Great final boss fight that didn't seem cliche in thatthere was a REASON for this boss fight; it didn't feel shoehorned in to the game for the sake of following convention.
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